Science came to the aid of gardeners and gardeners. Scientists have determined which substances( phytohormones) stimulate the development of vegetable and flower crops and have developed a technology for the production of synthetic analogues. The effect of the use of hormonal stimulants is the acceleration of growth and fruiting, an increase in yield and its quality. Consider the popular today Kornevin and how to use it when picking tomatoes.
Table of Contents
- General Information on Root Crustes
- How Growth Stimulants are Applied for Plants
- Composition and Properties of Root Cakes Root Pets for Tomato Seedings
- Usage Features for Indoor Plants
- Dry Use for Tomatoes
- Apply Rootine Aphrophiaworking with the drug
- Storage
- How to use Kornevin when picking tomatoes
- Benefits and harms from the procedure
- Composition and Properties of Root Cakes Root Pets for Tomato Seedings
Generalinformation about Kornevin
Identified phytohormones that affect the growth and development of plants. Each of them has its own range of actions:
- Gibberellins affect flowering and fruiting.
- cytokine is involved in the formation of kidneys and promotes the growth of shoots.
- Auxins activate root growth, affect metabolism.

Synthetic analogues of phytohormones make it easier for gardeners to work, make it more efficient. The use of plant growth regulators and stimulants is not fashion, but an urgent need.
How Growth Stimulants are Applied for Plants
You can understand how plant growth stimulants are used for plants by using a specific example of growing seedlings and planting them in the ground. Sequence of actions :
- Before planting, seeds are soaked for 6 hours in Kornevin's solution.
- Sprayed sprouts sprinkled with Appin - a stimulator of the immune system.
- Before planting seedlings in an exhaust gas, root them with roots.
- Twice a month to process the planting with Etamon solution.
Result from the use of stimulants:
- accelerated seed germination;
- strong seedlings;
- rapid rooting;
- early bloom.
Composition and properties of Root
. The abbreviation IBA is used to denote indolylbutyric acid - the active substance from the group of auxins.

An IMC is a component and determines its properties:
- accelerates seed germination;
- improves rooting of cuttings;
- stimulates the development of the root system of vegetable seedlings, seedlings of fruit and ornamental crops;
- minimizes the stress of from transplant ;
- makes the plant less sensitive to sudden temperature fluctuations, drought, over-wetting.
In addition to IMC, the stimulant contains manganese, molybdenum, potassium, phosphorus - substances that are necessary for root growth.
Kornevin for tomato seedlings
Responsible moment - planting seedlings of tomatoes in the ground. At this time, you can use Kornevin. His ability to enhance the growth of roots, improve immunity will be the way.
First, planted tomatoes pour water, then a solution of the drug .On one tomato you need only 60 ml of liquid funds. Overdose is harmful, it can slow down plant growth.
Features of use for indoor plants
Kornevin - the rescuer of indoor flowers. It will help if dying orchid, cyclamen or gloxinia. With improper care, tubers( rhizomes) are affected.
When sending gloxinia or cyclamen to rest, it is necessary to cut off all the damaged parts of the tuber( root).Soak them in Kornevin’s solution before planting.
The preparation will help to revive the orchid with the rotted root. All diseased parts of the root are cut. Keep the flower for 2 hours in the dark at a temperature of 27 ° C, this will help the cuts to dry out.
Prepare a stimulator solution. Its temperature should be above room temperature by 2 degrees. Place the roots in the solution. After processing, put the orchid in the water and place in a warm room.
After 2 months, new roots should form. Orchid periodically irrigate and pour water into the container. After 10 days, the treatment can be repeated.
Dry Application for Tomato
Kornevin is available in powder form .

Recommend dry application of a stimulant in the following cases:
- Want to transplant the plant to another location.
- Rooting cuttings in water or soil.
- Inoculate a fruit tree or a rose.
When treating cuttings, follow the rule for 1 cm to powder the lower part of the leaf cutting, all other cuttings for 2 cm.
Practice mixing the stimulant with the powder obtained by grinding the tablets of activated charcoal. The goal is to eliminate overdose of the drug .
Application of Kornevina
solution Water the plants and treat the planting material( tubers, seeds, bulbs) with a 0.1% stimulator solution. Per liter need a small dose - 1g. The table contains norms for watering various types of crops.
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