Mirror tiles in the interior: 5 tips for use + photo


  1. 1. Classification of mirror tiles
  2. 2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. 3. Recommendations for the use of mirror tiles on various surfaces
  • Secretswall finishing
  • Mirror ceiling - yes or no?
  • Mirror floor in the interior of the apartment
  • 4. In which rooms it is appropriate to use a mirror tile
    • Mirror interior of a dining room or bathroom
    • Spacious hallway or dressing room
    • Mirror tiles in the drawing room or bedroom
  • 5. Recommendations for self-packing
  • .

    When it comes to the upcoming repair, the question immediately arises - howmakefutureinteriorunusual andmodern.It's very difficult to be outdone by the latest fashion trends in the field of interior design. After all, only you find on the open spaces of the Internet an image of the room that you like, as in a couple of weeks, eminent designers find even more interesting options for finishing. A win-win way still remainsmirror tilesatinterior.We will give some advice on its use in various rooms and consider its main types.

    1. Classification of mirror tiles

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    The assortment of shapes and textures of this facing material is actually much more diverse than it may seem at first glance. The very first criterion by which a mirror tile is distinguished ismaterial of manufacture.There are three options:

    • Tiles made of mirror glass;
    • Of polished metal;
    • Of solid high-quality plastic - polystyrene.

    The second and third kind of material only serves as a basis for applying a mirror coating. The reflective surfaces of such a tile will be worse than that of a real mirror. In addition, the metallized paint can distort the reflection a little. But the cost in this case will be lower. The basis in these cases can be self-adhesive, which greatly simplifies the laying process and the costs associated with it.Tiles fromThis mirror glass is classified according to the following parameters:

    • Byprocessing methodedges - can have matte, polished or edges with a facet - cut edges. The latter option immediately makes the cost higher, but it looks very impressive. Sunlight or a light stream from various lamps, reflected from their surface, creates a lot of sunny bunnies or fanciful highlights. At the same time, the interior becomes more mysterious and voluminous.
    • According to the form- can be made in the form of squares, rectangles, mosaic elements, narrow bands, triangles. The latter are almost always produced with facet. Narrow strips are often used in the form of friezes or decorative curbs. To non-standard forms include - a rhombus, a hexagon, a semicircle, a quarter of a circle.
    • By Color- do not have shades, that is, a neutral mirror surface, or have a tint. The most common colors are bronze, gold, graphite, blue, green. In addition, there are many other varicoloured options. The choice of color should be based on the style of the room. For the style of loft, modern or minimal, often use more reserved shades. Gold and bronze will give luxury to the classic style.
    • By typesurface - monophonic, with ornament, with standard abstract patterns or drawings that are applied with the help of sandblast or thermal printing, with the image executed according to your individual optional.
    • By appointment- distinguish the universal, wall and floor tiles.

    To distinguish, from what actually material is made this or that kind of a tile, it is simple on its appearance sometimes it is simply impossible. If your goal is to acquire a mirror variant, then you can determine it by weight. It will be much heavier than a plastic or metal base.


    Standard sizesthis finishing material allows you to easily select the most suitable option - 10 × 10, 15 × 15, 18 × 18, 20 × 20, 25 × 25, 30 × 30, 40 × 40, 50 × 50, 20 × 30, 30 × 45, 30 × 60 cm. However, some manufacturers can offer you a tile size from 6 × 6 cm on request. The standard thickness is 4 mm. Such a wide choice makes it possible to combine it with ordinary ceramic tiles, avoiding a large difference in the length of the faces. An interesting option isready-made kits,which after laying form whole panels. They can transmit a wide variety of images or create a pattern using elements of different sizes.

    Concerningmosaic versionthe standard dimensions of one fragment can be 20 × 20, 42 × 20, 50 × 50, 149 × 10 mm. This type of tile is sold in sheets. In the form of the base is a flexible mesh material, on which are glued squares of the above dimensions. Between them there is a gap for joints, the standard width of which is 2 mm. Thanks to this structure, with the help of a mosaic it is easy to revet radial surfaces. Especially elegant look columns of columns, designed in this way.

