Detailed description and characteristics of the tomato variety Kolkhoz harvest

The most popular with gardeners are varieties that can be grown both in hotbeds and in open beds. High yield is one of the main criteria for evaluating tomatoes. The collective farm variety is fruitful or, as it is also called, the collective farmer fully corresponds to its name. A description of the characteristics of tomato can be found in the article.

Table of Contents. It tolerates dry weather and low temperatures. Branched bush, semi-sprawling, in height reaches from 60 centimeters to 1 meter. The ripening period is 100-110 days. The fruits are round, red, the pulp is dense, the taste is sweet-sour. Fruit weight ranges from 95 to 115 grams.

Tomato bush with ripened fruits

Advantages and disadvantages of

The advantages of the variety include:

  • high yield;
  • high in trace elements and vitamins;
  • excellent taste;
  • versatility;
  • weather resistant;
  • ease of care;
  • high disease resistance;
  • good transportability;
  • is not prone to cracking;
  • instagram viewer
  • good presentation;
  • stable yield;
  • simultaneous formation of fruits;
  • the possibility of growing both seedling and seedless.
The only drawback of this variety is a fairly strong skin. When preparing salads or processing juice, it leaves a negative impression, although during transportation over long distances, this is undoubtedly an advantage.
High yield of this type of tomato

Seed preparation

Good seedlings can be grown only from properly prepared seeds for sowing. Preparation is carried out in several stages:

  1. Selection of seeds .To select high-quality seeds, it is necessary to pour a solution of table salt into a glass jar and dip the seeds into it for a few minutes. To discard the seeds that have risen to the surface, and rinse them to the bottom thoroughly under running water.
  2. Disinfection .In order to prevent diseases, seeds should be soaked for 15 minutes in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, or in a 2% solution of hydrogen peroxide for 10 minutes. The seeds are then treated with a growth promoter.
  3. Soak. After processing, the seeds are wrapped in a cloth and immersed in a glass container with water so as to cover only half of the seeds. Soaking procedure is carried out for 10 hours. Remove the napkin from the seeds three times from the water, replace the water, and give the seeds aired.
  4. Sprouting .In order for the seeds to give better germination and an earlier harvest, they must be germinated before planting in the soil. Put the soaked seeds on a damp cloth and leave until the sprouts appear. It is necessary to ensure that the napkin is always wet. The temperature in the room should not be below +20 degrees.
  5. Hardening .The final procedure for seed preparation is hardening. This procedure is performed so that the seedlings are well adapted to weather changes and give the best yield. After germination, place the seeds in the refrigerator for 14 hours( temperature not higher than +2 degrees). Then it is heated for 14 hours( the temperature is not lower than +22 degrees).
Solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection of seeds

Growing tomato seedlings

Sowing seeds should be carried out in the last days of February. Before sowing seeds, you need to prepare a special soil. To do this in equal parts to mix the land from the garden, sifted river sand, peat.

The land from the garden on which vegetable marrows, cucumbers, carrots, and cauliflowers grew is best suited.

To normalize acidity, add 200 grams of ash. Before planting, the soil must be disinfected with a strong solution of potassium permanganate or heated on a plate. Ready soil is poured into oblong wooden containers, leveled and made holes 1 cm deep.

Sprouted seeds spread into the grooves at a distance of 2 cm from each other, sprinkled with soil and slightly compacted. Soil thickness 0.5 cm. The soil is carefully watered, covered with glass and taken out in a dark room with a temperature of +25 degrees.

After 5 days, when the first sprouts appear, remove the glass and move the boxes with the seedlings to a room with good lighting. After 2 leaves appear on the seedlings, they must be transplanted into separate pots with a capacity of 1 liter.

Tomato seedling Collective farm productive

Replant seedlings neatly, with a clod of earth, so as not to damage the fragile root system. After transplantation, seedlings are fertilized with a solution of fermented cow dung or chicken manure. Bred mullein in a ratio of 1:10, chicken droppings 1:15.Top dressing should be repeated 30 days after germination, and the next one should be done 15 days after the second.

A week before transplanting to open beds, seedlings need to be hardened. To do this for the first time two days to make pots of seedlings for 2 hours on the street. Then leave the seedlings on the street throughout the daylight hours.2 days before disembarking the bed for the night in the room is not entered.

Planting on open beds

On seed beds, seedlings are transplanted in the middle of May. The site where the transplanting is planned should be well lit by sunlight.

It is not recommended to plant tomato seedlings on the site where pepper, potatoes and eggplants were previously grown.

In prepared soil, dug holes at a distance of 70-90 cm from each other, and between rows should be at least 1 meter. Closer distance of seedlings to each other will reduce the yield, and increase the risk of disease.

Bows must be deep so that the root fits loosely with a clod of earth and the trunk is buried down to the bottom leaves. Sprinkle the hole with earth, slightly tamp it, make grooves for irrigation around the hole. After transplanting, seedlings should be watered plentifully. This will help the seedlings to take root well. After some time, the bush must be tied up to a support at a height of 15–20 cm.

. Abundant watering after transplanting into the ground.

. Seedling care.


  • Performing mulching.
  • Permanent timely watering( the soil must be wet).Excess moisture will cause the roots to rot. Watering exercise in the early morning.
  • Pinching shoots( leave the bush in one - two stalks).
  • Remove all lower shoots and leaves at a height of 20 cm.
  • Timely treatment of seedlings to prevent diseases.
  • Harvesting

    The fruits of this class ripen in 100-110 days after planting. Maturation occurs within 14-21 days. Fruits are considered ripe when their color is saturated red.

    It is recommended to collect fruits regularly, to avoid overloading the bush.

    Tomatoes of this variety have a long shelf life. Fruit should be stored at a temperature of + 10-15 degrees. You can use the fruit as raw for making salads, and for canning, cooking ketchup, pasta, sauces, juice.

    The collective farm variety is suitable for canning.

    The variety of tomatoes is farmed to grow a collective farm crop even for novice gardeners. This variety has earned a lot of good reviews and love of gardeners for its unpretentiousness and good harvests.

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