The benefits and harm of garden radishes

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Among the early vegetables radish is one of the first places in popularity. And this is not surprising, because only green onions and some other green crops can boast with such precociousness and friendly harvest from neighbors in the garden, but not far from root crops.

For all kinds of appetizers, salads, cold soups and other dishes comes round radish and elongated shape. Gardeners have a variety of radish with white, pink, red, and even rich purple and yellow root vegetables. But not only the diversity of species and short ripening periods attract attention to this culture, but the properties of radish that are beneficial for the body.

The juicy pulp of root vegetables, which has a refreshing sweetish taste with a pleasant sharpness, is saturated with active beneficial substances, the deficiency of which the human body experiences after winter.

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What vitamins are in a radish? Is this vegetable good for everyone, and how best to choose radishes and eat them?

Vitamin composition of radish and its caloric value.

Radish also contains vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, E, up to 25 mg of vitamin C, mineral salts and antimicrobial phytoncides.

Calorie radish is very small, 100 grams of root crops contain from 15 to 20 kcal. At the same time, nutritional value is comprised of 100 grams of product:

  • 1, 2 grams of proteins;
  • 0.1 gram fat;
  • 3.4 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 3.1 grams of sugars;
  • 1.6 grams of dietary fiber;
  • 93 grams of water;

Also in the composition of the pulp and greens of radish there are minor amounts of organic acids, starchy substances and ash.

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The macroelement composition of radish root crops is determined by the high content of potassium, calcium and magnesium, phosphorus and sodium. Trace elements are iron, zinc, copper and iodine, boron and manganese. A recognizable taste of radish gives mustard oil, which has antiseptic properties.

How to choose the most useful radishes for the body?

In order to maximize the health benefits of radish in the composition of lettuce or okroshka, it is important to choose elastic, healthy roots with smooth skin. Radish quickly loses juiciness, the root crop becomes sluggish, soft, and the amount of useful substances decreases in it. If black spots are visible on the skin of even hard root vegetables, this is the first sign of the development of mold fungi. You should not wait for the pleasure of eating a dish of such radish or good, but the harm is quite possible. Therefore, the freshness of radish is a decisive factor in its usefulness.

Do not forget that the tops of this crop are no less saturated with valuable substances for the body than root crops. It is better to use it as food immediately after collection, because the foliage fades in a matter of hours.

Useful properties of radish

Root crops of radish and its tops contain very few calories, but are rich in active substances and dietary fiber, which gives reason to talk about the usefulness of this vegetable for many problems associated with digestion and assimilation of food. The root crops included in the composition of the dishes activate intestinal motility, contributing to the timely release of the digestive system and producing a mild laxative effect. No less useful for constipation and green radish, from which they make the infusion.

Radishes, whose calorie content is very small, has long been respected by people who want to get rid of extra pounds with health benefits. Help in this can dietary fiber. Passing through the intestines, fiber cleanses it, removing accumulated toxins. Glycosides contained in radishes have an irritating effect, contribute to the development of gastric juice and the speedy digestion of food.

Radish is useful for patients suffering from heart and vascular diseases. Cholesterol, which accumulates on the walls of blood vessels, impairs their permeability and elasticity, which negatively affects the supply of blood and organs to the blood and leads to serious health problems. Radish with a calorie lower than many other vegetable crops, like its immediate relatives: radish, horseradish, mustard and turnips, prevents not only obesity, but also the accumulation of cholesterol, and the development of atherosclerosis.

Radish contains substances that have a positive effect on blood sugar levels. Therefore, this vegetable can and even should be included in the menu of people who are prone to diabetes or are already suffering from this serious disease.

The skin of brightly colored radish root vegetables contains natural anthocyanins, according to recent studies, actively opposing the development of cancer cells. With the advent of varieties of dark purple stains the beneficial properties of radish in terms of the fight against cancer only increase.

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Thanks to phytoncides, radishes can be used as a natural and very tasty means to fight infections, including seasonal colds and associated bronchitis, rhinitis and laryngitis. Radish juice, like radish juice, will help with coughing, nasal congestion and other unpleasant symptoms. Vitamin C energizes and gives strength to fight malaise.

Interestingly, you can use the beneficial properties of radish for cosmetology purposes. Gruel from the root vegetable nourishes the skin with moisture, has a tonic and whitening effect, and also helps to cope with inflammatory processes. Vitamin E present in radish activates skin regeneration and rejuvenation.

It is well known that radish roots are indispensable in cold summer soups and snacks. This is an excellent ingredient for salads, a vitamin supplement and a portion of a side dish for meat dishes and potatoes. Mostly radishes are eaten raw, because during heat treatment the roots lose most of the beneficial properties of radish, their appearance, and their juicy texture.

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Few people know that radishes can be pickled and such snacks will become a real table decoration in winter. Even less often pay attention to the greens, and in fact the beneficial properties of radish tops are no less than those of root crops. This part of the plant in young fresh form goes for okroshka and salads. To save the tops for the winter can be in the form of a sauce, where together with the chopped greens add olive oil, salt, spices and crushed walnuts or pine nuts.

Is radish good for everyone?

With all the uniqueness of the composition and a set of useful properties of radishes can not be considered a crop for universal consumption. In some cases, instead of the expected health benefits of radishes can cause a deterioration in health.

This is due to the presence in the roots and, in part, in the foliage of plant glycosides, which irritate the gastric mucosa and cause active acid production. With increased acidity, pancreatitis and cholecystitis, as well as gastritis and gastric ulcer, fresh radish dishes can provoke an unwanted exacerbation.

Everyone can assess the benefits or harm of radish for their own health, but if there are contraindications, do not think that you should unconditionally abandon the early vegetable. Light-colored and white varieties of radish have a milder taste and action, and, for example, there are practically no glycosides in daikon.

Video about the benefits of

radish https: // watch? V = P_Sy9HGHDcM

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