Plastic panels on the ceiling of the kitchen - profitable and practical

  • Advantages of PVC panels in the kitchen
  • Choosing an
  • design What to look for in the
  • store We calculate the consumption of materials: panels, baseboards, profiles and fasteners
  • What is required for the work - the necessary tools and accessoriespanels allows you to get an aesthetic ceiling covering, which will be not only beautiful, but also easy to maintain - while the cost of its installation is minimal. What is the benefit of plastic panels on the ceiling of the kitchen? Consider their main advantages in the "kitchen" conditions.

    Advantages of PVC panels in the kitchen

    Firstly, this finish is incredibly easy to clean. For its cleaning does not require special substances - pollution and soot deposited on the kitchen ceiling, are easily removed. Restrictions on the choice of cleaning products exist only for glossy and mirror surfaces - here you can not use abrasives.

    Secondly, PVC panels will survive even the strongest flooding - and will dry out on their own without damage, without requiring any intervention from you. It will be necessary to remove the ceiling from plastic only if the amount of water that has got into your apartment is very large. It is because of the moisture resistance of the material it is most often used for cladding the ceiling in the bathroom and on the balcony. Well, and in the conditions of kitchen, finishing by plastic panels is especially actual if you are often flooded from above.

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    Thirdly, the ceiling panels in the kitchen help to hide communications( wires and pipes).

    Fourth - a significant advantage of this type of suspended ceilings is that they do not require a perfectly flat ceiling and hide even its significant defects.

    It is worth noting such advantages of PVC ceilings as:

    • Stability and stability of the form even with sharp temperature changes;
    • The possibility of trouble-free installation of attractive spotlights anywhere in the coverage;
    • Repair and installation of plastic ceilings can be done independently. For this, a frame is assembled, and plastic panels are attached to it from above. To create a perfectly smooth surface of the base for this is not necessary;
    • This finish allows for additional sound insulation due to the inclusion of appropriate materials in the frame;
    • Plastic ceilings are environmentally safe and have no foreign smell, which compares favorably with the tension structures;
    • Affordable price.

    Of the shortcomings of PVC ceilings, it can be noted only that the construction refers to mounted ones, which means it will slightly reduce the overall height of the ceiling.

    Choosing a Design

    Finishing with plastic panels is also a variety of different design solutions. Such a ceiling can be a mirror or translucent, imitating ceramics, bamboo, metal or marble, "under the tree" or even "under the skin."

    Of course, when choosing the texture and color, the overall stylistic decision of the room is crucial, however, it is not recommended to make a dark plastic ceiling. Traditionally used pastel colors, shades of blue and beige. By the way, light colors will also visually expand the space.

    White plastic will be very similar to the more noble white wooden wall paneling and will fit into the interior of any style and color.

    Matte panels will look better in the kitchen, and gloss is more appropriate in the bathroom.

    What to look for in the

    store When you have decided on the design, you need to move on to the issue of purchasing material. It is important that you purchase high-quality plastic panels, and for this you need to consider the following recommendations:

    • Plastic sheets and their edges must be even - even the smallest roughness in the joint zone will cause the integrity of the suspension structure to be broken;
    • Each of the PVC panels should be evenly colored, without inclusions. If the design involves color transitions within the same web, then it should be uniform and smooth;
    • Panels should also not be too thin and soft.
    • To check the quality of plastic with force, squeeze the panel with two fingers and bend its corner several times - a quality panel should not crack and, moreover, break, only a slight deformation is permissible.

    PVC ceiling panels are lighter and more fragile than wall ones, and therefore transportation and installation must be done with great care.

    Calculate the consumption of materials: panels, baseboards, profiles and fasteners.

    The thickness of PVC panels is most often 5–10 mm, width 250–500 mm, and length varies from 2.7 m( standard) to 3 m. Ceiling baseboards have a three-meterlength

    To calculate plastic panels, first determine the area of ​​the ceiling, and then divide this number by the area of ​​one panel( indicated on the package).Add a 15% margin to the trimmed figure and round up this data.

    UD( hard) guide profiles must be installed along the kitchen perimeter, and the supporting transverse strips of the framework should be light, i.e. CD.

