Detailed description and characteristics of the Claudia F1 variety cucumber

Cucumber is a vegetable that can be found on every household plot of .To obtain a rich harvest, it is necessary to find the right place, prepare the soil and follow all the rules for growing this beloved and useful culture. From all this depends on the quantity and quality of the harvest. In this article, , we’ll talk about Claudius F1 variety cucumbers.


  • Description and cucumber varieties feature Claudia
  • Advantages and cucumbers disadvantages
  • to soil requirements
  • Planting and growing
    • Seed
    • seedling
  • Care
    • Garter
    • watering and hoeing
    • Feeding
  • Diseases and
    • prevention Powdery mildew
    • Cucumber mosaic
  • harvest andstorage rules

Description and characteristics of cucumber variety Claudia

Claudia is a variety of cucumber forming fruits without pollination , as it has female-type flowers.

Claudia F1 - high-yielding and thermophilic variety , was bred in the 90s by hybridization. Fruiting occurs two months after the first shoots.

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The bush forms climbing shoots and, as a result, is loved to be grown in greenhouse conditions.

According to the description, the fruits have an elongated shape with small tubercles on the skin, up to 12 cm long and weighing up to 90 grams.

According to the characteristics of the pulp is dense, without bitterness and with a fragrant taste.

The variety is high-yielding and heat-loving, does not need to be pollinated.

The advantages and disadvantages of cucumbers

Claudia F1 variety cucumbers enjoyed the taste of many gardeners because of the following:

  • Mid-season and high-yielding.
  • The variety is resistant to cucumber diseases.
  • Grown in both open and closed ground.
  • The variety is good for making salads and is ideal for canning.
  • The disadvantages include only:

    1. Heat loving.
    2. The variety is not early maturing. Claudia F1
    3. is susceptible to powdery mildew and cucumber mosaic.
    Pros variety: mid-season and high-yielding, does not have bitterness in fruits

    Soil requirements

    To obtain a rich harvest, you must take full responsibility for the choice of location and quality of the soil for planting seeds or cucumber seedlings.

    Cucumber - heat-loving culture and therefore, when planting, you must choose a sunny place with fertile soil.

    Properly selected place increases seed germination and seedling survival rate:

    • beds, for planting cucumbers in open ground, prepared in a well-lit place, without drafts;
    • soil should be with neutral acidity, loose and moisture-intensive;
    • in preparing the ridges in the fall, it is necessary to add organic matter, in the form of manure, and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers to the ground;
    • for spring preparation - add compost or humus.

    Planting and growing

    Cucumbers can be planted in greenhouses and in open ground, seedling and seed.

    Seeds of

    Before sowing, it is necessary to prepare seeds. For this you need:

    1. Select high-quality seeds .Prepared seeds should be dipped in brine, after five minutes all the seeds that have been lowered are washed and dried.
    2. Seeds are soaked to the nakleva , for this they are wrapped in a damp cloth.
    3. Seed Warming .This procedure is necessary to obtain more female-type flowers.
    4. Disinfection - for good germination and getting rid of pathogenic bacteria. Prepared seeds are disinfected for 25 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
    Before sowing, soak the seeds until nakleva, warm and disinfect

    To plant seeds of the Claudia F1 variety in the open ground, you can only after heating the soil at 18-20 degrees.

    To do this, it is necessary to make beds 100 cm wide and 25 cm high. For such beds, seeds are sown in two rows at a distance of 15 cm from each other and to a depth of 2 cm.


    They grow up seedlings for an earlier harvest:

    1. For seedlings seeds are sown in the middle or end of April , depending on climatic conditions. The optimal time for sowing is one month before disembarking to a permanent place.
    2. Seeds are planted in a nourishing and moist soil.
    3. To accelerate germination it is necessary to make a micro-greenhouse, where the temperature will hold about 25 degrees.
    4. After the emergence of the seedlings, watering is carried out using the spray gun only after the topsoil has dried out.
    5. In order to prevent seedling stretching, it is necessary to gradually lower the temperature.
    6. Before planting a permanent , seedlings need to be hardened by .For this, seedlings are carried out to the open air for a few minutes.

