7 tips for choosing a good bread maker

Bread Maker The bread machine is not an easy device. And the point here is not quite that before you choose a bread machine from a huge range of equipment and buy it, you need to understand all its intricacies. Simply, bread is stronger than all other products capable of influencing the energy and emotional state of a person. No wonder all the nations so revere him. It is believed that only the housewife should cook the bread, as in the course of the culinary process she can convey her love to the household. But before it was so.

Fortunately, today we can revive this ancient tradition, and the clever bread maker will help us with this. Fortunately, you can buy it at any hardware store. Do you think that the machine will not be able to cope with such an important task? And no! The ingredients will be laid exactly you.

Why not imagine at this time that a ruddy and beautiful bread will soon appear at home that will delight your loved ones? Oh, he will be much tastier and better than his faceless shop counterpart. Very soon it will be when you manage to choose a good breadmaker. But first, let's look into her device.

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  • 1 How a Bread Maker works

models How an

bread maker works No matter what kind of bread maker you decide to buy, it will work on a very simple principle: you choose a recipe, say, rustth bread, lay the ingredients in the right quantity, then press a couple of buttons, and just wait until you get home hlebushek. In the meantime, your assistant:

  • knead the softest dough;
  • will give it a “go”;
  • again knead to remove excess bubbles;
  • will allow the test to "come up" a second time;
  • Cakes;
  • will keep for you warm bread for an hour or three.

This is the main function of the bread machine. Of course, each model has its own characteristics. For example, in some you need to lay the first liquid products, in others - dry. Also, some need to manually fill the ingredients while the oven is running, others handle it all themselves. If in doubt, which bread maker to choose, it is better to watch a video about different models and read reviews.

But first we will tell you a big secret: the quality of bread is almost not affected by the model, price and other parameters of the breadmaker, since everything depends on the recipe and the products you use. But whether your device will work for a long time or breaks down in a month or two depends on the quality.

Today we offer you 7 tips to help you choose a good bread maker.

Pail - all over the head

Since all the sacrament of making bread at home occurs in a bucket, you should pay attention to it first of all. As a rule, containers are made of aluminum or stainless steel. The latter are considered more reliable and durable. Both types are covered on top of the non-stick layer, so you need to use the bucket carefully.

Breadmaker can be supplemented with capacity for dough of different volumes: from 450 g to one and a half kilogram. For one or two people, it is recommended to buy a device that bakes half a kilo bread. For a large family, suitable capacity, cooking at a time, at least a kilogram of bread. Consider that in a larger bucket you can cook both solid and modest loaves, but in a small one you will have to bake only small bread rolls. But such models are more compact and lightweight, so it’s easier for them to find a place( whatever one may say, and this is important if the kitchen is small).

The optimal number of blades

If you have ever looked inside the bread maker or watched videos about them, you probably noticed that sometimes they have only one shovel and sometimes two.

At first glance it may seem like you need to buy with two. However, as practice shows, if the device has sufficient power, then the number of blades does not play a big role.

Moreover, the weak point of any bucket is a rubber gasket that covers the agitator shaft. From frequent and long contact with liquids and oils, it deteriorates, so the capacity begins to leak. If there are two blades, then the risk of breakage doubles. By the way, experienced users are advised to choose a breadmaker, in which you first need to put dry products, if you plan to use the delayed start function often.

Council three: what should be the power of

The power of breadmakers ranges from 450 to 1650 watts. Low-power devices tend to have fewer programs. For example, they are not able to knead dough for dumplings or pasta. On the other hand, a powerful bread maker will use more electricity. If for you the issue of saving is significant, choose a small capacity. If you want to have more features, you should choose a bread maker with a power of 1650 watts.

List of popular programs

Each model has four basic programs:

  • standard;
  • accelerated;
  • kneading dough;
  • baking.