    Calculate the number of profiles for crates. To do this, draw on the sheet in a cage diagram of your ceiling in scale. Now mark the profiles that will be installed across the room parallel to each other. The distance between them should be about 60 cm. Calculate how many profiles will be needed, taking into account those that will be installed around the perimeter of the kitchen. Also count the required number of dowels( for fastening profiles) and self-tapping screws( for fastening panels) at the rate of: 1 dowel per 50 cm of profile and 1 self-tapping screw per 50 cm of PVC panel length. The crate can be made of wooden bars, then instead of screws, 6 mm staples are suitable. But keep in mind that the wooden frame will not last as long as the metal.

    To calculate the required number and length of baseboards, divide the ceiling perimeter by 3( since the length of the baseboard is 3 meters), and then round this figure upwards by a number multiple of three.

    What is required for the work - the necessary tools and components

    We need the actual PVC panels of standard dimensions( 5-8 mm thickness, 6 meters length, 25 cm width) and the selected design. Also required:

    • Profiles to create a frame;
    • PVC Baguette;
    • Profile Type L;
    • mounting angle;
    • Wooden slats with a section of about 40x20 or 50x25 mm or metal profiles for fasteners of GK-systems;
    • P-type metal fasteners that are used in plasterboard ceilings.

    As for the tool and fasteners, the repair requires the following:

    • Screws, plastic dowels;
    • Metal sturdy staples and stapler;
    • Screwdriver / drill;
    • Pliers;
    • Hammer;
    • Scissors for metal or a hacksaw for wood( depending on what material is used to create the frame);
    • Level;
    • Roulette;
    • Knife;
    • Square;
    • Pencil / marker.

    Do not forget that the finishing of plastic panels is made in the kitchen, that is, in a place with high humidity. So that you do not have to do repairs here often, additionally process the wooden crate with a protective solution that increases the resistance of wood to moisture. If this is not done, then PVC will “lead” very soon.

    Preparatory work

    Before you hang plastic panels on the kitchen ceiling, it is necessary to prepare the base. Before fixing the frame from the main ceiling, putty and plaster( not completely, but only peeling fragments) get off.

    Then proceed to the creation of a frame for plastic panels. For this you need:

    1. Mark the location of the bottom of the frame - a tubular water level is used for this.
    2. In case you use a metal frame, then UD-profiles are screwed to the wall first. Between the bottom mark of the frame and the ceiling( base) must be at least 25 mm.
    3. After the installation of the UD-profiles, the main ones are mounted - from metal or wood. They are attached directly to the ceiling using U-shaped metal mounts. There is always a distance of less than 70 cm between fastenings. The smaller the pitch that is installed, the more reliable and tougher the entire structure will be. Screws are used for fixing wooden beams, and metal profiles are attached using “fleas”.

    Fixing plastic

    To begin with, PVC sheets are cut - so that their length is less than the distance between the walls( in length) by 5 mm.

    Work needs to start from the window. It is necessary to fasten fastening strips to the installed profiles, the last fastening strip is mounted on the wall opposite to the window and the last one.

    Then, insert the baseboards into the grooves of the installed fastening strips, which were previously cut to the desired length.

    The first panel is pushed into the recess between the baseboard and the mounting plate, leveled and secured with self-tapping screws with a wide head. Next, each next panel is attached to the groove of the previous panel and is also screwed with screws to the frame.

    Heating pipes can pass through the ceiling. To circumvent them, holes of the required diameter are cut in plastic panels. And do not forget that near the pipes PVC trim can warp.

    The last piece of PVC before fastening is necessarily cut along the side of the mounting edge to the desired width and inserted into the groove between the bar and the profile, and then into the groove of the penultimate panel.

    Now it remains only to install the last plinth and repair the ceiling in the kitchen using plastic panels can be considered complete.

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    Read more about installing suspended PVC plastic panels and outputwiring for the lamp, see the following video:

    See also:

    • The ceiling in the kitchen - 7 ways to design
    • Rack ceiling in the kitchen - features of the choice and installation
    • Plasterboard ceilings in the kitchen - from design to installation
    • Stretch ceilingsin the kitchen - design, care, myths and reality.
    • . Plastic panels in the decoration of the kitchen apron and walls.
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