Coagulants for water treatment in the swimming pool: how to choose the means

Owners of suburban areas with swimming pools is well aware of the problem of water pollution and the gradual construction of the walls. Despite its cyclical movement and regular passage through the filters, almost inevitably appears muddy sediment and dangerous to health slurry.

To combat the loss of water quality have effective means, which is worth reading. Do you agree?

Using coagulants for water treatment in the pool, you can quickly and efficiently get rid of these problems and threats. We invite you to read the information, the illuminating principle of the substances, their variety and specificity of selecting the optimal composition.

The article describes how the use of coagulants, recommendations on the content of the private pond clean, given the people's methods of dealing with its opacity. The information presented supported by photo and video collections.

The content of the article:

  • The principle of operation of coagulants
  • Variety and selection rules
    • Organic coagulating agent
    • Inorganic compounds with a coagulating effect
  • instagram viewer
  • Compare coagulants with improvised means
  • Step by step instructions on the use of
    • # 1: Calculation of proportions depending on tonnage
    • # 2: Preparation and grouting
    • # 3: Clean the surface and the bottom of the coagulation
  • Recommendations for the conservation pool clean
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

The principle of operation of coagulants

These substances have the ability to combine the microscopic particles of various pollutants, garbage, heavy metals and biological particles in a volume jelly-like mass with the subsequent transition of the emulsion in cereals.

As such, the slurry that might seep through pool filtersIt delayed the grid and ceases to circulate in the body of water basin.

On the bottom and surface contamination must be removed. The top film can be removed ordinary net.

When using automated tools for the care of tanks, sediment will stay on the filter, which can be easily removed with normal washing. To this end, the water jet can be used under pressure.

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coagulant treatment - collateral pool cleanliness

The use of coagulants for water treatment in the pool allows you to keep an artificial pond in proper hygienic and technical conditions

Flowering and decay of untreated water

Application of coagulants prevents accumulation of harmful organics and formation of organic compounds that promote dispersal of colonies of fungi and harmful microorganisms

The operating principle of coagulating agents

When administered in a gelled precipitate coagulants and organic flakes fall impurities not retained strainers

The crystal clear water in the swimming pool after the treatment

As a result, regular administration coagulants water pool becomes transparent, substantially purified molecularly

Security coagulating agents

Coagulating compositions designed for use in swimming pools for bathing are harmless. Their analogues are used for treatment of drinking water

Processing Open an artificial pond

The funds are used for treatment of water in open and in closed basins, equivalent measures requiring care and the state of water bowls

Compatibility coagulants and swimming pool equipment

Use coagulating compounds did not affect the technical and aesthetic condition of finishing the pool and situated in the bowl of equipment

Regular removal of organic sludge

When making coagulants in water basin is important to observe the dosage and timely removal of organic formation, isolated and combined to precipitate

coagulant treatment - collateral pool cleanliness

coagulant treatment - collateral pool cleanliness

Flowering and decay of untreated water

Flowering and decay of untreated water

The operating principle of coagulating agents

The operating principle of coagulating agents

The crystal clear water in the swimming pool after the treatment

The crystal clear water in the swimming pool after the treatment

Security coagulating agents

Security coagulating agents

Processing Open an artificial pond

Processing Open an artificial pond

Compatibility coagulants and swimming pool equipment

Compatibility coagulants and swimming pool equipment

Regular removal of organic sludge

Regular removal of organic sludge

Besides cleaning the pool water, coagulants actively used for wastewater treatment.

Variety and selection rules

All media, which are commercially available, contain organic or inorganic binders active substances.

They are based on sulphates, chlorides or polioksisulfatov the following metals:

  1. Aluminum (Aluminium) Al.
  2. Iron (Ferrum) Fe.
  3. Titanium (Titanium) Ti.
  4. Magnesium (Magnesium) Mg.

Manufacturers indicate the composition of Latin, so together with the name of the active substance will be duplicated by its Latin name. The drug can be found either on the back of its packaging or in the manual.

Organic coagulating agent

The most popular produce coagulants based on aluminum polyoxychloride (polyaluminium chloride) his second name - hydrochloride (hydroxychloride). aluminum Polioksihlorid has several advantages over inorganic reagents.

