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Begonia Mason is the most beautiful representative of the deciduous begonias. A compact, fast-growing shrub reaching a height of 20 to 25 cm will perfectly fit into any interior, and the unusual color of variegated leaves will undoubtedly catch the eye, making this flower the center of your green collection.
The key to success in growing this type of begonia is the proper organization of watering during the period of active growth and the creation of all the necessary conditions for the rest period, which most often occurs in November-February.
The decorative value of this begonia is mainly in the unusual color of the leaves - a black cruciform pattern on a bright green leaf plate with thick pubescence. In more mature plants, leaves may have a faint silvery shade.
The basic rules for the care of Begonia Mason
Begonia Manson( Begonia Masoniana) refers to unpretentious plants that do not require special conditions of maintenance. It prefers loose, well-aerated soils with excellent throughput; during planting, it is necessary to create good drainage( put on the bottom of the pot) in order to avoid stagnation of water that root rot can cause, especially with a sharp decrease in ambient temperature.
Watering should be moderate, it is best to use water at room temperature for this. Before the next watering, the top layer of the soil should dry by 2 cm.
Spraying on green mass is undesirable - the leaf plates are quite fragile, prone to rotting, therefore, if there is insufficient air humidity in the room, you can use humidifiers or install it near the pot with this flowercontainers with water.
As for the light mode, diffused light would be the best option for such a begonia, harsh active sunlight can contribute to the color change of the leaf plate, which will ultimately lead to a loss of the decorative value of the plant, as well as insufficient lighting.
Supplements are made only during the period of active growth, that is, from the beginning of March to the end of October, with complex mineral nutrient compositions, twice a month.
If in the fall you began to notice that the adult leaves on your Mason's begonias began to die off gradually, this is a sure sign to the beginning of the dormant period. It is necessary to gradually reduce the frequency and volume of irrigation, and then reduce it altogether, while at the same time, try to increase the humidity of the air. The temperature of the medium, ideally, at such a time should be equal to 15 - 16 ° C.After 7 - 8 weeks after cessation of watering, the plant awakens, new shoots begin to develop. At this time, you need to start watering, increase the temperature of the content and, of course, maintain the light mode at the required level.
Reproduction Begonia masoniana
There are several ways to reproduce this begonia:
- Branch kids;
- Tuber division;
- Leaf cuttings.
When children divide, the tip of the rhizome is cut off( 7–8 cm long), trimmed with “root” and put in a pot under the film. After the appearance of germs, the film is removed.
When dividing a tuber, it is cut into several parts, each of which must have a kidney.
Propagation by leaf cuttings - the leaf plate with the cutting is separated from the bush, and placed in a glass of water, when the roots appear, it is transplanted into a pot.