How to choose the scales in the kitchen: mechanical and electronic

Scales - a device that helps weigh the exact number of grams of any product. Before buying this measuring assistant, a logical question may arise - how to choose a kitchen scale, if there is a great variety of them for sale? After all, the main thing is that the device serves as a conscience, this is not a one-year purchase. Today we will talk about the intricacies of choosing kitchen scales, about the advantages and disadvantages of different types of weighing, and also we will conduct a small overview of the functions that will facilitate the cooking process.

  • 1 Content Type kitchen scales on a method for measuring
    • 1.1 Hand scales
    • 1.2 Mechanical scales
    • 1.3 Electronic balance weights
  • 2 design - what better to choose
    • 2.1 1. Platform
    • 2.2 2. Weighing Bowl
  • 3
  • 4 exterior design Ergonomic
  • 5 Details
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Type of kitchen scales according to the method of measurement

Household scales are a device consisting of a platform, which can be with or without a bowl. Kitchen appliances require a certain place, because they are mostly not compact. The weight of the measuring device itself can reach up to 1 kg. Consider what types of measuring devices exist, and which of them is better to choose for your kitchen.

Manual Scales

Manual scales are those that constitute a round dial with a hook, the package with the product is suspended on it. They are also called bezmen. Once they were purely mechanical, but now you can find electronic models that run on batteries.

Due to its small size, it is convenient to take such scales with you to the market in order to personally control the weighing of products. Over time, the spring on the manual dynamometer weakens, it is a short-lived device.

Mechanical Scales

This type of scale is a good old measuring scale with an arrow. The principle of operation of mechanical scales is the same as that of manual ones - at the base of the platform there is a spring, which, under the pressure of products, presses the arrow, thereby showing the data on the number of grams. Mechanical devices do not require any power costs - bought and used. Of the benefits can also be distinguished low cost and durability.

Electronic scales

The most modern type of scales for “advanced” hostesses - electronic. These kitchen scales have a small display on which the readings of grams are highlighted. In standby mode, the display can display the time. The minimum error is a huge plus, allowing you to weigh even the lightest products and objects, for example, beads( not least for needlewomen), jewelry. Electronic kitchen devices are much higher mechanical. Their work depends on the batteries - AAA batteries, or batteries.

Scale design - which one is better to choose

With a direct choice in retail you can find 2 basic designs of measuring devices - a platform and a bowl. We describe each of the structures in more detail so that when choosing you can specifically focus on certain models.

1. Platform

A kitchen scale with a platform is a rectangular or round appliance, on the flat surface of which products are weighed.

Very convenient in operation because they are easy to care for, you just need to monitor the cleanliness of the upper surface.

But there is a minus too: if you want to weigh, for example, butter - you cannot put it on the surface, you need to put a plate. And you have to subtract the total weight of the plate before weighing the oil. And so every time.

2. Bowl

On the scales, the bowl is mounted directly on top of the platform, for it there is a special notch. It is convenient to weigh loose products in the bowl - flour, groats;liquids are also weighed in the bowl. There are kitchen appliances with a non-removable bowl - such a device is very inconvenient to wash, because water may accidentally get into the case, and this is unacceptable if the scales are electronic.

Bowl volume deserves special attention. It is best to choose a model with a bowl capacity of at least 1 liter, regardless of the number of family members. The larger the bowl, the better. For example, in a large bowl, you can make the dough by alternately weighing all the ingredients one by one.

The material used to make the bowl can be:

  • glass,
  • stainless steel,
  • plastic.

Remember that the glass bowl is very fragile. Finding a bowl in return is almost impossible - only on order.

Plastic bowls are cheaper, just take care of them, but they should not weigh too hot liquids. Therefore, it is better to choose a more practical and durable material, like steel.


The main function of the scale is to weigh. Most models of kitchen devices have a weighing limit of 3-5 kg. Today, some mechanical models of the company Lumme can weigh up to 10 kg, and only one electronic firm Redmond.

Some electronic kitchen devices have additional weighing functions:

  • Liquid volume measurement - know-how in the world of kitchen scales. The device is a measuring cup. The measuring sensor is located in the handle for holding. As the liquid is poured, the sensor indicates the number of milliliters weighed;
  • Sequential weighing - allows, without removing the previous product from the bowl, to measure the severity of the next. Very convenient for making dough, other multi-component dishes;
  • Tarot - compensation - instantly subtracts the tare weight, which allows you to weigh the ingredients in additional containers;
  • Calorie Counter is a built-in system with information about the nutritional value of each food.

Exterior Design

Kitchen scales can be decorated in different styles, which allows you to choose a suitable model for your kitchen. We have prepared for you a few tips that you can take note of when choosing a device.

  1. Metal scales or plastic with steel inserts fit well into the classic kitchen design, and in the high-tech style.
  2. If you are thinking about how to choose the scales to the kitchen in a romantic style, then feel free to choose models from colored plastic.
  3. Devices with a wooden base and a metal bowl fit well into the ethnic kitchen interior.
  4. In the kitchen with the traditionally decorated style, you can choose any model that does not look pretentious. Choose mechanical or electronic devices with a calm color and dim inserts.
  5. In the retro style kitchen, it is best to choose a square-shaped mechanical scale. It is not bad that the bowl material is durable - stainless steel, as well as the device case.

Ergonomic Parts

Separate models of scales for greater attractiveness and functionality are equipped with additional features. They are not directly related to the weighing, but affect the cost. Pay attention to them, only you decide whether to overpay for the upgrade listed below.

  • Fastening to the wall;
  • Clock - for electronic models, you can install and display the exact time;
  • Timer;
  • Rubber feet - from slipping;
  • Room Thermometer - for models with a display, using the built-in temperature sensor measures the temperature in the room;
  • Alarm Clock. I wonder who might need to put an alarm in the measuring device?

In conclusion, I would like to note that the choice of kitchen scales can turn into a real adventure. Remember, the main thing - that the device is weighed with the lowest error. The remaining functions are nothing more than pleasant additions, and for each of them the manufacturer increases the cost of the device. We will be happy if the above tips will help you find the right scales for your kitchen.

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