Detailed description and characteristics of the variety of tomato Tanya

On the eve of the summer season, gardeners are faced with the question of choosing a variety of tomatoes. Every year new products appear on the seed market. Many traditionally acquire proven seeds, others prefer to search for the best variety. It is useful for them to pay attention to the Tanya F1 hybrid of the Dutch firm “Seminis Vegetable Seeds”, the description and characteristics of which you will learn from the article.

Contentsopen ground throughout Russia, in regions with a cold climate, grows well in greenhouses. Recently, it is listed in the State Register of the Russian Federation.

The plant belongs to the determinant type with a height of 50-60 cm, it has a stem. Bush with leaves of dark green color and powerful root system. The initial brush originates above the seventh leaf. The following brushes will be tied in one, two sheets. The brush is formed from 4-5 round tomatoes of bright red saturated color.

Average tomato weight from 130 to 180 g. Pulp is strong, delicious sweet taste. Small tomatoes are ideal for fresh consumption and canning. Used to make tomato juice and paste. The variety has an average ripening period, with a period of 72-75 days. Productivity to 3 kg from a bush.

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With proper care, you can collect up to 5.5 kilograms of fresh fruit from 1 m2.
Tanya tomato bush with

fruits Pros and cons of

variety The advantages of Tanya F1 tomatoes can be called:

  • high productivity with a compact bush and a small cultivated area;
  • ripening;
  • heat resistance;
  • resistance to major diseases;
  • harvest is well stored and tolerates transportation;
  • care of the plant does not include staining and the formation of a bush;
  • the versatility of the use of fruits in harvesting and in natural form.

Some disadvantage is the need to use supports for the stems covered with tomatoes, in order to avoid their breakage.

Tomato Tanya in the section

Agrotechnika cultivation of tomato

Planting seeds

Tomato is grown in seedlings. The optimal time for sowing seeds is the first decade of March or 50-60 days before the intended planting of seedlings into the ground. Pre-treatment of seeds with growth biostimulants is recommended. Seeds are sown to a depth of 0.5-1 cm in boxes with finished peat mixture.

An ideal soil composition for growing seedlings can be obtained by adding vermiculite to it, it will make the soil loose. For friendly shoots provide the necessary conditions with the air temperature in the room +24 degrees, humidity 80%. Watering with warm water is carried out with caution, not often.

Dive seedlings in the stage of 2-3 true leaves in separate containers. When carrying out picks, the main root is pinched. Next, monitor the temperature, humidity, proper lighting. Carry out the necessary feeding.

10 days prior to planting, seedlings practice hardening procedures, exposing it to low temperatures daily.
Planting seeds for seedlings

Planting seedlings

Hybrid Tatyana F1 is planted on sunny beds with fertile soil. For this class, dangerous high temperatures, above 32 degrees, and low. In either case, you will need shelter. The soil should be loose, moist.

Planted seedlings in open beds in the second decade of May with sufficiently heated soil. When planting tomatoes in the greenhouse, this operation is performed earlier.

Visually, the readiness of seedlings for planting in the ground is determined by the presence of 9-10 sheets with the first floral brush and stem of sufficient thickness.

Planting is carried out in a staggered manner according to the scheme 2.5 plants per m2.Then spend watering 2-3l per m2.

Treatment rules

  1. Pollination of inflorescences occurs independently. Optimal conditions for pollination: a temperature of +25 degrees and a humidity level in the range of 60-80%.When grown in greenhouses resort to additional measures to attract insects and use the method of vibration by shaking the branches of a bush or trellis. Reception of vibration is carried out 2-3 times a week in the morning after fruit picking.
  2. Shown is not frequent, but abundant watering with settled water once a week. Not regular watering is dangerous by cracking tomatoes.
  3. Tomato Tanya F1 does not need to be staved, but the installation of supports for branches with fruits is necessary.
  4. Growing tomatoes in greenhouses requires regular ventilation to achieve the required temperature and humidity level. In open beds, plant shelters are needed when there is a threat of frost.
  5. In the initial stage of growth and in the fruiting stage, a tomato needs mineral supplements most of all. It is necessary to work with nitrogen with caution, its excess will go into a riot of foliage. Often used water infusions of mullein, bird droppings, herbs. Complex mineral fertilizers, as well as boric acid, copper sulphate, manganese, and iodine are added to plant nutrition with microelements. Important feeding ash. Tomato acutely reacts to unbalanced feeding, so the selection of elements should be carried out correctly.
  6. Experienced gardeners prune flowers in their hands for even fruit development. On the first two brushes 4-5 colors should be left, and on the next 5-6.This procedure will provide the remaining fruits with good nutrition. The result will be high-quality fruit.
Feeding tomatoes

Disease prevention

Tanya F1 Hybrid is tolerant to most dangerous diseases of tomatoes. But preventive treatments will not be redundant. Ecological treatments with broth of onion and garlic husk with the addition of manganese are useful. If there is evidence of a fungus, Fitosporin is effective.

When cultivating tomatoes, a noticeable deviation from the norm of air temperature and humidity indices leads to diseases and yield loss. Every gardener should remember this.

Hybrid Tanya F1 is resistant to late blight, alternative stem carcinoma, gray leaf spot, and vertex rot.

Tips from Dutch breeders

Some of the secrets of Dutch tomato cultivation technology for high yields:

  • drainage is placed on the bottom of the seed box, the soil is moist mineral soil, sprinkled with vermiculite and sand;
  • mineral wool is used for rooting seedlings in order to prevent pests;
  • in the greenhouse need to attract insects for pollination;
  • for the growth of healthy and strong bushes is important in time to remove excess growth and ovaries;
  • sprouts are fully fed with special fertilizers with the necessary elements;
  • according to the Dutch technology during the day the air temperature should be constant around + 17-18 degrees, the humidity of the air is at least 65%;
Do-it-yourself drip irrigation device
  • do-it-yourself drip irrigation;
  • crop is removed in the morning every day;
  • for quick ripening of late fruits on the trunk of the plant is applied ethylene, the bush is wrapped with a film.

Thanks to its high productivity, good taste and minimum care requirements, the Tanya F1 hybrid of the Dutch selection is becoming more popular with domestic gardeners.

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