    2. Advantages and disadvantages

    Like all finishing materials, mirror tiles have a number of pros and cons that you should know about. Let's start withgood:

    • The material is moisture resistant, which makes it ideal for use in rooms with high humidity;
    • Fire safety- the material does not support the combustion process;
    • The surface is resistant to alkali and acids;
    • Easy to clean;
    • Longlife timeat observance of technology of installation and normal conditions in a premise;
    • Stunning decorative properties, which include not only the originality of the idea itself, but also the attractive and unusual appearance of the surface lined with this material;
    • And the most important thing -the possibility of modeling space.In other words, with proper use, you can visually increase the small size room - "move apart" the walls and even raise the ceiling level.

    Now aboutshortcomings:

    • The material is very brittle, and its edges are prone to chipping. With inaccurate installation and transportation, this can not be avoided;
    • If the mirror fragments are not positioned correctly on different surfaces,the effect of the labyrinth,which exerts a depressing and overwhelming influence on the human psyche;
    • The surface is easily susceptible to scratching and does not tolerate contact with abrasive substances;
    • If the room is poorly ventilated, the surface of the tiles may darken over time.

    As you can see, the minuses are easily removable and can arise only fromignorance of featureswork with this material. Choose proven vendors who value their reputation and take care of their products. This can guarantee the availability of individual packaging and cargo insurance during transportation. So you, in turn, will be safe and insured against the purchase of a damaged product. Installation of the tiles can be entrusted to professionals with experience who provide a guarantee for their work. And to avoid errors on the use of mirror tiles in the interior will help our article.

    3. Recommendations for the use of mirror tiles on various surfaces

    Designers just love to work with this kind of material. All thanks to the fact that with his help you can instantlychange the interiorin the most incredible way. Even small fragments can bring a new mood into the atmosphere of the room. The most common surface for the implementation of ideas, of course, are the walls. But many recommend using reflective elements both on the ceiling and even on the floor.

    Secretswall finishing

    It is unlikely that owners of small apartments will deny themselves two pleasures at the same time - it is advantageous to emphasize the individualitypremisesand make itmore spacious.All this will be possible if we adhere tosimple tips:

    • The main ruleuse of tiles on the walls - it is not necessary to trim it with two opposing walls. This will create the illusion of an endless corridor. It is in this case, and will have a negative impact on psychological health. Such visual deceptiondistorts the space,forces our brain to work actively in search of an exit from the formed labyrinth. You can forget about rest in such a room.
    • Finishing can only be affectedpart of the wallor a small fragment thereof. Think about which wall you want to highlight, what you want to showcase to your guests. After all, such an element will immediately attract attention. Even a small panel above the sofa is already a self-sufficient decoration. It is better to use neutral shades of paint or wallpaper for the background. And to further emphasize this highlight of the interior, you can dress it inbeautiful frame.
    • To visuallyraise the ceiling,The lining is made in the form of vertical strips of small width. Elements can be either paired or single. Repeating elements should have a smaller thickness, while a single strip should occupy about 1/3 of the wall surface. In this case, the mostoptimal locationsuch an element - on the longest wall.
    • The solid mirror wall increases the room, and a few narrow strips make the spacious rooms more cozy.
    • Tolighta dark room, arrange a mirror panel on the wall opposite the window opening.
    • Nishi, the back wall of which is laid with a mirror mosaic, will seem deeper. And with proper lighting, this effect will be transmitted to the entire room.
    • Very original lookscombinationordinary tile with a mirror. To achieve the best result, veryimportantpick the same size of the two elements. If this condition is met, the composition will be holistic and harmonious.
    • For facing twoadjacent surfaces,For example, the angle between two walls or the joint of a wall and a ceiling, use different tile options. One can be monophonic, another with a pattern, colored and ordinary.

    ANDremember,that the effect of increasing the space is achieved precisely because of the presence of reflection in the mirror elements. Therefore, it is very importantobject of reflection.The interior must be carefully thought out. After all, you will agree that if in your mirror wall the massive wardrobe is reflected infinitely many times, it will create the feeling that you are in a cave. And quite another impression will create a reflection of the window opening and sunlight. Attentivelychoose locationIs a guarantee of a successful result. Also, be attentive to the placement of lighting devices. Glare and sunny bunnies can disturb and weary the eyesight. thereforefixturesit is better to arrange on edges, instead of opposite to mirrors. Then the light from them will reflect off the surface more gently, tangentially and not create discomfort.

    Mirror ceiling - yes or no?

    This unusual technique is veryrarely you can meetin the interior of apartments. This is due to the fact that it has not yet acquired the proper popularity and requires a competent approach. When is it advisable to use a mirror tile on the ceiling?

