How to independently install a wooden fence with picket fence

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Wooden fence is still the most popular fence for summer houses and private houses. Natural or painted wood always looks organic in nature, and the picket fence, which usually goes for construction, is inexpensive and does not require special equipment for transportation. And the best part - a wooden fence is easy to install with your own hands, using a hammer and nails. Of course, if you have already installed the pillars. However, first things first.

Preparatory work

The first step is to measure the perimeter of the future fence and calculate the number of pillars. The distance between the pillars should be no more than 2–3 m. Otherwise, a large load falls on the lags, or prozhiliny, and they fail faster. For pillars use a wooden log or timber, metal profile of square or rectangular cross-section, concrete or brick.

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The posts should be concreted, so that the entire fence stands exactly under any loads - strong winds, snowfall. For concreting one column spend 2–3 buckets of concrete solution. The solution for pouring the columns is prepared in the following proportions:

  • 1 part of cement of at least M400 quality;
  • 2 hours river sand without additional impurities;
  • 4 hours crushed stone.

Water taken at the rate of half of the cement.

All ingredients must be clean, free of debris, soil particles or clay. If it is colder outside 15 ° C, the water for preparing the solution must be heated to 50 ° C.

Lags are a common timber made of hardwood. The fence to them is fixed with screws or ordinary nails. The number of shtaket in one section of the fence can be varied. The fences between the plots are usually made less often, and from the outside they are almost deaf. A wooden fence fence does not have to be a standard type when vertical planks are placed on the transverse logs. A boring fence with stencils and your own imagination can be easily turned into a work of art. See how the decoration of the site turned out from the usual wooden fence:

Read also: Installing the fence from the sheet at the cottage( video)

long twine

The final stages in the preparatory work will be clearing the site. It is necessary to remove the old fence, mow the grass and, if necessary, level out any uneven ground. Pegs are driven in at the extreme points of the plot and a string is pulled between them. It will show a straight line along which the future fencing will be built. Then with the help of a tape measure with pegs place under the bars.

The distance between the pegs should correspond to the length of the acquired streaks.

Installing the columns

If you plan to install a temporary fence, you can do without pouring the foundation under the columns. In this case, the lower part of the wooden log is coated with any antiseptic - used lube oil, paint, linseed oil, wrapped in roofing felt and just dropped in. Such a column in dry, unbutable soil will last for several years. In other cases, the pillars are concreted, so that every 3–4 years it is not necessary to repair the leaning fence. The process of filling the pillars is simple, but will require adherence to the sequence of actions and the participation of at least two people.

  1. A hole with a depth of at least 0.5 m is drilled at the marked place.
  2. Then pour some water into the pit and set up a column, aligning it vertically. Pour concrete, and once again check the position of the column. Water here is necessary so that the soil does not take moisture from the solution, otherwise the foundation will be fragile. For fixing the column using props, as the concrete hardens within a few days. To speed up the process, special modifiers are added to the solution.
  3. . If a concrete column is concreted from a metal profile, a plug is placed in the upper part, which prevents moisture and litter from getting inside. The wooden log is hewn so that the top turned out pointed, then the water will quickly slide down without absorbing into the tree.

If a pillar is laid out of brick, above the top row of a thick mixture of cement, sand and water make a kind of roof so that the water in this place does not stagnate.

Processing wooden parts

While concrete hardens, it's time to start processing wooden parts to protect against bugs, mold and other natural factors. The sheeting can increase wood service life several times.

Read also: Installing the support pillars of the century for the agesAll wooden parts is desirable to stitch. Ostugannoe tree absorbs moisture less. If you touch all difficult, you should handle at least lags. It is advisable to cut the upper ends of the fence at an angle. In this form, they will last longer.

For lovers of unpainted wood, it is worthwhile to process the stacks and logs with special impregnation. It retains its natural color and texture, but also protects against fire and bugs. If desired, select the impregnation, giving inexpensive wood noble shades. Thus, an ordinary pine can be charmed under an oak, ash, walnut or ebony. There is a large assortment of ready-made impregnations of well-known companies “Belinka”, “Pinotex”, “Neomid” on sale.

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If it is planned to paint a wood fence, first it is primed and then covered with facade paint for wood.

Extremely easy to use and reliable acrylic compositions. They do not smell, are diluted with water, tinted in any shade, dry quickly. Also use oil and alkyd paints.

Assembling the section of the fence

First, lags are attached to the posts. Nails are nailed to the wood, and fixings are welded to the metal pipe or profile. Lags align horizontally. Then the nails are nailed to them with screws or screws. In order not to measure the distance between the planks each time, use templates - one is placed on the upper vein and the second on the lower. First, the extreme planks are nailed, then a rope is tensioned between them and the height is adjusted along it. For narrow slats, one nail is enough at the top and bottom, two for wide ones.

There is another option for mounting a fence. Separate sections are assembled on a workbench or directly on the ground, then the finished section is nailed to the posts. This option is faster, and you can advise very busy people to buy a ready-made section for a wooden fence.

Fence from unedged board

What is an unedged board is already clear from its name. These are boards with uncircumcised, jagged edges on which the bark can remain. Unedged board is of different types - slab, half-edged, quarter. Such lumber is much cheaper than edged boards, but out of it, showing imagination, create sturdy unusual buildings.

The fence from unedged board is most often not leveled, cutting off all the irregularities, but leaving them to get a natural effect. Unedged board is heavier than a picket fence, so it is nailed horizontally straight to the posts.

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