Farmland - a place where you want to relax in the hot summer. The shoots of decorative pumpkins will decorate any garden. At the beginning of summer, bright flowers appear on them, and by the middle of July - multi-colored fruits. There are many types of ornamental gourd, the cultivation of which is possible from seeds - and in the form of a mushroom, a curly pear. In our article we will consider one of the unusual varieties - Turkish turban.
. Contents:up to 2.5 meters long .Pumpkin flowers look like bells, bright yellow, rather large( 10 cm in diameter).Fruits in their shape resemble a headdress from Turkey, a turban or a turban. They are miniature and colorful. One plant can produce up to 30 fruits.
Turkish turban is growing rapidly. Stems reach 6 m or more( if not pinned).They quickly climb a vertical pedestal, decorating the garden and create a cool shade on the site.

seedlings. In the southern regions of Russia, pumpkin seeds are planted in the middle of May. .Decorative pumpkin grows quickly. In one season, she has time to grow and give fruit with proper care.
At a temperature of -1 sprouts die, so in the regions north of the seeds are planted in seedlings. In addition, the seedling method of planting will accelerate growth and maturation.
Before planting, seeds are soaked for an hour in warm water or in a growth preparation. Then the seeds are transferred to gauze and left to warm for 2 days. There they germinate. Seeds are planted in separate containers of 500 ml each.
The soil for seedlings needs fertile, loose and slightly acidic .To do this, take the soil from the garden and mix it with:
- turfy ground
- sand
- humus
Before planting, the soil is decontaminated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to avoid the development of fungal diseases in pumpkin.

For the first week and a half, the sprouts are actively pulled out, and after their growth slows down. plants feed with mineral fertilizers and manure, soil is loosened and watered with .
Two weeks before disembarking, seedlings are hardened by - taken out into the open air and left for 15-20 minutes. Gradually, the time is increased to 2-3 hours.
Planting in open ground
After a month, when will appear on the leaflets 2-3 leaflets, seedlings are planted in open ground. IMPORTANT.Next to the shoots should be a solid vertical support, for example a wall or arch, along which they will grow.
Turkish turban is a light-loving plant, the variety requires a lot of sunlight. .Before planting, they dig up the soil and fertilize it with organic( manure or compost) fertilizer.
A well is prepared for each sprout and watered abundantly with water. Sprouts from seedlings are planted in the hole at a distance of half a meter from each other.

Pumpkin care
Decorative pumpkin is an unpretentious plant. It requires constant abundant watering and loosening of the soil. When the first ovaries appear, the sprouts fertilize generously.
In addition to loosening and weeding, gardeners sprinkle the soil around sprouts with sawdust or humus( mulch).It helps:
- to soil the
- to retain moisture
- to preserve the looseness of the soil
- to prevent from watering or rain the ingress of diseases from the soil to the plants
Upper fertile soil layer is important for pumpkin due to the structure of its root system. It has a long main root and many small roots that grow closer to the surface.
To get a “magnificent fence” from the Turkish turban, the gardeners of pinch the upper shoots of when they reach one meter in length.

Fruits are cut with the stem of the before the onset of the first frost, in September, .Frozen pumpkins are not stored for a long time. So that their bright color does not fade, they are stored away from direct sunlight after collection.
Use of fruits
From mature fruits, skilled hands are able to make crafts for home decoration .Gardeners cut beautiful patterns and compositions on the pumpkin, varnish them. They make jugs, cups and lamps.
Children are happy to paint on the peel with paints. With the help of clay and old things they make funny heroes and cute little animals.
Both adults and children can work together and collect autumn still life from pumpkins, fir branches and fallen leaves, which will remind you of the year of harvest.
Is it possible to eat decorative pumpkins

As long as the skin on them is not rough they can be eaten and given to animals. The upper part - the cap - suitable for cooking soup or stew, it can be cooked. The lower part of the fruit is full of seeds and because of this it is not suitable for food.
The fruits of the pumpkin tasteless .They would rather please the gardener as a decorative decoration for the home and garden, rather than as a tasty treat on the table.
Diseases and pests
- Bacteriosis is the most common pumpkin disease. Its main feature is the appearance of brown spots on the leaves. If the disease is not treated, it will hit the fruit with ulcers. For the prevention of bacteriosis, gardeners sprayed plants with Bordeaux mixture. At the first signs of illness, the plants are sprayed with a mixture of lime and copper sulfate. Affected and dead sprouts are removed from the beds, so as not to infect healthy ones.
- White rot .Sprouts are affected by white bloom, and then rot. This happens with excessive moisture. The source of white rot is marsupial. White rot prevention - water the plants with warm water. Dead leaves are cut, and place the cut sprinkled with activated charcoal.
v Root Rot .Affects stems and root. The cause of its occurrence is cold water and temperature drops. To avoid her care for the shoots, they are mulched. Affected plants are treated with a mixture of copper sulfate and zinc sulphate dissolved in water.
- gourd aphid. Small( up to 2 mm) insect, because of which leaves and flowers of pumpkin fall. Get rid of gourd aphids by spraying the affected plants with a decoction of wormwood or karbofos solution.
Growing a Turkish turban on a site is simple and does not take much time. The effort spent on his landing will pay off. The variety is unpretentious. While growing, he will delight with beauty for more than one month. Its green array will make the garden shady and cool in the heat. And the fruits of the Turkish turban are a source of beautiful handicrafts that will fill the house with comfort.