    • Designers argue that this is a good solution forsmall roomswith very low ceilings. This does not mean that the entire surface is worth giving in to such a design. Please Selectsmall area.These can be corners or the center of the ceiling. Separate it with a beautiful decorative baguette, giving the desired shape. The interior is filled with mirror fragments. It is especially advantageous to use this technique to decorate the area around the chandelier. Reflecting ceiling lights going up, instantly erase the boundaries.
    • Do not overdo it.Otherwise, you risk creating an inverted space effect. Remember the Looking Glass from "Alice in Wonderland"? It will be very difficult to be in such a room.
    • Spacious rooms,whose ceiling is completely tiled, will seem cold and empty. Therefore, you are mistaken, thinking that the area in this case is important.
    • Viewusedtilesshould depend on the type of ceiling. Concrete and hypokarton ceilings can withstand real glass. To decorate stretch ceilings use a mirror PVC film. A suspended ceiling type "Armstrong" implies the use of lightweight materials based on plastic.

    Mirror floor in the interior of the apartment

    Probably, this is the mostnonstandard solutionfor finishing floors. Nevertheless, there really is a special floor type of mirror tiles. It is made of a mirror cloth of increased strength and durability, which in this case has a very large thickness. Its surface is not subject to mechanical influences. All these factors in the aggregatemakethis kind of lining materialincredibly expensive.

    As for the use in living quarters, one should repeatedly think before deciding on such a step. To carpet on such a floor is simply impractical considering its cost. This means that you will always see the ceiling reflection on the floor... Sensations in this case will be quite strange, it is not excludedthe appearance of dizzinessand disorientation. Therefore, no matter how interesting and attractive this crazy idea seemed to you, it is better to abandon it in time. Not only that, you will spend a large amount for the purchase of material, so in the course of time you will spend not less the dismantling, purchase and laying of another coating.

    The only thing you can safely do isuse smallmirrorelements,To diversify the usual tiles. They have the form of a square, size 50 × 50 mm or more and are inserted between the tiles, which are stacked with displacement. This method is quite acceptable for apartments or houses.Fully mirrored floorsvery rarely, but it is possible to meet in huge shopping centers. This is an excellent way to attract customers. If you want, you do not want to, and you'll come to gaze at the inverted shop windows, and you'll buy something.

    4. In which rooms it is appropriate to use a mirror tile

    If you are just for yourself decided that such an element in your apartment to be, it's timedetermine,atwhatsameroomIt is worth placing such a decor, and in which there is not. Let's start with the main thing -not a placemirror tiles ininterior of aroom. Immediately answer the question "why?

    • This material is quite easy to break, crumble into small sharp pieces and get injured. Even if you use not real glass, but plastic, its fragments can also be verydangerous.
    • Assess the trendy and modern trend baby just can not be the first 15 years. So, you do it exclusively for yourself. In that case, place a mirror in your room.
    • A child's unstable psyche can accept this method ambiguously.Reactionchild can beunpredictable.
    • In terms of coziness, this is not the "warmest" material for finishing the child's room.

    In all other rooms you can not limit your own imagination. Let us consider in more detail.

    Mirror interior of a dining room or bathroom

    Due to its positive qualities, this type of tile is an excellent solution for use in rooms whereis presentconstanthumidityand temperature changes.

    For the bathroom,whose small sizes often do not allow the full use of various techniques to increase space, it's justfind.You can not only diversify the interior, but also make it more spacious. In addition, if you choose a suitable form of tile, you canreplaceher usual mirror over the washbasin, without which simply can not do. The rest of the walls can be decorated with tiles with ornament or monophonic mixed with tiles. Only in this room the concept of "too" completely disappears. The most interestingcladding optionsmirror tiles in the bathroom:

    • Tiles of large or medium-sized square shape, laid diagonally along the perimeter of the entire room;
    • Rectangular tiles in the form of bricks, laid in combination with ceramic;
    • Mirror mosaic in combination with a monophonic or colored mosaic made of another material;
    • Inclusions of mirror fragments, chaotically located interspersed with a tile of the same size;
    • The lining of all walls is completely monochrome or in combination with a color mirror tile of the same size.

    The onlya disadvantagethe use of mirrors in the bathroom is their fogging, when using hot water. You will need to constantly wipe all the walls dry, so that there are no soapy and lime traces of hard water.