Among them are the key:

  1. High quality purificationAnd, therefore, requires minimal amount of reagent as compared with sulphates.
  2. Low residual aluminum content in water after coagulation process, which reduces the frequency of changing the water in the pool.
  3. The rate of formation of flakes aboveAnd therefore reduces the period of settling.
  4. Reduced residual salts contentThat means fewer replacement of water in the pool.
  5. duration of effect - a high degree of purification is retained even when a reduced level of ambient temperature.

When injected into the soil, the reagent does not lead to the natural balance in the region infringement. The process of dissolution in water is simplified, since the means does not require long mixing.

aluminum Polioksihlorid

When purchasing a good margin means it is stored as it is not sensitive to temperature. The reagent commonly used for the manufacture of solutions dispensers

When using this tool, it is not necessary to use additional means of protection. Enough to use gloves to protect the hand skin from irritation. It is also recommended to use a respirator.

Inorganic compounds with a coagulating effect

The most popular inorganic compounds for coagulation are:

  1. aluminum sulfate (Aluminum sulfate).
  2. ferrous sulfate (Ferrous sulphate).
  3. Titanium dioxide (Titanium dioxide).

aluminum sulfate It has the ease of use, as is diluted in water without long settling. Its disadvantage is the sensitivity to the predominance of acid in water or alkali components.

Tester values ​​should not exceed the level of the neutral pH range scope 6.5 - 7.5, or coagulant efficiency drops sharply. Also, the reagent is sensitive to low temperatures and its use is excluded in the spring and autumn.

aluminum sulfate

This means less of an organic aluminum compound, however preparations on its basis are cheaper. When you work with them should avoid contact with the concentrated product on the skin, as in concentrated form it causes chemical burns

A drawback of its use is increased (compared to the hydrochloride) salt release that changes the level of pH in the water. This necessitates its alignment, and also increases the frequency of changing the water in the pool, because in addition salt when applied in water exceeded aluminum dose.

ferrous sulfate It eliminates the unpleasant odors of hydrogen sulfide, oily contamination neutralize and dispose of increased heavy metal content. By these properties, aluminum-containing reagents are superior to the reagent.

Soluble in water not completely, remains a small portion of the precipitate, not exceeding 1% of the reactant mass.

ferrous sulfate

Ferrous sulfate coagulation process starts when the level in the acidic pH and a weakly acidic range of 4-6. After its application is necessary to align the sheet, as the reagent in contact with water increases the concentration of salts in the water. To ensure hlopirovaniya process is used in tandem with flocculants

Titanium dioxide It has the highest percentage of treatment. This reagent has a pronounced bactericidal effect and can be used without further chlorination.

In the titanium dioxide has a number of advantages over the derivatives of iron and aluminum. It reduces settling time. For this indicator, the reagent is unique.

Titanium dioxide

By using titanium dioxide, can be dispensed with flocculants. The substance used in smaller doses, to achieve a better cleaning. When working with substance observe safety precautions to protect the organs of vision and breathing

Titanium dioxide is produced in Russia and abroad, so you can find and purchase from suppliers.

The disadvantage of the reagent is its high cost. After application of the titanium dioxide becomes water suitable for drinking that unnecessarily pool. It should make a choice in favor of budget analogues based on aluminum.

Choosing means to cleanse, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the packaging. Some reagents are sensitive to oxygen and is actively oxidized by reacting with them. This applies coagulants based on iron.

Reagents in liquid form containing a ready-made solution that simplifies the use of the process, but the price is higher. More profitable to buy a tool in the form of powder.

It will be enough for more applications, also it costs cheaper. This also applies to cartridges that are installed in the filter pump.

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Coagulants in due to the complex

not only coagulants required for pool treatment. They are used with disinfector, algicides and pH stabilizers. Often a part of the coagulant complex means which solves several problems simultaneously water treatment

The coagulating solution treatment

Coagulating agent for treating water in the basin is produced in a format solutions, granules, tablets and cartridges. The solutions were administered without preconditioning

Granular coagulant

For transportation and storage of granular and tableted convenient means, but prior to the water treatment plant requires their water

Cartridge coagulant for use in the filter

Coagulating agents for swimming pools are also produced in the form of filter cartridges, except for generating the coarse cleaning water from microscopic organic impurities

Coagulants in due to the complex

Coagulants in due to the complex

The coagulating solution treatment

The coagulating solution treatment

Granular coagulant

Granular coagulant

Cartridge coagulant for use in the filter

Cartridge coagulant for use in the filter

Compare coagulants with improvised means

In the absence of the filter or the weak there is a problem of green water in the pool. Lack of necessary reagents forces using improvised materials.

