Features of planting and care for lavender in the open field of different regions

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Such a flower as lavender, planting and care in the open ground is uncomplicated, very popular among summer residents. This plant is known all over the world. His popularity was gained by the bush thanks to an unusual aroma and beautiful flowering. There are many varieties of lavender, which differ not only from the shade of buds, but also from properties. Most of them are grown in countries with a warm climate, but there are also such varieties that can be planted in the northern regions.

Proper care for lavender in the suburbs

Thanks to the work of breeders, lavender is increasingly seen in the suburbs. Among all species that grow in nature, only one variety is grown in areas with a harsh climate - lavender narrow-leaved. It is a beautiful and undemanding flower, it is a pleasure to look after it.

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Often in the suburbs it is used for decorating garden plots. She also enjoys special demand in folk and traditional medicine.

It is not recommended to sow lavender seeds in the soil with high acidity.

If caring for lavender in the suburbs does not differ from other regions, then the rules of landing a little different. Since this region does not have a very suitable climate for such a crop, it should only be planted with seeds. Seedlings grown in this way are stronger and able to withstand difficult weather conditions.

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Tips for choosing a site for lavender in the suburbs:

  1. Plant young plants only in sandy and loamy substrates.
  2. Lavender does not like areas with surface groundwater.
  3. Grow bushes is recommended in places where there are no drafts.

Optimal option for lavender in the suburbs will be areas that are on the hill. They should be well warmed by the sun. This will allow the bushes to have a beautiful view and delight abundant flowering.

Care and planting of lavender in Siberia

This kind of culture likes a lot of light and heat, so it will not be easy to grow in the northern regions. But, despite this, many fans can observe the flowering of this amazing plant in the warm season.

With the correct planting and care of lavender in Siberia, the bush is well tolerated by severe frosts and will delight everyone with its incredible aroma every year. At home, you can grow any variety, but in the open ground to tolerate a drop in temperature to-35C is capable of only a narrow-leaved species.

Care for lavender in Siberia:

  1. Watering. Water must be irrigated only when the top layer dries. If the plant is planted on the hillocks, then near the bushes should make small holes for irrigation. Thanks to them, the liquid will stay in the right amount in the soil.
  2. Pruning. In regions with unusual temperatures for this plant, it is important to remove damaged and dry shoots in the spring. On each bush should remain about 6 healthy twigs. In autumn, pruning is prohibited, since shoots protect the root system from freezing in winter.
  3. Loosening. This is an important condition in the care of lavender in Siberia. Loosening of the soil can accelerate the development of bushes and increase the amount of bud formation.

Covering lavender with dry leaves is not recommended, since under such a "blanket" condensate is formed, which can damage the root system.

Despite the fact that lavender narrow-leaved well tolerates severe frosts, it still needs to be sheltered for the winter. To do this, you should use agrofibre or burlap. You can also put coniferous branches on the bushes.

Read also:Let in your garden there will be a lavender, grown from seeds

Care of lavender in the Leningrad region

Grow narrow-leaved variety in this region is not difficult. The main thing is to follow certain rules. The main is the landing site. As in Siberia, lavender should be planted on the hills with a minimum number of trees near. The shadow and lack of sun can lead to the death of the plant. In the penumbra the broad-leaved variety is developing well, but, unfortunately, it tolerates frosts badly.

Planting and care of lavender in the Leningrad region is practically no different. The only thing to consider is the composition of the soil. Since this region has mainly podzolic soils, it is necessary to prepare the soil for the plant. It should be easy and good to let in water.

Lavender belongs to the group of colors that are demanding for acidity. Therefore, before planting, the substrate should be checked for pH. If the figures are below 7, then the land is recommended to be proclaimed.


Also, attention should be paid to the density of the soil. Heavy ground can damage the bush very much. To prevent this, it is recommended to add sand or other baking powder to the garden where it is planned to grow the plant. An effective tool in this case will be the use of ash.

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Before the onset of winter, the bushes should be wrapped. It is better to do this with tissues that pass air well. Crop the plant in the fall is not recommended. Otherwise, it may simply not move the winter.

The rules of care for lavender in the Urals

There are no special secrets of growing this plant in this area. But in order for it to survive the winter well, special attention should be given to the shelter. Timely procedure, can protect the bushes from freezing. All other rules for planting and leaving lavender in the Urals are no different.

With the first frosts, the culture should be covered with improvised means. This can be ordinary burlap. In the event of severe frost, it is recommended to use branches or wooden boxes additionally. They will not only take the main blow at themselves, but also protect the shoots from deformation under the weight of the layers of snow.

Growing lavender in the open ground is a simple and interesting activity that does not require much effort. To get the desired result, you do not need to have special skills. If you adhere to the rules of care, even in the northern regions attractive flowers will decorate any area, thus emphasizing the individuality of the owner.

Preparation of lavender for winter - video

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