Instructions for use of potassium humate

Gumat potassium is used in agriculture as a universal natural stimulant. It is used in micro doses and affects plants like hormones and fertilizers. Improves soil properties. Further in the article we will consider in detail why they are needed and how they act on the soil.

Contentsliquid and dry preparation

  • Methods for preparing the solution
  • Schedule
  • Storage and precautions
  • Reviews gardeners
  • About humates as a fertilizer

    This is one of the varieties of humic substances, which are contained in the decomposing organic matter - soil, humus, peat, silt, as well as fossilized forms - coal deposits. Humic acids are extracted from such concentrated organics, and then treated with potassium or sodium alkali. Soluble natural salts are obtained - potassium and sodium humates.

    There are no significant differences between the two substances. They are close in properties and can mutually replace each other.

    Potassium humate has a neutral acidity and a slightly wider spectrum of action. Allows mixing with many other drugs, enrichment with microelements. Very effective in the treatment of seeds and tubers, rooting cuttings.

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    Sodium HUMATE is usually slightly cheaper than its “brother”.It has an alkaline reaction. Successfully protects plants from stress( cold, drought, attack of pathogens).

    Packaging of potassium humate
    The difference between these forms is minimal, the quality of products is much more important. Only those drugs that are fully digested and have an optimal concentration are effective. That is why it is recommended to purchase goods only from the most reliable, large manufacturers.

    Any company can mix ordinary peat with water and call their creation “humic fertilizer”.Formally, this will be true: humic substances are present. But the performance is dubious.

    The merits of high-quality humates

    1. Low price.
    2. High profitability( profit up to 50 rubles per 1 ruble of expenses).
    3. Unlimited shelf life.
    4. Ease of use.
    5. Environmental Safety.
    6. Harmless in case of overdose.
    7. No time limits during the season.
    8. The possibility of joint application with many other drugs.
    9. Positive effect on any plants, at any stage of their development.

    Mechanism of Action

    Molecules of humic compounds are able to work like the activated carbon. They attract and bind other molecules. Thus, poisons in the soil are neutralized, and substances that prevent germination are “pulled out” of the seeds. Humic complexes affect the membranes of plant cells: food penetrates, and diseases are blocked. Inside the plants all metabolic processes are activated.

    Effects from the use of the potassium humate preparation. Breather

    . Soil

    • . Dense soils become looser, and the lungs hold nutrients better.
    • Activated beneficial soil microflora.
    • Various poisons, toxins, heavy metals, and radioactive isotopes are becoming less active and even neutralized.

    Cuttings, seedlings - better rooted and take root.

    Seeds, tubers, rhizomes, bulbs

    • Germination increases, speed( 2-4 days) and germination energy increase.
    • Sprouts and shoots are strong.
    • Forms a lush root system( 50%).
    Concentrate potassium humate in a package with instructions for use


    • Nutrients are better absorbed( by 20-40%).
    • Observed earlier flowering and ripening of the crop( 3-15 days).
    • Decorative growth, YIELD( 10-45%) increase.
    • Less disease( by 20-40%) and damage by pests.
    • The effectiveness of pesticides increases, but their harmful effects are reduced.
    • Fixed successful opposition to any stress( heat, cold, drought, etc.).
    • In a crop less nitrates and toxins, more nutrients;higher rates of transportability and stability( by 15-30%).
    The best results are achieved with an integrated approach: pre-sowing treatment( seeds and soil), followed by watering and spraying( 2-6 times per season).

    The effect of the stimulator is more pronounced on problem lands, in bad weather, but less noticeable on chernozem in prosperous years.

    Forms of release

    The drug is produced by many companies. The range is very large. There are also different forms of the drug:

    1. Liquid concentrate.
    2. Dry powder or granules.
    3. Paste.
    4. Gel.

    Reputable manufacturers guarantee the highest quality of any option. The choice should be made on the basis of convenience. The full line of these products is manufactured by the Russian scientific and production company Bash Incom "under the Gumi brand.

    • The dry preparation is applied directly to the ground( in bulk).This is especially beneficial in large areas where liquid application is problematic.
    • The liquid concentrate is gradually consumed during the season. Bottles are usually bought by owners of small plots of land, indoor growers.
    • is profitable from a financial point of view: it makes a lot of liquid concentrate.
    • gel is manufactured using the latest technology. Its molecules are very active. The work is similar to pasta.

