Motion sensor to turn on the light: wiring diagrams and do-it-yourself mounting recommendations

Modern technologies bring convenience to our lives, increase the comfort of our existence. Motion sensors to turn on the light help to rationally use resources( electrical saving 50-80%), detect the presence or movement of objects. Where can I use motion sensors?

  • Motion sensors: types and classification
  • How to connect a motion sensor
  • How to set up a motion sensor to turn on the light with your own hands
  • Conclusions

Yes, anywhere. More specifically, where a person is not for long, that is, in the corridors, on the stairs, storerooms, at the entrance to the house, the gates of a private house. Also, this device is extremely convenient when you need to turn on the light, but at the moment the hands are busy with something. When the object moves, the light lights up automatically, and if there is no movement for some time( which is set individually), it goes out.

Motion Sensor is a special device that falls into the category of instruments for detection. With the help of sensors, it captures a moving object that falls within its range of action, transmits the received signal to the lamp.

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. When purchasing a motion sensor to turn on the light, its parameters must be considered, features:

  1. Installation location. Sensors can be installed on the street, in enclosed spaces, under sheds. They are mounted and embedded, you also need to take into account the specifics of mounting, the level of security of the device.
  2. The installation of the sensor depends on its power. The type of device affects the installation conditions.
  3. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the zone of operation, since only visible zones are available for monitoring for alarms. The response radius decreases even due to pendant chandeliers or ledges.
  4. Glass is a barrier to infrared rays.
  5. One should pay attention to the presence of the function of setting the exact time of switching on or off the light. This aspect will be important if the premises are large, where there is not one sensor, but several devices.
  6. It is important to consider the viewing angles of the sensors, the radius of perception of these devices varies from 180 to 360 degrees. Sensors with perception of 180 degrees are often installed on the walls, they are triggered when an object enters or leaves the premises. Ceiling motion sensors are installed only with a full viewing angle.
  7. It is necessary to take into account the interaction of the ranges of active and passive areas - this is relevant for an office space or a rest room.
  8. There are categories of sensors that have the function of tuning to human breathing.
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Motion sensors: types and classification

Light sensors are divided into two types: according to the class of the indicator and the place where the installation will be made. Devices are divided into outdoor( used for the street) and internal( for premises).

The functions of outdoor sensors work on the principle of calculating the distance from the device to the object. Perimeter-type sensors are designed for a certain part of the territory, their use is important for large private properties, extensive house-side zones. For most devices, the response range is quite wide: from 100 to 500 meters. It should also be borne in mind that certain types of specialized sensors must meet a specific searchlight. It is possible to install a room motion sensor with your own hands in any room of the house, its main difference from the street counterpart is the intolerance of temperature drops.

These devices are divided into:

  1. Ultrasound - their work is based on the reflection of ultrasound from its surrounding objects. This is the most affordable, uncomplicated, durable sensor category;
  2. Microwave - work on the principle of the locator. The radar is tuned to a specific range of signals, picks them up and sends them to the detector. After the signal is caught, the light automatically turns on. Among experts, this principle of operation is considered to be more practical than that of ultrasonic sensors, but the cost of such devices is higher;
  3. Infrared - their principle of operation is similar to the reaction of an ultra-sensitive thermometer. Such sensors respond to the temperature of an object falling within their range of action( for example, 36.6 ° C).It should be borne in mind that these devices are dependent on changes in the temperature of the surrounding space, so it is not recommended to install them in the area of ​​the kitchen or entrance doors. These devices are optimally suited for living rooms, the temperature response range can be adjusted so that they do not work from moving pets.
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How to connect a motion sensor

To connect these devices do not require any special skills, it is enough to understand the principle of connecting the wires and the alarm device. For a more attractive aesthetic perception, the entire system is hidden in a special distribution box. Each device is accompanied by the appropriate installation instructions, as well as a wiring diagram for a motion sensor for lighting.

The principle of operation is somewhat reminiscent of the process of connecting contacts in a conventional switch, since their operating parameters are identical. Here and there in the role of the actuator acts as a relay.

A common practice when using a switch with a motion sensor, is especially true for residents of private houses. When approaching the gate in the dark of the day, a lamp with a motion sensor is switched on above the entrance, and the sensor is adjusted so that a person can easily overcome the distance from the gate to the house.

In cases where it is necessary for the lamp to work even when there is no movement in the room, a switch connected in parallel to the sensor is added to the circuit. Thus, when the switch is turned on, the light source will be connected to another circuit, bypassing the sensor. At the same time, the sensor will still control the lighting even when the switch is off.

Circuit with

switch connection In some cases, when the area of ​​the room is large, one sensor becomes sufficient, a light source connection circuit with two devices is used. In order to avoid interfacial closure, it is necessary to understand that both signaling devices are connected from one phase.

Wiring the lamp with two sensors

Owners of private houses with a large house territory often combine the connection of sensors, several powerful spotlights. Since the sensor power is approximately 500-700 W, in such cases a magnetic starter is used.

Motion sensor wiring diagram with magnetic starter
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How to set up a motion sensor to switch on the light with own hands

Potentiometers are responsible for setting the sensors. They fall into three categories:

  • time intervals;
  • sensitivity level;
  • illumination.

Setting the time intervals is the most simple, you just need to set the desired time interval. Depending on the device model, this value varies from 5 seconds to 10 minutes.

The higher the level of sensitivity, the better the device responds to movement. If the sensor detects too often, the sensitivity threshold should be reduced. This factor also applies to spontaneous inclusions. Adjusting the level of sensitivity also needs to take into account the season, for example, in the summer devices operate in standard mode, and failures are not uncommon in winter. This situation is due to the response of devices to heat produced by heating devices.

The illumination factor is important: the sensor must function properly when it is light. Thus, when an object is moving, the device should automatically determine the level of illumination. If the level is below the set threshold, then the sensor is triggered, if it is higher, then no, because the room does not need additional lighting, if it is day outdoors.

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Motion sensors for switching on the light are compact, economical in terms of energy costs, they are easy to install. They are convenient, relevant for use in private homes, cottages, on the neighborhood of the territory. In addition to their direct assignment, they perform the function of a kind of signaling from intruders, they work exactly when strangers appear on your territory.

The motion sensor is a necessary attribute of a modern interior, functional comfort of your house.

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