Photos from the description will help in the selection of pears of the variety Forest Beauty

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Belgian Chatillon in the early 19th century discovered Forest Beauty pear in the forest. Description, photos show that this fruit is one of the most beautiful and tasty among its kind. But the main advantage of such a creation is that the pear is not obtained by the method of selection.

The variety is extremely durable. There is a rumor that some trees can bear fruit for up to 100 years.


A medium-sized tree not too thick with a pyramidal crown shape. At year 5, fruits begin to ripen after planting. They are egg shaped. Color depends on the area: green, yellowish, red. Sweet and sour pulp is over juicy.

Before you perishable pear Forest Beauty. How to store such a fruit? First of all, it is advisable to tear it off with a little understep at the end of the summer. Fruits do not tolerate sudden changes in temperature after a breakdown, therefore the optimum degree fluctuation should be -1 - 0. Secondly, the humidity in the storage should not exceed 90%.The storage time depends on the stage at which the pear was removed from the tree. If ripe, then not for long, but the pulp of this vitamin is sweet and juicy. A plucked pear 3 days before ripening has a longer durability, but its taste is not as rich and sweet after ripening in the supine position. Insufficiently cooled storage facilities allow saving fruits for 1-1.5 months, and cold storage facilities up to 2 months.

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The characteristics of the Forest Beauty pear variety can be better known by reading the pros and cons. Positive qualities:

  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to drought;
  • high yield.


  • ductile scab;
  • quickly overrides.

Planting and care

Forest Beauty Pear, planting and caring for which is obligatory and important, will thank the gardener for abundant crops. Fertile soil is needed to obtain a large amount of the crop, however, on clay compositions, the tree gives a good result. A self-infertile pear requires pollinators, which can be Josephine Mechelnskaya, Limonka, Williams.

Landing make in the beginning of May and October. A few days before this event, it is necessary to prepare the wells in the ground, which are 80 cm wide, 1 m deep.

Next, you need to combine the ground with superphosphate, 2 humus buckets, potassium sulfate. Hour 4 roots seedlings hold in water, and then arrange them on fertilized soil. Sprinkle with earth, at the same time placing a stake for fixing the thin trunk of the seedling. Finally fill the ground and pour water. For reliability, cover the ground around the future tree with humus or peat.

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Forest Beauty pear in the first year of life does not need fertilizers. From the second year of growth, the tree should be fed with mineral additives.50 g of ammonium nitrate is spent on 1 square.meter.50 g of superphosphate in granules, 25 g of potassium sulfate will go to the same area. These fertilizers should be applied in the fall. As for organic additives, they are made every 3 years.

The main disadvantage of such a beauty is the scab, which must be fought. To do this, before flowering, as soon as buds begin to swell, trees are covered with copper chloroxide with a 0.5% solution.


The description and photo of the Forest Beauty pear clearly demonstrate that for a high yield, the procedure for pruning branches is necessary.

To regulate the growth of a tree in 1 year, it is necessary to form the lower tier of the crown. In the second year, continue the formation, shortening the main branches by 1/3.In the third year to bookmark the upper tier of the crown using two branches. The final stage of 4 years is known for laying the upper tier of the third branch. Crown creation is over.

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All sections are necessarily treated with garden pitch, which is made of rosin, beeswax and lard. The ratio of the components provided will be 4: 2: 1.For the manufacture of a mixture of fat to melt in a water bath, and chop rosin. Mix components and cook for half an hour on a stable low heat. This pitch is necessary to prevent pests from eating the exuded juice in slices.


Scab. From such a disease will help 1 ampoule funds "Skor", diluted in 10 liters of water. The drug is applied in the spring, as soon as the leaves begin to bloom on the pear Forest Beauty. Description, photos of diseases of this variety introduce us to another type of disease - fruit rot. Get rid of it will help 40 grams of "Homa", diluted in 10 liters. In the spring of such a mixture you need to sprinkle all the wood. The same drug can get rid of cytosporosis. If your pears are black, and the shoots are dried, you know - this is a bacterial burn. Help in this case may 3 tbsp.spoons of copper sulfate, soluble in 10 liters of water.

Taking care of the tree, you will receive the most delicious fruits from your Beautiful Forest.

Forest Beauty Pear in the Garden - Video

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