Of all the varieties of tomatoes - delicious, sweet, fragrant, huge ripe berries - still attracts the attention of bright and beautiful raspberry tomato most of all. Maybe he unwittingly reminds us of our favorite berries or it’s just the magic of color, but the hand itself reaches for these attractive, brightly colored tomatoes. In this review, you will learn about the variety of tomato Raspberry Jingle, the description and characteristics of which are presented below.
Consciousnessthey made out and invented a multiseries collection of bright berry hybrids for Gardens of Russia and called it the Crimson Miracle. The collection consists of 3 series( so far), each of which includes several varieties of tomatoes of excellent quality: Raspberry wine, Raspberry sunset, Raspberry paradise, Raspberry heart, Raspberry surprise, Raspberry joy, etc., all in all - 15 items.

However, each variety has its own distinctive features: terms of ripening, growing conditions, the shape and size of fruits, resistance to certain diseases, the widest range of delicate flavors.
The universally recognized leader of the Raspberry Miracle series.
Tomato Raspberry jingle from the entire series of dark pink tomatoes is a universally recognized leader in many respects. This hybrid was bred by Russian breeders and in 2009 entered into the State Register. Tomato shows the best results in yield in open ground in the southern regions of Russia, in Ukraine, Moldova. In the middle zone of Russia, this hybrid is grown with great success in greenhouses or under film.

A high content of vitamins, micro and macronutrients, excellent taste, high and stable yields favorably distinguish it from the general series of tomatoes and it enjoys well-deserved love and preference of most gardeners.
Characteristics and description of tomato Raspberry jingle
Raspberry jingle F1 is a first generation hybrid. Thanks to the breeders' efforts, hybrids usually have high quality scores, but their seeds are infertile and every year you need to buy new ones from proven producers to be sure of the genetic purity of the seed.
Bushes are medium sized, from 50 to 100 cm in height, powerful, with a developed root system. It is best to form in 1-2 stems and be sure to tie up in order not to damage the plant under the weight of the fruit. The brushes of the ovaries are formed, starting from the sinus 5-6 leaves and with an interval of 2 leaves, in total up to 7 brushes, each with 5-7 fruits.

The fruits of are evenly rounded, large, without green spots around the stem. The flesh is juicy, watermelon-sugar, aromatic, moderately dense, the color of the tomato, reached technical maturity - rich, thick pink.
Almost all tomatoes are approximately the same size, weight reaches 170 g ( +/- 20g).
The peel of the fruit is tender, therefore should be careful when transporting. Whole, not damaged fruits are stored for quite a long time without losing an attractive presentation. The main purpose of the hybrid - for seasonal fresh use, for salads.
The ripening period of tomatoes from the day of first germination to harvest is 110 days, but the first pink fruits appear as early as 95-100 days, the variety is considered early ripening. You can collect immature fruits and dozarivat them.
The yield of is 4-5 kg from a bush, which is approximately 18-20 kg per sq. M.
The main stages of growing tomatoes
Tomatoes Raspberry ringing is grown by the seedling method in the usual way.
- Soil preparation. You can buy ready-made soil for seedlings, or prepare a mixture of 1/2 of the earth, 1/2 of the humus / peat and add a little sand. Before sowing seeds, warm the soil to temperature 22-25 degrees, fill the container with it( wooden boxes, plastic containers or cups must have drainage holes).

- Seed preparation. For confidence in the purity of seed, it is better to buy seeds from reputable manufacturers. Before sowing, they need to be soaked in a solution of ( cherry-colored) potassium permanganate for 2-3 hours, then rinse with clean water and, without drying, put them into the prepared soil to a depth of 2 cm according to the scheme 2x2cm. Moisten the crop from above with warm water, cover with film or glass, and place in a warm, well-lit place. When the first shoots hatch, cover to remove.
When 2-3 leaflets appear on sprouts, conduct a dive and pinion of seedlings into a separate container.10 days after transplanting the seedlings, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers is necessary. As necessary, water the seedlings with warm water.
Planting in the ground
seedlings are planted in the greenhouses or under the film shelters 60 days after the seedlings emerge, and in the open ground one week later. Two weeks before, they begin to temper her, bringing her out for a few hours( subject to warm, calm weather). In the ground, seedlings are planted according to the scheme 50x70 , see

Disease prevention
The variety is considered to be very resistant to the main types of diseases, but in any case, it is better not to wait for the first symptoms of plant damage, as this immediately slows down the development and negatively affects the yield. That is why the is better to carry out the preventive spraying of tomatoes with microbiological preparations in advance.

The fruitful work of Russian breeders presented the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of tastes of the most beloved vegetable crop - tomatoes. The abundant harvest of fragrant, sweet fruits is a worthy reward for the hard work of the gardener.