    Experts believe that high-quality paste and gel are the most effective forms of humic stimulants.

    Preparations are marketed both in pure form and in combination with other substances. Examples: Humate-containing urea, Fitosporin, mixtures with trace elements.

    General instructions for use

    The application is very simple. Funds from different manufacturers differ in name and percentage of nutrients. They are used according to the specific instructions supplied. But there are general principles of work.

    Potassium HUMATE Gel

    Dosage for liquid and dry preparation

    • For soaking seeds, tubers, rhizomes, bulbs, seedlings and cuttings - accuracy of concentration and time are important. We must act on the recommendations on the package. For example, Energen Aqua( from Green Belt): 25 drops to half a glass of water - soak the seeds of tomatoes for 4 hours.
    • Dry forms of are introduced into the ground when digging or scattering from above, from 1 to 5 g per 1 square meter.meter( maximum - when contaminated with pesticides, heavy metals, radiation).
    A teaspoon "with a slide" contains about 3 grams of dry drug.
    • When watering, consumes 100 liters of solution per 10 square meters.meters, when spraying plants - about 1 l per 10 square meters.meters( until complete wetting of the leaves, preferably from the bottom too).

    . Methods of preparing a solution.

    Dry product or liquid concentrate is diluted in water( it is bought ready-made or made from a paste or gel).Water quality and temperature do not play a big role.

    The standard solution for irrigation and spraying is usually the color of weak tea or beer. Permissible to breed "by eye".

    If the prepared solution contains suspended particles, filter it through gauze for spraying( otherwise the sprayer will be clogged).


    1. In the spring( it is possible through melting snow or when digging), a dry preparation is spread around the garden. Either separate individual beds before sowing and planting. The procedure is repeated in the fall on lands that are contaminated with chemicals.
    2. The compost pile is flavored with a solution several times during the season.
    3. Any seeds, tubers, rhizomes, bulbs, seedlings soaked in a solution before sowing( planting).It is proved that for vegetables it not only stimulates germination, but also has a positive effect in the future - it gives an increase in yield.
    4. Seedlings are sprayed before picking, transplanting to a permanent place. When landing, watered with a solution under the root.
    5. Cuttings are soaked before rooting, seedlings - before planting.
    6. All cultivated plants can be watered and sprayed with a stimulant several( 2-6) times per season, no more than once a week.
    Preparation of potassium humate solution

    The works are timed for the phases of budding, ovary formation, the initial stage of fruit loading, as well as stressful situations. Processing stops for 10-14 days before picking fruits and vegetables. You can alternate root and foliar application, combine with various fertilizers, pesticides.

    It is not recommended to mix Potassium humate with Calcium nitrate and phosphate fertilizers( useless compounds are formed).

    Storage and Precautions

    Humic substances are naturally occurring, but they are not alive, they show chemical and physical resistance. Preparations can have guaranteed shelf life, but the real shelf life is not limited.

    They belong to the IV class of danger, that is, are safe - like earth or peat.

    Gardeners Reviews

    Chernyavskaya T. I .(Moscow region): “I grow tomatoes for sale. Neighbors wonder why my vegetables ripen much earlier than theirs. They think that I know a special secret, but the point is in the Gumate potassium. In the prompter preparation, I first soak the seeds, water the seedlings when they are planted in the greenhouse, then sprinkle it 2 times a month. I use 15 grams per 10 liters of water. ”

    Fomenko N. In .:“ Many people think that Altai is a clean region, but we have lands contaminated by radiation and other chemicals. Local scientists advise to put in the soil Gumat potassium. Their experiments showed that vegetables then grow more useful. ”

    Watering plants with a solution of potassium humate

    Komarov V.K. ( Chelyabinsk): “It is known that the cuttings of some conifers root hard, even Heteroauxin does not help. I manage to persuade the most "stubborn" only by soaking potassium in the Gumate. "

    Turik S. ( Kemerovo region): “Six years ago I became interested in growing grapes. I get good brushes on three varieties. I decided to propagate them by cuttings, but this was not possible last season. Experienced winegrowers advised to use Humate potassium as a stimulant. This year 80% rooted cuttings. Also, our winegrowers spray the bushes with this preparation. This increases the sugar content of the berries. ”

    Karachunova Y. ( Ryazan):“ I noticed that with regular use of Humate potassium, petunias and begonias bloom much more magnificently ”.

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