    ATdining roommirror tiles equally well looks both in the working area, and in the dining room.

    • To finish the working apron very often recently using a mirror tile made of stainless steel. It looks very impressive and resembles a fish scales. Tofacilitate carefor such material it is necessary to take care of the presence of a powerful hood, which will prevent the formation of soot and greasy plaque.
    • Glass tiles in the form of bricks are well combined with tiles of the same shape, imitating the surface of natural stone.
    • ATdining areafragments of mirror tiles are used for wall finishing. Good looking longitudinal diagonal strips in front of the kitchen table. This reception looks modern and unusual. It is possible to emphasize it and give home comfort with the help of small lamps.

    Spacious hallway or dressing room

    AThallway,as in the bathroom, you can not do without a mirror in full growth.

    • Use a large tile with even edges, which should be laid with minimal seams in the entrance area. In a place where there should be an ordinary mirror. This will help to see a single reflection, not fragmented. Complete absence of seams is impossible.
    • Ifthe corridor is long,it is recommended that the fragment be lined with a length of the wall to the right or left of the entrance door.
    • According to the rules of Feng Shui, you can not place a mirror surface on the wall, which reflects the front door.
    • Ifthe room is dark,add mirroring to the lighting fixtures. This will immediately increase the amount of light and make the room more spacious.
    • An interesting solution is the decorationsmallmirrorelementsunusual shape. For example, hexahedrons or semicircles. Winning look tinted fragments against the background of light walls.

    Forwardrobe,especially if it is given a modest room, the finishing of one of the walls with a mirror tile completely, will havedouble benefit.Places will seem much more, and the need for a regular mirror will immediately disappear. In this case, you can combine two types of tiles. For example, in the middle of a wall from a floor to a ceiling to lay out usual mirror, and on each side - a tile with patterns.


    Mirror tiles in the drawing room or bedroom

    Use caseceilingmirrorelementsmost relevant looks exactly inliving room.

    • Multilevel stretch ceilings can be diversified with a mirror film.
    • The wall, completely finished with mirrors, also quite harmoniously fit into this room. On the contrary, it is better to have indoor plants, the number of which will visually increase, thanks to the properties of mirrors.
    • Fireplace areaadvantageously emphasize the mirror elements in combination with other finishing materials, for example, plastic panels that imitate wood or stone.
    • In the living room, you can alsocombinedifferent types of tiles.
    • Mirror panels should be placed above the sofa.

    Bedroomimplies a full rest and a healthy sleep, so here it is strictly forbidden to use mirrors in large quantities. It means that for them only one wall should be allocated. But completely it will be covered with tiles or not - it's a matter of taste.

    • Optimal placethe mirror tile in the bedroom is above the head of the bed.
    • On the sides of the bed in the form of mirror columns of a rectangular or semi-circular shape.

    This is due to the fact that many people, an abundant number of reflective surfaces, can cause confusion.

    5. Recommendations for self-packing

    Many are accustomed to doing all the repair work in the house with their own hands. Someone, in this way, saves money, someone just does not trust unfamiliar masters. Whatever the reasons, if you decide to install the mirror tile yourself, you needknow the key points.The surface must be prepared as before laying the usual tile. But the process itselfhassomefeatures:

    • Before laying, lay all the tiles on the floor in the required sequence. Assess the width of the gaps and the need for pruning;
    • Pre-fit all the elements;
    • If the surface of the tile is opaque, but smooth at the same time, it is necessary to create a small roughness on it. To do this, sprinkle with coarse sand. This is done to ensure a better coupling with the base material;
    • If the tile is transparent, liquid glue is applied to the back side and coarse-grained sand is added;
    • Asadhesive mixtureuse liquid nails or neutral silicone without the acid in the composition;
    • The edges of the mirror tiles will have certain deviations from the uniformity, so make joints at least 2 mm thick;
    • First rowmust necessarily be horizontal;
    • Press the tiles with a piece of cloth. This will help avoid contamination;
    • Finish filmshould be removed only after the completion of all work;
    • The ready masonry should be left for a few days until completely dry;
    • Only after thatproceedtotrowellingseams with special silicone;
    • After it has dried, clean the surface of the tiles with a dry cloth. The best material for this is materialmicrofiber.

    After the successful completion of the installation work, you can enjoy a unique design made by yourself.

    Tags:Apartment design
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