The variety of tomato dad is adapted for cultivation in different regions, is characterized by unpretentiousness and high yield. Growing this variety of tomatoes will provide the diet with nutritious fruits from June to October, even in the absence of a greenhouse. A description of the characteristics of the variety and detailed agrotechnology from the article will help to get a high yield with minimal effort. . Contents:It is oriented for growing in different climatic conditions, including in Siberia with a short summer and unstable temperatures. Suitable for cultivation in open ground in the stale culture and in the greenhouse.
This is an indeterminant variety, reaching a height of 2.2 meters in open ground and up to 1.7 m in a greenhouse. Batyana - an early ripe grade. First fruits ripen 90 days after emergence of shoots. Fruiting lasts until the first frost. The average yield from each bush 5-6 kg.
Fruits with an average weight of 250-350 g, cone-shaped, crimson. Tomatoes are sweet, sugary and fleshy. Suitable for fresh use, processing in lecho, juices or pastes.

The advantages and disadvantages of
Benefits are also noted:
- late blight resistance;
- low foliage;
- high yield up to 17 kg per 1 m2;
- possibility of further reproduction by seeds;
- drought resistance, cold resistance;
- good preservation and transportability of fruits.
Deficiencies of the variety emerged in the practice of gardeners. This is a bad seed germination and the formation of a large number of stepsons, which requires regular pruning. Fruits are excessively sensitive to moisture, crack and rot. A few rainy days may well ruin the harvest.
Batyan shoots often break off under the weight of fruits, which requires tying each brush separately. Despite these shortcomings, the Batyana variety is popular with gardeners. Has an advantage over hybrids with a similar characteristic, with the nutritional value of fruits and relatively unpretentious care.

Cultivation of seedlings
For the first planting of tomato Dad seeds are best purchased from reputable manufacturers. Such planting material is completely ready for sowing: hardened and disinfected from diseases.
For heated greenhouses, seeds are sown from February 15 to early March, and for open ground from April 1 to 15.
Soil mixture for tomatoes consists of equally mixed components:
- sod land:
- humus;
- peat;
- rotten sawdust.
Wood ash( 400 g), urea( 4 g) and superphosphate( 20 g) are added to a 10 liter bucket of substrate. Mixed soil mixture is disinfected - watered with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate and dried.
Prepare a seedling container in a form suitable for the placement. The obligatory height of the containers is 8-10 cm.
The containers are filled with substrate and watered with a hot 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate. Grooves are made on the surface of the soil with a depth of 1 cm at a distance of 3 cm. The seeds are located at intervals of 1–2 cm and sprinkled with soil.
The surface of the container is covered with a film. Crops have a warm and lighted place. Optimum conditions: t + 25 ° С- + 28 ° С, air humidity 80-90%, minimum illumination 15 hours a day.

Watered with warm water as the soil dries. After germination after 6-7 days, the film is removed. Seedlings dive after the appearance of the first two true leaves.
It is convenient to use ready-made compositions:
- Forward( Agricola);
- Agricola No. 3;
- Nitrophoska;
- Effecton.
Preparations are used according to the instructions.
10–15 days before transplantation, seedlings are hardened, taken out to balconies or the street, gradually increasing the time.
Tomato in the open ground
For the cultivation of tomato choose a lighted place, protected from the north winds. The beds are planned on the treated area, fertilized with peat compost, humus and minerals: phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium. Rows of tomatoes are oriented from north to south.
Planting of seedlings
Seedlings are transplanted after warming the soil at a depth of 10 cm to +15 ° C and establishing a stable air temperature.
Tomatoes are arranged in two rows in a staggered manner, leaving a distance of 0.5 m between the plants. Holes are formed at marked places. On the north side of the holes they set up supports - stakes 2 m high from the ground surface.
The roots of the seedlings are placed in the hole, covered with soil to the cotyledon leaves, compressed tightly and watered abundantly. The stalk is tied to a support with a “free loop”; as it grows over the summer, up to 3 garters will be needed.

Watering and fertilizer
Then the frequency of watering is reduced to 1 time per week, but the volume of water is increased to 10 liters for one plant. Bushes watered at the root, avoiding moisture on the leaves.
Watering is combined with weeding and loosening the soil. After a month, tomato roots form surface roots, after which it is better to stop loosening. The soil surface under the tomatoes is covered with a layer of mulch: straw, peat or humus.
During the season, three feedings will be needed:
- first 10 days after transplanting: with an aqueous solution of mullein 1:10;
- second 10 days after the formation of ovaries: in 10 l of mullein solution( 1:10) add superphosphate( 30 g), urea( 20 g), potassium sulfate( 10 g), potassium permanganate( 3 g), copper sulphate( 2 g);
- the third after the ripening of the first batch of fruits: the same solution as in the second feeding.
Top dressing is carried out after watering, spending 1.5 liters of solution for 1 plant.

bushes Toothplant tomato plants form 1 or 2 stems. To do this, remove all stepchildren - lateral branches of the tomato, growing from the leaf axils. They are completely removed with a sharp knife, leaving only the main shoot with fruiting buds. For the formation of the second stem leave the stepson, which grows under the first flower brush.
Disease Prevention
With high humidity, the risk of tomato blight or phytosis is increased. The first preventive treatment of the bushes is carried out 15 days after landing in the ground. To do this, use a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.
Spraying is carried out two more times, but only until the fruit is set on 4 hands. After that, you can not use poisons, the fruits become unsuitable for food for 3 weeks.

Further spraying is carried out with infusion of garlic, the volatile production of which protects against fungal spores. To prepare the infusion, garlic minced in a meat grinder( 200 g) is poured with warm water( 1 l) and infused for 1 day. Strained infusion diluted in 10 liters of water and add 40 g of soap. With solution, the bushes are sprayed every 7-10 days.
For additional prophylaxis between basic sprays, the bushes are treated with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate. Prevent disease helps regular removal of yellowed leaves, clean and dry pristvolnyh circles.
All the varietal qualities of a pompo tomato can be multiplied. For this you need to carefully observe the agrotechnology of the plant, do not skip feeding and preventive treatment. Subsequently, from the seeds taken from the fruit on the plot, with each generation will grow more adapted to the region and strong plants.