What is the passport of the ventilation system

What is the passport of the ventilation system


Installation and subsequent adjustment of various ventilation and air-conditioning systems is accompanied by the filling of certain documentation. And the main thing in this case is a document called the "passport of the ventilation system." Now we will consider what regulatory requirements are made by the state to ventilation systems, how to make a passport of the CB and what it should be under SNIP.


  • 1What is the certification of industrial ventilation systems
    • 1.1Why is it necessary to certify the ventilation system
    • 1.2How is passportization carried out
  • 2Passport for compulsory industrial ventilation system
    • 2.1Passport for air handling unit
  • 3Certification according to the existing normative documentation (SNiP)
    • 3.1Approximate cost of certification
    • 3.2Who leads the passport of the ventilation system in the enterprise

What is the certification of industrial ventilation systems

The passport of the ventilation system is an obligatory document, which is issued by a specialized institution in the process of commissioning. Currently, several types of MS certificates are provided, and the quality and correctness of their design fully depends on the chosen service company and its responsibilities. In order to require the masters to properly issue a passport SV, you need to know why it is needed and how it should look in the end result.

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The passport of the industrial ventilation system must be filled in according to the form approved in the SNiP

Why is it necessary to certify the ventilation system

Passportation of the ventilation system is necessary for the customer, since it is in this document that all the indicators of its current work are recorded for a certain period of operation at the enterprise. In addition, such a technical passport is required in many inspection organizations.

Certification of CB is carried out only once - upon its commissioning. But if there are any changes in the existing scheme, it is necessary to make a new technical passport.

Technical passport is not needed:

  1. If the facility has a natural ventilation. However, if necessary, a passport can be issued for such a system. Its shape is much simpler, and the protocol acts attached to it indicate the indicators of the degree of efficiency of natural ventilation.
  2. If there is no ventilation network on the territory. But since in the process of operation, it is still necessary somewhere to write down information about repairs, modernization and inspections, in order to avoid misunderstandings on all devices of a mechanical type, including window-type fans and heat curtains, of the passport. Often, as a simplified version of the passport, a technical passport is used, which is issued by the manufacturer and is supplemented by numerous test protocols.
    Natural ventilation is usually arranged in private country houses, such systems do not require a passport

The passport does not have a statute of limitations. A copy of the passport is issued to the customer only if the original is lost. After the modernization, improvement or when changing the direction of the route, a new document is prepared. The results of carrying out aerial aerodynamic checks in the form of protocols are attached to it. Usually the period of validity of the protocol is 1 year. After that it is necessary to conduct new tests, as well as to check the condition and operation of the ventilation system.

The ventilation system has a number of elements whose shelf life is limited, so it requires an annual inspection of the condition and performance

How is passportization carried out

Since certification is not a construction process, any laboratory that has permission to do so has the right to conduct it. The conditions for carrying out work on the certification of SV are stipulated in a special agreement. Issue a sample document on a proven system can:

  • ordinary entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur), specializing in the performance of such works. It will be much cheaper, since in this case it is not necessary to pay for the services of intermediaries;
  • any company, if its staffing provides for the position of a designer, energy or a repairman. Large construction and installation organizations keep their own specialists in their staff and do not turn to third-party services;
  • testing laboratory. Usually they provide services of very high quality. A significant disadvantage of working with laboratories is the lack of necessary specialists in the field of ventilation systems, who could fully analyze the indicators obtained during the audit and help to effectively solve the Problems;
  • specialized companies in which engineers of ventilation systems, professionally versed in this field, work. But the level of quality of the measurements can be inaccurate due to a lack of good high-precision equipment in the organization.
The passport for the ventilation system is usually issued after commissioning

Passport for compulsory industrial ventilation system


The work on the start-up and adjustment of the forced ventilation system is carried out in two stages.

  1. Tests of an individual character and subsequent adjustment of the ventilating equipment.
  2. Issue of a permit for commissioning a building (passport). It is based on the results obtained by a commission consisting of employees of sanitary-epidemiological and fire supervision.

Samples of passports are made taking into account the requirements and norms of the state SNiP 3.05.01-85. The executors fill in the passports and give them to the company-customer together with the act of commissioning the system and axonometric schemes. Passport is issued in two copies, one of which remains in the executor's archive, and the second is issued to the customer. Therefore, if one of the passports is lost, it can be restored.

