Early maturity grapes

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The first berries of the new crop on the grapes appear in late July or August. In varieties and hybrids showing such early maturity, the accumulation of sugars and the appearance of characteristic taste in berries occurs before their true ripeness occurs, and the bones darken. Yes, and eat harvest precedes the maturation of the shoots. Grape varieties of early maturity include plants in which the period from budding to harvest lasts no more than 115-120 days. A limited number of varieties shows very early ripening, bearing fruit within 95–105 days. And for the main group, the growing season lasts on average from 105 to 115 days.

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The specific time of ripening of grapes depends not only on the variety, but also on the vines nutrition and bush care, climatic and weather conditions of cultivation.

With proper selection of planting material and compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology, early grapes will surely delight the gardener with the first juicy berries of decent quality.

Description and photo of a grape variety Transformation

A grape ripening in the first decade of August and the Grape grape belonging to a group of early varieties was obtained during amateur breeding work by V.N.Krainov. The hybrid form shows a high growth rate and abundant formation of stepsons, on which it is possible to obtain a second crop. At the same time, the shoots mature quite well and tolerate cold temperatures to –23 ° С.Grapes easy to take root and rooted.

According to the description of the variety and photo of grapes, the Transformation plant is able to produce large conical or cylindrical brushes, whose average weight is 700–1500 grams. In favorable years, cases of obtaining brushes weighing up to 2.5 kg were known. The transformation is characterized by elongated oval berries of pink color weighing about 14 grams, up to 3.5 cm long with juicy fleshy flesh and inconspicuous skins. After collecting the brush is well stored and can be transported.

This early grape variety demonstrates high yield, moderate resistance to diseases of this crop and high quality of harvested berries. The best results are shown by bushes with an average pruning of 6–8 eyes.

Arkady Grapes

This early table grape, which ripens in 115 - 120 days, was obtained by Ukrainian breeders from crossing the Cardinal and the variety Moldova.

Grapes form quite vigorous bushes with ripening, with proper pruning, shoots, of which up to 75% bear fruit. The variety is well compatible with most of the stocks used, survives winters at temperatures above –21 ° C and is fairly resistant to many infections and downy mildew. At risk of oidium development, additional treatment is necessary. Thanks to the advanced root system, the saplings quickly enter fruiting season.

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The variety requires mandatory normalization of inflorescences and a limit of up to 8 the number of shoots per square meter. The grape variety of early maturity, which is highly productive, yields dense large clusters in the shape of a truncated cone, weighing from 500 to 2000 grams. In Arcadia, white or golden berries are egg-shaped, weighing from 7 to 15 grams and up to 2.8 cm long. Like many high-yielding varieties, fruits do not differ in their sugar content, but with a slight acidity and juicy consistency they show a pleasant refreshing taste.

The main advantage of Arkady grapes is a consistently high yield and abundant formation of the ovary.

Grapes Laura: description and photo of the variety

Laura, a grape variety that ripens for 110–115 days, was bred by Ukrainian breeders. Today, but already under the name Flora, the variety is included in the State Register of this country, and it is grown not only here, but also in many areas of traditional viticulture in Russia.

Shoots varieties Laura ripen well. The bushes are resistant to mildew and gray rot, withstand cold temperatures of –21 ° C, the crop suffers little with a lack of moisture. The variety actively forms the ovary, and on fast-growing stocks the yields are abundant, but the sweetness of such berries is lower. For grade recommended short or medium pruning.

Early ripe Laura grape, according to the photo and description, gives a cone-shaped, rather loose brush consisting of oval greenish berries, receiving a beautiful glow in the sun. The average mass of dense berries with balanced sufficient sweetness is 6–9 grams. Fruits keep well on the hand, do not peel off and are easily transported.

Codreanka grape variety: description and photo

Known for its early ripeness and high resistance to grape diseases, the Codreana variety was obtained in Moldova and has the second name Black magic. The variety is resistant to temperatures down to –22 ° С and, with due attention, it does not often suffer from mildew. The duration of the growing season is 110–118 days. During this time, on vigorous bushes, clusters weighing from 500 to 1500 grams are tied up and mature. Formed from large elongated-oval berries up to 3 cm in size and with an average weight of about 7 grams.

According to the photo and description of the Kodryanka grape variety, its berry has a rich dark purple color with a blue color and is covered with a well-marked bluish bloom. Fruits with a small number of pits and thin skin quickly ripen, acquiring a simple pleasant taste with almost imperceptible acidity.

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Grapes Libya

105–110 days pass from the dissolving of the first buds to the ripening of berries on Libya grapes. Even with a serious overload the ovary shoots mature well. Vigorous bushes survive the winters with frosts below - 21 ° C, are resistant to mildew and after preventive treatment with fungicides are not affected by powdery mildew.