Further, the number and variety of functions depends on the model. If you do not know how to choose the right bread maker, let's look at each of the programs:

  1. Standard is the main and main program, which includes all the processes of making bread. It usually takes about 3.5 hours.
  2. Accelerated. This program is provided in all models. It takes her only 2 hours to cook. In fact, it is rarely used, because the loaf is not so lush and tasty. It is no wonder: time for a batch is much less. And any hostess at home is aware that the dough does not like fuss.
  3. French bread is the longest program that allows you to get especially airy and soft bread.
  4. Kneading dough. Here the models have differences. Some are able to knead only yeast dough, others can cook everything for rye bread, others are preparing a variety of types, for which different blades are provided. Of course, multifunctional models are more expensive. How else?
  5. Cupcakes. Here, too, the differences: some devices take over all the cooking processes, others - just bake. However, you will use this program infrequently: it is too laborious process, during which it is not always possible to find a competent recipe.
  6. Baking. Thanks to the program, the bread maker prepares any kind of baking.
  7. Jam. This function is in fact rarely used: electricity for the sake of a small jar of jam is “winding” for 1.5-2 hours - a dubious pleasure. Although manufacturers claim that with such processing vitamins are preserved, you still will not be able to use a bread maker for winter preparations.
  8. Program for making rye bread. You will definitely need it, because constantly eating only white bread will bother you, no matter how tasty and airy it is.
  9. Additional functions: pastries with additives, baguettes, honey-mustard, pumpkin, sour cream, etc. In principle, it is not necessary to choose a device with all these possibilities. The same additives can be poured by hand, and different types of bread can be prepared according to different recipes using standard programs.

Think how many features you need. Do not chase after their quantity: if this is your first bread maker, choose something simpler. After all, then it can be given to someone, and you can buy a more “cool” device if you like to experiment.

Dispenser, timer and other “frills”

Breadmaker can be supplemented with various options:

  1. Timer - a necessary and useful thing. Allows you to postpone the start of any program for 6-12 hours. You will need it, because it is not always possible to be at home near the stove. The
  2. Dispenser is a special compartment that pours additional components into the dough at the right time. Expensive and not always demanded thing, because in models without it, simply open the lid and pour the products after the beep.
  3. "Child Protection" does not allow you to open the cover during operation of the device. In principle, it is enough just to put the device in a place inaccessible for curious kids and you can be calm for their safety.
  4. A viewing window allows you to see the process of making bread. According to user feedback, too large a window does not allow getting a ruddy top bread, since a little heat is lost through it. But completely without a window is also inconvenient: sometimes you need to follow the dough, especially if you use a new recipe at home, say, rye bread.
  5. Memory supply during power outages. This function allows the breadmaker to do without electricity for 5-40 minutes, that is, after switching on, it will continue to work from the place where it has finished. Useful if your electrical network likes to make surprises.

Which bread maker body is better

The bread maker body can be plastic or made of stainless steel. Plastic is lightweight, inexpensive material that is easier to care for at home. However, it may break if handled carelessly. Stainless steel is more durable, however, it requires careful maintenance.

Plastic or stainless steel is a matter of taste. The main thing is that the case was of high quality: it had holes for steam and reliable joints. Make sure that there are no cracks, sharp corners or uneven edges.

Differences between expensive and cheap models.

. The main differences between expensive and cheap models consist in the quality of components and the number of functions. If you need to be serious about the first moment, then you can be flexible with the second. Especially if you want to choose your first bread maker.

Well, why do you need 19 programs and a bunch of gadgets? Maybe they will never come in handy.

But the quality should not be ignored. Bucket, body, wide blades, reliable fasteners and good insulation - all this should inspire confidence. And the high price is not a guarantee of long and uninterrupted work. Any video about breadmakers will prove to you that the average models for price have excellent characteristics. So it is quite possible to choose them.

Comparison of popular models of

To choose the right bread maker, you need to decide on the programs that you are going to use and with the weight of the finished loaf. Also think about what additional features you really need. Then you can compare different models with approximately the same characteristics and select 2 or 3 of them that you like. Watch a video about them and read reviews. Surely, some kind of model will especially “sink into” your soul. Here is her and buy.

You can even make up a label like this:

parameters Panasonic SD-2511 WTS Kenwood BM256 Moulinex RZ710130
Power 550W 450W 1050 W
weight of the finished bread 500 /750/ 1100 500 /750/ 1000 500 /750/ 900
baking Brick Brick Round
number 15 12 17
programs Additional features dispenser, timer, maintenancetemperature, overheating protection, choice of the color of the crust Selection of the color of the crust, temperature maintenance, timer, memory reserve in case of power failure Selection of the color of the crust, memory reserve during power failure, timer, protection againstheat
Dimensions 382x256x389 345x345x250 390x310x350
Number of blades 1 1 1

So much easier to find a suitable model. We are sure that now you will not have any difficulties and you will be able to choose and buy a good breadmaker. May your purchase be successful!

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