    The root system of cucumbers is quite fragile .Therefore, seedlings are recommended to grow in peat pots, in which they are planted in a permanent place.

    For seedlings, seeds are sown in the middle or end of April, better in peat cups.

    . Care

    . Claudia F1 cucumber will enjoy a generous harvest only if you follow uncomplicated care rules.

    Care for the Claudia F1 variety consists in garter, watering and loosening, fertilizing.

    Garter Since the variety is medium-lined, needs to be properly shaped and tied up with .Garter significantly increases yield.

    To form a bush, it is necessary at a height of 100 cm to pinch the top of the bush in open ground and at a height of 120 cm for greenhouse cultivation.

    Side shoots are shortened at a length of 50 cm, and second-order shoots should not exceed 15 cm.

    How to shape cucumbers:

    Watering and loosening

    Watering cucumbers depends on climatic conditions:

    • in hot weather, they irrigate the daily water in the morning, in winter, in winter.
    • in cloudy weather - once a week;
    • for each bush should be consumed up to 3 liters.
    Watering should be done exclusively under the root, since water on the leaves can cause leaf burn and powdery mildew.

    Loosening of the soil between the rows is necessary to ensure air penetration to the root system. This procedure is carried out every 14 days. Loosening is carried out after watering to a depth of 4-8 cm.

    Watering should be carried out exclusively under the root

    . Top dressing

    The quality and quantity of the crop depends on timely feeding.

    The first two supplements are administered at 10-day intervals, before fruiting. To do this, use the mineral dressing.

    During the fruiting period of , the plant also needs a sufficient amount of nutrients. They are fed three times per season with an interval of 7-10 days, with organic and mineral fertilizers.

    Top dressing is carried out in the morning after careful strait brushing.

    From organic matter, manure ideally diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10 or a concentrated solution of Ideal( 0.5 liters per 50 liters of water) is ideal.

    An oversupply of fertilizer will lead to an extensive increase in green mass, and the formation of flowers and ovaries will be very scarce.

    Common mistakes when growing:

    1. Thick landing.
    2. Failure of the garter and the formation of the bush.
    3. Irregular watering.
    4. Insufficient feeding of the bush.
    5. Untimely harvest.
    For manure suitable manure diluted in water and concentrated solution of Ideal

    Diseases and Prevention

    Claudia F1 variety is immune to many diseases, but can be affected by powdery mildew and borage mosaic .

    Mealy dew

    This is an fungal disease that infects leaves as a white, mealy coating. The fungus during reproduction takes all the micronutrients from the plant. When untimely assistance, the plant dies.

    The disease can occur: with an excess of nitrogenous fertilizers and water on the leaves when watering.

    Treatment consists of spraying an bush with fungicides or folk methods.

    Cucumber mosaic

    viral disease - infects leaves and fruits. They take a yellow-green color and eventually begin to shrink.

    In order to save the plant, needs to be transplanted to another place .

    Cucumber mosaic on leaves

    Harvesting and storage rules

    Cucumber collection begins when the fruit reaches 12 cm .For a rich harvest, the fruits are removed once every 2 days.

    Since the Claudia variety is not prone to overgrowing, the harvest can be taken at intervals of 3 days. Only fruits are removed from the bush, the stalks are left on the stems.

    Cucumbers - the culture is delicate, so when harvesting, you must try to carefully remove the fruits without damaging the bushes and mustaches.

    The fruits of the Claudia variety are kept in the refrigerator for about 30 days of the , while they retain all their beneficial properties.

    Ripe fruits are ideal in salads and preserved .Their even and slightly bumpy surface, as well as their small size, make it possible to preserve them in small oak barrels.

    With the observance of all the rules of growing and caring for cucumbers, get a rich and high-quality harvest. With proper preservation, cucumbers will delight with a crunch throughout the winter.

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