The most popular means:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • brilliant green on alcohol.

They have a disinfecting action. The effect of their use lasts temporarily and lead to consequences that must be considered separately.

Hydrogen peroxide

When adding hydrogen peroxide to the aqueous medium a substance is completely dissolved in it decomposing into oxygen and water. Disinfecting effect will last for up to full peroxide decomposition. In the period of active oxygen bubbles actions are allocated, and if the pool is a filter, they will obstruct the process of purification

After applying the peroxide to the water surface appear dirty foam flakes. They are removed mechanically. Even after two days will continue the oxygen evolution process, which gives uncomfortable tactile sensation. After contact with the skin of water with dissolved peroxide will light tingling.

We can not allow ingestion of the aqueous solution, as well as getting into the respiratory system. This causes irritation of the mucous membranes. Peroxide allows water to cool slowly, as it increases its density. However, the peroxide can not replace a full cleaning of the coagulant.

Permanganic acid, diluted in water has disinfecting properties as long as its color changes from pale pink to light brown or green.

Potassium permanganate

It depends on the aggressiveness of the alkaline environment. After the complete collapse of the water takes the form unpresentable require its replacement or cleaning of the coagulant

The composition includes green fodder alcohol and a triphenylmethane dye. There is no exact data on how it affects the color pigment in the human body when ingested. Prolonged contact of water in which is dissolved brilliant green, with the walls of the pool material changes color.


Porous plastic tiles and acquire a greenish hue. Alcohol eventually evaporates from the surface and the paint will remain in water

These reagents may not be a complete substitute coagulants, since not bind fine slurry. They can only disinfect the water for a short time, while hazardous heavy metals and substances invisible to the eye does not disappear. They continue to be in the container.

Step by step instructions on the use of

Before cleaning agents necessary to measure the acid-alkaline balance. It is necessary to do a special device (pH tester) or a litmus test.

The optimal level is from 7.5 to 8.0. If the result is less than the specified range, so it is necessary to add an alkali, if more, then add the acid.

Water from a natural body of water

If the pool water is pumped from a natural body of water, it is likely the rapid emergence of algae and algal blooms. If we neglect the water treatment, can ruin filtration equipment, as well as skin irritation

After reduction of pH to neutral balance parameters can proceed to disinfection. This is a necessary measure to prevent the transmission of infectious pathogens. For this purpose chlorine tablets which unlike liquid means not emit antiseptic dosed, during dissolution.

# 1: Calculation of proportions depending on tonnage

Before you pour the reagent, it is necessary to calculate the displacement. To define it, you need to calculate the volume of the pool. To calculate, measure the length, width and depth of the container. If the pool has a round shape, then it is necessary to measure the diameter and depth.

All measurements should be done in meters.

  • formula for calculating the volume of a rectangular tank: length * width * depth;
  • the formula for calculating the volume of round container: depth * 6.28 * radius squared.

The values ​​obtained will be a displacement in liters. The dose of the substance is calculated from this value. If the degree of water pollution can be defined as a visually strong, you may need increased dose, in this case 1.3 flood the recommended by the manufacturer and can be up to 25 ml 1m3.

Coagulant consumption can be reduced by as a supplement to use flocculants. These substances are used especially for the formation of flakes and for weighting the mass to facilitate the filtration process. They are added in two minutes after entering the coagulant.

# 2: Preparation and grouting

Manufacturers offer to purchase a reagent in three states:

  • powder;
  • liquid;
  • briquetted.

Liquid reagent needs preparation. It should be diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 5. Next, you need to disable the filtering system. If you do not do it quickly clogged dirty flakes. The prepared solution should be poured into the funnel, pour and uniformly over the entire surface.

