Proper cultivation of ampel varieties of tomatoes

Not everyone has a summer house and loves to grow any vegetables on it. But to eat fresh and healthy tomatoes, in which there are no chemicals, many do not even mind. Therefore, such lovers will especially appreciate the ampelous varieties of tomato, for example, tiger, which feel great even in a flowerpot in room conditions.

  • . What is an ASTM

    Ample tomatoes have several advantages over regular varieties. The most important of them include the fact that:

    • they feel good even in the shade;
    • they are not dangerous drafts;
    • is not prone to pulling;
    • bushes practically do not come in contact with the ground, because are resistant to many diseases and attacks of pests ;
    • although they are inferior to ordinary varieties in size, they surpass them with their amazing taste ;
    • in recent years, more and more new species of this variety appear.
    Amppel tomatoes grow well even in the shade of

    . The most popular varieties of ampelous tomatoes

    . Today there are many excellent varieties of ampelous tomatoes that strike with their taste.
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    However, the most popular among them are:

    • Garden Pearl;
    • Citizen F1;
    • Cascade Red F1 and Cascade Elo F1;
    • Ampel Tiger.

    Garden Pearl

    Garden Pearl is a plant that is in height less than 40 cm .This variety belongs to early-seasoned crops. After about 93 days, you can harvest your first harvest.

    A garden pearl will delight you with round pink fruits, the mass of which ranges from 15 to 20 g. It is completely picky and does not need to be staved. That's just the volume of the pot should be at least 3 liters.

    Garden Pearl


    It is also worth noting the variety Citizen F1.He also according to the description refers to the early ripening varieties and is famous for its yield.

    Its red and juicy fruits will surprise you with their sweet taste. The mass of the fruit becomes 30-50 g. The height of this bush can reach 80 cm. It needs cracking, and prefers to grow in a capacity of not less than 4 liters.

    Cityscape F1


    Cascade Red F1 and Cascade Elo F1 belong to the middle ground hybrids. For their maturation will take a period of 100 to 110 days. For these species, the formation of numerous shoots is characteristic, from 1 to 1.5 m long.

    Bright red or yellow fruits have a weight of 40-60 g. These varieties are planted in a pot of at least 5 l. It is not recommended to remove the stems, you should only pick off the yellow or dried leaves.

    Cascade Red F1 and Cascade Yellow F1


    And, of course, one of the most delicious and beautiful is the ampel Ammar tiger variety. It ripens 55 days after after sowing seeds into the soil.

    The bush is very lush, its diameter is 40-45 cm in diameter. The height of the ampelous tiger is 15 cm. This tomato has lush foliage that protects the soil from excessive evaporation of moisture. He also has excellent small striped fruits that resemble tiger color, so these tomatoes got their name.

    Planting Rules for Amppelnut Tomatoes

    In order to get a rich harvest, it is necessary to properly seed and select the soil for sowing.

    As for seeds, they are soaked for 60 minutes just before sowing. is soaked in a light solution of manganese, and then washed with water. After that, they are sown in small pits, about 2 cm deep. Seeds for sprouting seedlings are often sown in March, then you will definitely be able to get an early harvest.

    Should also pay attention to the ground. It is best to cook it yourself. To do this, take in equal quantities:

    • humus;
    • peat;
    • turf ground.
    A capacity of about 5 liters is necessary for successful cultivation.

    The success of your harvest also depends directly on the size of the tank in which the ampel tomato will live. For it, you should not use a pot with a volume of less than 3 liters, but for a good result, it is better to choose an capacity of about 5 liters .

    At the bottom of the pot must be poured drainage with a thickness of not less than 2 cm, because this plant is very afraid of stagnant moisture. Because of it, it can either die or suffer from a black leg.

    care rules When a culture gets a pair of full-fledged leaves, its swoops .Tomatoes should be planted in May .They can be grown on the balcony, in the room or on the street.

    The transfer is carried out with an earthy clod and is placed in a new container 3 cm lower than it was growing.

    There are 2 golden rules for growing ampel variety varieties that will help you get a delicious harvest:

    1. Remember, if you grow a crop indoors, the plant should shake periodically.
    2. Once every 14 days, tomatoes need to feed .Approximately 5 g of mineral fertilizers are used for 1 kg of soil. In this case, this procedure is recommended to be used in conjunction with irrigation.
    Ampute tomatoes need to be putted, you can leave 1 or 2 stalks of

    Tomatoes also need to be staved .They can leave 1 or 2 stalks. If you decide to get a lush plant, then you should leave 2 stalks. You do not need to tear off the stepson under the first flower brush.

    Diseases and pests

    Despite the fact that ampelnye tomatoes are grown in separate pots, yet they are exposed to a variety of diseases and pests. The most common diseases among them include:

    • late blight;
    • black leg;
    • root, gray and brown rot;
    • cracking fruit.

    As for pests, these fruits are not averse to feast on the whitefly and spider mite .

    Phytophlorosis is the most common and most dangerous disease. As a rule, the disease manifests itself in the last 2 months of summer. Its features include dark brown spots .Favorable conditions for the development of late blight is heat and damp. The disease affects both the stem itself and the fruit.

    To combat fungal diseases, Trichodermin is introduced into the soil.

    It can not only destroy the whole plant, but also transfer to others that are close by. Therefore, at the first manifestations of the disease, it is worth to tear off all the fruits and destroy the bush .If the tomato is not ripe, then it can be put in hot water, with a temperature of about 60 degrees, seconds at 60, and then put in a warm and dry place.

    Black leg affects seedlings. The disease causes rotting of the root, which causes the seedlings to die. To avoid this, it is necessary to moderately watering and not planting seeds too thick. Also, before sowing, Trichodermin can be added to the soil.

    The root rot also causes root rot .Infected plants must be removed and the soil discarded.

    Gray and brown rot affect the fruit. Diseases are no less dangerous and are transmitted to other plants, so they should also be careful with them.

    In the case of pests such as the whitefly and spider mites, it is best to use chemicals because it is hard to get rid of these parasites. And they, in turn, stick to the leaf and suck out all the juice from it.

    Harvesting and storing the crop

    These tomatoes are harvested before they are fully ripe.

    Another thing is, if you grow them in order to please your eye with its beauty, then you can wait for them to fully mature.

    As you can see, it is not necessary to have a summer cottage in order to please yourself with a good harvest of tomatoes. With the help of ampel varieties or mixtures, you can make a real vegetable paradise even on your balcony.

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