Contents of the article:
If the weather is warm and the soil warms up to 8-10 ° C under the rays of the sun, the first shoots of potatoes appear on the plantation in about 10-12 days. However, in prolonged springs, when May suffers from a lack of sunny days, and the bar of the atmospheric thermometer does not rise above + 20. .. +22 С °, time sprouts need a little more to break through the earth layer and to please the summer resident with their height. Under such conditions, they appear on the surface no earlier than in 20-25 days.
Be sure to ask the experienced gardeners or agricultural specialists how many days the potatoes sprout after planting directly in the climatic zone where you live and plant the prepared tubers. For example, for the southern regions the onset of phase 1( emergence) after 20 days in most cases is a deviation from the norm, but for the northern - this period is quite acceptable.
But, unfortunately, it also happens that all the deadlines pass, and in the garden of green rows everything is not and is not. Unwittingly there is anxiety and related issues. Why doesn't the potato sprout? What prevents him from gaining the power of growth? How to be: wait for the shoots or planted again?
Causes that do not cause
potato sprouts to appearThe most threatened planting material is the following: - Frost. Tuber tissues die out with a sharp decrease in temperature. The buds and the aged shoots also get a cold burn: without a “pantry of nutrients”, they quickly die or slow down their growth( with partial damage).
- Increased soil moisture. Abundant rainfall during the first phase of the growing season leads to decay of the planting material.
- Drought. Without moisture, the development of shoots at the root is inhibited or stopped altogether.(Even with the required amount of micro and macro elements of nutrition!)
2. Diseases and pests
Only planted potatoes are a tasty morsel for the insect pests that have woken up after winter hibernation. Among the most notorious malware:
- Medvedka, or kapustyanka.
- Larva of the May beetle( furrow).
- Wireworm( larvae).
Read also: Divinely appetizing dish - potato casserole in the oven They are particularly voracious: they make turns in tubers, gnaw sprouts. Living in large quantities on the site, can destroy up to 80-100% of seed tubers.
Prevent emergence of shoots and various fungal diseases:
- late blight;
- rhizoctoniosis( black scab);
- gray spot
- potato cancer
- dry rot, etc.
3. Improper storage of seed
Inappropriate or unfair preparation of tubers for planting reduces their germination rate by 50-100%.In order to avoid such an extremely negative result, it is strictly prohibited:
- store tubers in plastic( polyethylene, polypropylene) bags;
- not to sort them before planting( do not select damaged and infected tubers);
- not germinate;
- to prepare for planting tiny tubers( less than 15-20 g);
- to process fungicides / insecticides and growth stimulants, overstating the consumption rate;
- use potato varieties poorly adapted to the climatic conditions of the region.
If you need to buy potato seeds, in no case should you go for them to a supermarket or greengrocery. Tubers intended for human consumption, as a rule, are treated with a special chemical solution so that they preserve their presentation for a longer time and do not sprout.
How to achieve high potato germination?
Fingering potatoes: reject diseased and damaged( beaten, chopped) tubers. - Spread the seeds in shallow boxes( optimally in one layer).And then place them for 2.5-3 weeks in a well-lit room in which the air temperature is not less than 15 ° C.
- Spray the tubers with water at an interval of 6-7 days throughout the stage of vernalization( germination).
- Consider the weather conditions when choosing a day for planting potatoes.
Experienced gardeners recommend in the process of laying a plantation to focus on the rule of "three dozen", or on three signs: 10 C ° - soil temperature;10 cm - depth of the landing hole;10 days - the period of appearance of the shoots. According to them, this is the best recipe for getting rid of the anxious question “why potatoes do not germinate?”
- Immediately before planting, process sprouted tubers with copper sulfate( the concentration of the solution should not exceed 2 g per 10 l).
Read also: Horseradish must grow at the Russian dacha Take these five operations as a mandatory minimum, and the chances of a high crop of potatoes will increase many times.
Secrets of a High Harvest of Potato - Video