Instructions for use fertilizer ammofoska

Ammofosk - granulated mineral fertilizer. It does not cake, contains useful chemical elements and a minimum of ballast additives. Let us consider in more detail its features, as well as instructions for use.

Table of Contents

  • Composition and Purpose of Ammophosca
  • Human Resources Search Engine Search Agencies
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Instructions for the preparation and application of
    • Determination of the dose for dressing
  • Terms and methods of applying to the ground
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  • Ammofoska contains elements necessary for plants. The basic composition is as follows:

    • Nitrogen, 12%.
    • Phosphorus, 15%.
    • Potassium, 14%.
    • Sulfur, 14%
    • Magnesium.

    Nitrogen increases the yield of plants, is a building material for cells, promotes the synthesis of elements. Contained in quantities not causing the accumulation of nitrates in plants.

    Phosphorus is responsible for the operation of the energy source of ATP and nucleotides that regulate the energy metabolism of the plant.

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    Potassium sulphate increases yields, improves fruit quality, and increases resistance to adverse growing conditions.

    Sulfur helps the plant to absorb nitrogen, fully absorb it and not acidify the soil.

    Ammofosk fertilizer in granules close-up

    The mechanism of action fertilizer

    Decorative flowers and shrubs, lawn grass fertilized in the spring. Under its influence, the plants get a good development, bright flowers and juicy fruits. At processing of potato plantations, the size of tubers increases, tastes, their safety are improved.

    Ammophos allows you to get a high yield of tomatoes. Potassium promotes the rapid formation of ovaries and the growth of fruits. Tomato bushes become resistant to stressful situations and pests. For cabbage and various greens, this composition helps to increase the volume of green mass, making it more juicy.

    Ammophoska granules dissolve slowly in moist soil, which provides plants with food for a long period. Its chemical substances break down into separate ions, this improves their absorption by the roots of the plant. Ammofosk

    , a fertilizer that allows proximity to almost all the fertilizers used. The only exceptions are phosphate slags.

    Advantages and disadvantages of

    Let us consider the advantages:

    • The composition is allowed to be made at any time of the year, except for winter. Already in early March, the ammonium can be scattered over the snow.
    • Non-toxic , excess nitrogen is not absorbed and does not increase the content of nitrates in the finished fruit.
    • The balanced content of the elements contributes to their full effective absorption and absorption.
    • Easily soluble in water, can be used both in granules and in the dissolved state.
    • This complex can be used as a top dressing during growth and as the main fertilizer during planting.

    The disadvantages include the following:

    • Chemical powder of the 4th class of danger, you must follow the precautions when working with him.
    • At non-compliance with the dosage, the acidity of the soil increases after its application.
    Ammophos fertilizer pack for use in the garden

    Instructions for the preparation and use of

    The amount of the drug used depends on the crop, the soil on which the plant grows and the time of application.

    Determination of the dose for feeding

    When you apply the complex in the fall, lay down the minimum dose of .

    Enough 20 g per square meter. In the spring when loosening the soil make the missing amount.

    When planting onions, sprinkle the powder at the rate of 15 g / m2.For root crops( carrots, beets), add granules to the planting furrows, 10 g per meter of furrow. In small areas it is convenient to plant potatoes in the wells, while laying in 2 g of the mixture in each. You can scatter fertilizer in the amount of 25 g / m2 on the surface and level the soil.

    Fertilizing trees, bring 50 g under each tree, the same dose is suitable for fruit bushes. For old plantations add 100 g per plant. When feeding flowers and ornamental shrubs, apply 10 g / m2 of granules if the soil is fertilized regularly, otherwise increase the dose to 20 g. Spray 15-25 g / m2 of powder on a wet herbal surface. In dry weather, you should water it, keeping it moist for a while.

    Useful fertilizer for soil in the greenhouse. Scatter the mixture on the surface of the soil, close up with a rake. When planting seedlings, add 1 tsp.powder in the landing hole, mixing with the ground. In the future, feed the culture with a solution of 3 tbsp.spoons of powder for 10 liters of water. Pour 1 liter of fluid under the bush during periods of flowering and ripening fruits.

    Fertilizer is highly soluble in water. Warm water is used for the solution, since nitrogen evaporates in hot water and phosphorus does not dissolve in cold water. You should wait for the complete dissolution of the granules, strain a small precipitate.
    Fertilizing plants with ammophos fertilizer

    Timing and methods for depositing into the soil

    Autumn can be considered as the first term for applying ammonium phosphate. It is brought under the autumn digging of the soil and under the bushes and trees, followed by incorporation into the ground.

    The next processing period is spring. It is possible to deposit in thawing snow already in March, scattering on the surface. Melting snow dissolves fertilizer and tightens it into the soil.

    Next, the complex mixture is applied when feeding plants at least three times per season. From August, fertilizing is stopped, because nitrogen promotes the growth of green mass of the plant, which is harmful by autumn. At this time, the plant should promote the ripening of fruits, not leaves. Young shoots of bushes and trees are also superfluous, in winter they will die undisturbed.

    Safety measures when working with the drug

    The drug belongs to the 4th class of hazardous substances, is not flammable and is not explosive. Working precautions are as follows:

    • Work should be carried out in protective clothing and gloves.
    • Be sure to protect the respiratory system with a respirator or mask.
    • Avoid contact with open skin and inside.
    • After work, wash your face and hands with soapy water.
    In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with clear water. If you accidentally swallow a solution or powder, induce vomiting and flush the stomach. After that, contact a medical facility for help.
    Harvest of tomatoes, which were fertilized with ammofosk

    . Terms and Conditions of storage

    As with any chemical preparation, ammophoska requires careful storage. Do not store open packages with it. It is better to pour the remnants into a tightly closed container, but not metal. The room should not be wet. Storage temperature is valid from 0 to 30 degrees. Access for children and animals is limited. Store no more than 9 months.

    Ammofosk - fertilizer with a high concentration of batteries, well balanced. This makes it convenient to use, allows you to be content with low doses of application. An important factor in choosing this composition is its reasonable price, which allows you to reasonably save.

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