If he has a passport from the performer, he will be able to answer certain questions about the operation of the ventilation system, even without leaving his office. Some general contractors ask that they have 3 or 4 copies of the passport, which is prescribed in the concluded contract.


Although axonometric diagrams are not mandatory in the provided package of documents, usually the adjusting company applies them.

The passport of the ventilation system is an obligatory document, which is submitted to sanitary-epidemiological supervision.

Passport for air handling unit

All forced industrial ventilation systems are checked once every 5 years without fail, as well as when the owner of the company changes and the original is lost. This is one of the main rules for the operation of all power plants.

In this case, the work on commissioning and adjustment is carried out on all equipment that requires verification. Such works have the name "adjustment and testing of ventilation systems for compliance with technological and sanitary-hygienic standards and requirements". In order to obtain a passport for a VU, it is necessary to carry out more detailed work than when carrying out initial tests.

When carrying out the technical inspection of the VU, more complicated tests should be carried out than when the initial commissioning

The received data are reflected in the technical report (in contrast to the technical documentation in the above case). In the report it is necessary to specify in detail information about the object to be served and to record the time of testing.


This document reflects such data:

  • air exchange (in tabular form);
  • air quality in the building;
  • noise level and other important performance indicators of the VU.

One sample of the completed passport is sent to the service department.

Certification according to the existing normative documentation (SNiP)

The passport of the ventilation system according to SNIP is required when the constructed building is put into operation. Then the data certification is carried out regularly (once in 5 years), therefore in the existing document several similar tables are provided, which are filled in by the responsible person as the regular checks. They include all information about the repairs done and the improvement of the ventilation equipment. The passport of the ventilation system is a document with a certain number of pages, which is sewn in a binding shop or fastened with a spring.

The passport sample consists of about eight pages (not including sections on repair and replacement of parts). The passport is accompanied by a sample protocol (certificate) and sometimes recommendations on the operation of the ventilation system in abbreviated form.

If necessary, the following are also attached:

  1. Protocols for testing the aerodynamics of the fan.
    When checking the fans, their performance is measured at different air pressures in the system
  2. Protocols of the degree of tightness of the network.
    The entire duct network is checked for leaks
  3. Protocols of the degree of production of noise by the system and vibration.
    The noise level of the ventilation system must comply with the established standards for each type of premises
  4. Protocols of the degree of excess pressure, etc.
    The ventilation system is checked for compliance with pressure at the control points

Very often the results of the performed works are installed by the installation company in electronic form, in this case in passport is made a note of the availability of the prescribed protocols and the possibility of their subsequent issuance in the case of necessity.

Approximate cost of certification

Calculation of the cost of a passport occurs when drawing up an estimate, which is then negotiated with the customer. Secondary certification, which is carried out as part of the current production process to control the operation of CB, is already at a discount. But if the customer, if it is necessary to re-passport, draw up a contract with another organization, then the works are made at full cost.


The price of a passport primarily depends on the scale of the facility, the total area of ​​the ventilation network, and the amount of equipment.

Travel expenses and travel expenses are calculated in a separate document and then added to the estimate. If the scope of work for commissioning and issuance of a passport is very large, some organizations conclude a contract for a phased payment of services.


The cost of certification of SV varies approximately in the region of 3000-4000 rubles and depends on the complexity of the industrial system. Some companies prefer to evaluate their services for the area of ​​a ventilated building. In this case, the cost will fluctuate from 50 to 100 rubles per square meter.

Who leads the passport of the ventilation system in the enterprise

The passport for SV (ventilation system) is maintained by an authorized person who is fully responsible for the operation of the equipment. It can be a mechanic, engineer, power engineer or any contractor company if the organization does not work in the field of industry.

In the passport of the ventilation installation, it is necessary to regularly mark the results of all repairs carried out, as well as any changes that occurred in the scheme of the system, and also to attach the available test certificates that were conducted for this time.

The first page of the passport for ventilation contains general information about the purpose of the system, the location of its installation and the equipment used

Over time, many protocols are being written, so only the first and the last five are left in chronological order.

In this article, we tried to explain as much as possible about what is the certification of ventilation systems, for which it is necessary for industrial enterprises and organizations, and also who can and can have it right spend. In addition, we examined the procedure for maintaining a passport for the ventilation system and calculating the cost of services for the certification of ventilation systems.

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