An early maturity variety of grapes gives large, up to 25 cm long, medium-sized grapes. The oval-shaped pink berries in length exceed 2.8 cm, which is preserved for a month in fruits removed from the vine. The berries of hybrid grapes Libya fleshy juicy consistency and almost imperceptible skin. In the pulp is from 1 to 3 easily retrievable seeds.

Description and photos of the Adler grape variety.

The Adler grape variety, which has an early ripening period, is the result of the work of Russian plant breeders from VNIIViV them. ME AND.Potapenko. Vigorous plants obtained from crossing varieties Talisman and Augustine, in the conditions of Kuban, bear fruit in mid-August, are resistant to gray rot and have an average resistance to oidium and mildew. In winter conditions they withstand temperatures down to –24 ° С.

This grape variety forms clusters that have an average weight of up to 600 grams. According to the description of the variety and photo of Adler grapes, it can be seen that oval large berries, reaching a length of 3.5 cm, are amber-yellow in color and weigh about 12 grams. Consumer qualities of the crop are maintained for 30 days after ripening, while the berries are fleshy, easily accumulate sugar and have a good harmonious taste.

Veles grapes

A hybrid form of Ukrainian origin ripens in 100–105 days, and sometimes even in a shorter time. At the heart of seedless grapes, bred by V.V.Zagorulko, famous varieties Sofia and Rusbol. Veles forms well-growing bushes, while shoots mature rather well and overwinter, if winter temperatures do not fall below –21 ° C, otherwise they require shelter. The early grape variety is characterized by the abundant formation of stepchildren giving a second harvest in the fall.

In pink berries with a light nutmeg taste there are only seed rudiments, the skin on fresh grapes is not felt at all. The weight of individual berries is about five grams.

On the shoots are located 2-4 inflorescences, ovaries are formed actively, and the maturing brushes are extremely large. The weight of individual bunches of grapes Veles comes to three kilograms.

Description and photo of a grape variety Viktor

Different early, from 100 to 105 days, for a period of maturity, the hybrid of the table purpose is derived by V. Krainov from crossing the Kishmish radiant variety and Talisman. More than half the length of the shoot on strong-growing bushes matures and withstands cold temperatures up to –23 ° С.A promising grape variety demonstrates increased resistance to the main diseases of the crop. Inflorescences actively pollinating. As can be seen from the description and photo of the Victor grape variety, the plants form large, rather dense brushes weighing from 600 to 1000 grams.

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Berries in the hands are very large, weighing about 12 grams. When the elongated oval berries fully ripen, the pink color becomes more intense up to the maroon-violet. Up to 6 kg of fruits can be obtained from a bush with a harmonious pleasant taste and medium peel thickness, which does not interfere with the use of fresh berries, but restraining wasps attracted by the scent of grapes.

Grapes Delight

Early ripe grape belongs to the table and is characterized by high cold resistance and resistance to disease. The plant tolerates winters with frost –25 ° C, rarely affected by mildew, gray rot and powdery mildew. Under favorable weather conditions until the time of ripening, the berry on Vostok delight takes 110–120 days, with at least 65% of the shoots bearing fruit, and most of the growth matures well by the end of the growing season. For abundantly fruiting shrub recommended pruning of vines for 6-10 eyes.

Do Vine Delight large, medium-sized grapes weighing from 500 to 2000 grams. As they mature, marketable oval berries weighing about 7 grams acquire a light golden hue and a light tan. Brushes without loss of quality are transported. The harmonious taste and dense, crispy texture of berries are stored up to one and a half months.

The variety feels great when grown without additional shelters when grafted onto a strong-growing stock, and also as a crop for arched trellis.

Grapes Julian

An interesting hybrid form of table grapes of super early maturity obtained V.U.Kapelyushny. High-yielding grapes ripen within 95–105 days from the moment of opening of the first buds, tolerates frosts down to –24 ° С, with additional processing, it confronts the main diseases of the crop and shows a good growth rate and unpretentiousness.

Own-rooted seedlings of grapes Julian are vigorous, quickly and practically without loss take root. Planting material is easily compatible with most of the rootstocks. The resulting shoots mature to the full length by the end of the season, however, to obtain high-quality large berries, this grape variety requires normalization at the stage of flowering and the formation of brushes.

Very large clusters on an elongated stem are distinguished by medium friability and weighing up to 3 kg. The berries have a nipple shape, about 4 cm long and up to 2.8 cm wide. The color of ripe berries is pink, the skin is thin, almost not noticeable when cracking. Ripe berries, not eaten by wasps and other insects, have a crisp dense texture and harmonious taste with prevailing sweetness.

Ripening of early grapes - video

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