Automatic dispenser for the pool

You can also use a special dispenser. It is filled with reagent and dosed it enters the pool

Use of a dispenser suitable for weekly maintenance, because the concentration of the substance in water for cleaning heavily soiled will be too small.

Briquettes coagulant placed in special cartridges. They are installed in the filtration pumps. When passing water through the preform, it carries with it a part of the reagent back into the pool.


The briquettes are used for maintenance. They are not suitable for water purification of the shock with a high degree of contamination

If the reagent has a powder consistency, it is necessary to first prepare a concentrated solution. Mass fraction of aluminum sulfate should be 15%. For this purpose the contents of the package must be dissolved in an amount equal to its weight of water. The proportion of 1: 1 dilution.

To prepare the solution with a mass fraction of aluminum sulfate or polyoxychloride least 15% is necessary to use the formula:

  • K1 = K * D / D1- to calculate the reagent mass in kilograms;
  • V = K - K1 = K * (1 - D / D1) - to calculate the amount of water in liters.

Explanation of the formulas:

  • K1 - the reagent mass;
  • K - the necessary weight of the solution;
  • D - a mass fraction (%) sulfate (polyoxychloride) of aluminum in the solution;
  • D1 - a mass fraction (%) sulfate (polyoxychloride) of aluminum in the feedstock.

The resulting solution should be poured into the swimming pool. Making the solution may be in advance, it is well kept unchanged during the year.

# 3: Clean the surface and the bottom of the coagulation

At the expiration of 10-12 hours after the start of coagulation is necessary to clean the bottom and the surface of the precipitate. Used for this purpose water cleaner. This device has two hoses, one of which is attached to the tube.

Cleaning the bottom of a water vacuum cleaner

Plastic pipe resembles a similar detail of the vacuum cleaner, but with a large brush on the end. The brush allows you to remove dirt from the bottom by mechanical means. This provides a clean

The surface of the water in the temporary structure built by the summer season, is purified either vacuuming or hinged intakes made in the form of skimmers. This is a special cup, which is connected to the filter system and collects the trash surface.

In this stationary basins built-in mechanism that is used to collect water from the surface for subsequent purification.

Streamer pool

The water around the pool skimmer temporary rotates clockwise, forming a funnel. It pulled together from the surface of leaves, trash and other biological residues

The skimmer cup has a grid that prevents the passage of large debris that could damage the filter system. As the cup filling is necessary to clean it manually. Such a system is able to completely clean smooth surface within an hour of active work.

Practical but expensive solution basin cleaning problems - purchase of the robot cleaner. Review of popular models is given in this article.

Recommendations for the conservation pool clean

To the pool is not clogged, you need to make regular chlorination of special tablets. After chlorination, every 2 weeks cleaning is carried out with reagents. After the reactants pool purified aqueous cleaner. Thereafter, the filtration system is disconnected and the filter is washed.

After 12 watches include weatherproof filtration system and removed from the bottom of the turbid slurry and the surface of the pool. During this period, you must once again clean the filter. It should be cleaned by reversing the hose pump according to the model and including backwashing. Part of the old water basin off and rinsed quartz sand in the filter.

Scheme pump for pool sand filter

When the water supply in the reverse direction is rinsed sand. Irrigate need to, as long as from the drain will not go clear water without dirt (+)

After washing hoses need to return to the original operating state and pour fresh water into the pool as needed. Since the decay of the coagulant in water over time accumulates excess reagent action products, bi-monthly full replacement of the water in the swimming pool.

pool cleanliness is largely dependent upon the effectiveness of the filtration unit and water quality. Some craftsmen, in an effort to save money, make filter their own hands.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Purification of water by coagulating the example experiment:

Cleaning muddy sludge after coagulation:

Good agents need to buy from a reputable manufacturer, always paying attention to the mass fraction of the active substance. The greater the percentage of its content, the more efficient and economical to use it.

If use of the drug did not achieve the desired result, it is necessary to increase the dose. If this does not work, it is best to drain the water from the pool, as the unknown composition can be harmful.

You have experience in the use of coagulants to clean the pool, and may know effective methods to remove contaminants? Or have questions on the subject? Please share your opinion and leave comments.

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