Detailed description and characteristics of tomato persimmon varieties

Tomato persimmon combines many qualities; the main ones are yield and excellent flavoring qualities. This is a relatively young type of tomato and the seeds are rarely found in the mass market. The variety was obtained with the help of those who like to grow tomatoes, and after experiments on various plots of land, it was entered into the Russian register in 2009.According to the characteristics and description of the tomato is suitable for cultivation, both in the greenhouse and in the open field.


  • variety Description tomato persimmon
  • features
  • subtleties cultivation
    • As plant
    • Stepwise procedure for growing
    • How is pasynkovanie
  • Care
    • Watering
    • Feeding
  • Pests and Diseases

variety Description tomato persimmon

As described bush tomato has an average increase in 90 cm, but if it is planted in a greenhouse and under good conditions, the growth can be up to 140 cm , while it should be tied up so that the tomato trunk does not break under the weightgrowing tomatoes on it.

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The first berries ripen 100 days after emergence of shoots.

Bush type - stem determinant. Persimmon is quite a capricious type of tomato, but with proper care for the season, 5 kg are obtained from one bush. Tomatoes. It is recommended to plant at 1 m. No more than 8 seedling bushes.

These are dietary tomatoes, as they contain few different acids, but has a high content of carotene in the pulp of the tomato.

A large amount of carotene is found in the pulp.

Characterization of

Fruits after full ripening turn bright yellow. The shape of the tomato is round, slightly squeezed from above and below. By this they resemble a persimmon, and therefore gave this name.

The average weight of the fruit, according to the characteristic, reaches the half-kilogram mark .Dry matter contained in tomato in the amount of 5%.

If a tomato was planted with seedlings, its first fruits appear in early July, , and then bear fruit before the onset of cold weather. On time, a ripped tomato has a sweet dessert taste. Over-grown berry has a sour taste.

Tomato persimmon - tomatoes versatile persons from which it is possible to prepare:

  • Salads.
  • Preservation.
  • Juices.
  • Lecho, original color.

If a persimmon variety with a red look is laid in a jar for preservation, then in addition to its taste, we will receive a beautifully decorated jar of tomatoes for the winter.

First fruits can be collected at the beginning of July.

. Subtleties of growing

. The capricious type of tomatoes, which undergoes diseases inherent in these plants and that this does not occur, it is worthwhile to carry out preventive spraying with harmless preparations.

How to plant

Agronomical methods of growing persimmon varieties:

  • First of all, is grown seedlings, in early March, tomato seeds are planted in small boxes filled with nutritious loose soil. Before sowing, it is necessary to shed the ground well with warm water. And after sowing seeds cover crops with a film to improve germination.
  • When the seeds are with two true leaf plates, it is worth picking and planting in separate cups.
  • In the process of growth, seedlings are fed, watered and loosened soil.
  • Before planting in the garden, the seedlings of are hardened for 10 days by , and only after that they are planted on a cloudy day at a permanent place. If the days are sunny all the time, then they land in the evening.
  • After the plant is planted in the hole, the soil is well shed with warm water and the mulch is laid out so that the moisture is kept in the ground as long as possible.
When planting, you need to follow these rules in order to get excellent tomato harvest.
Seedlings of tomato persimmon grown in early March

Step-by-step order of growing

A variety has some peculiarities in its cultivation, which should not be forgotten. Tomatoes need watering conducted twice a week .Also, persimmon is a greenhouse plant that will produce more crops in a closed place than in open ground.

First of all, we must remember that they grow it in one trunk and all the time stepson the bush.

How the stading is performed

In order not to damage the bush, it is necessary to conduct the staving correctly. Competent - breaking out shoots growing sideways from the main shoot .These shoots can form between the leaf plate and the main stem.

Clean the stepchildren only in dry sunny weather, since removing sprouts in rainy weather can lead to rotten shoots of active shrubs.

The most important thing in removing the stepsons is precisely breaking out since, leaving a stump in 2 cm of .after a while at this place you can see the new young stepchild.

It is necessary to remove stepchildren once every 10 days so that the bush does not expend its strength on them.

Removal of stepsons is necessary to be carried out once every 10 days.

care All tomatoes are tied up for better aeration, because at the moment of pouring and growth of the fruits the bush under the weight of the berries may break and the crop will die.


Watering tomatoes at least once a week, and with the onset of high heat and twice a week. But we must remember that as soon as the fruits begin to blush en masse, watering stops .

If this condition is met, the fruits will be sugar. If, during the ripening of the fruit, it rains frequently or a lot of water, the tomatoes are fresh and watery.

When ripe, reduce watering or stop them altogether.

Top dressing

Carry out in several steps:

  • First make 20 days after planting the seedlings. Top dressing consists of nitrogen - 25 gr., Potassium - 15 gr., Phosphorus - 15 gr. All this is bred in 10 liters.water and watered under each bush in the amount of 500 grams.
  • Conducted at the time when the bushes begin to bloom. This feed includes dung, ash and some weed. All this is insisted in advance not less than a week and diluted before watering 1/10.
Fertilizers need to be applied only after watering

It is important to remember that all fertilizers apply only after watering in order not to burn the root system of the tomato bush.

Diseases and pests

The persimmon variety is a capricious and sometimes diseases inherent in tomato can occur. To prevent this, prophylaxis should be carried out.

So that the fungus does not hit the plantations, it is worthwhile to carry out the treatment with “Trihopol”, get it in an ordinary pharmacy and dilute 3 tablets in a bucket of water. Tomatoes are treated with this mixture.

Also when setting fruit, it is worth cutting off the lower leaves. Cut them off gradually so that the bush does not get stressed.

Even a novice gardener may allow this variety to be planted on his own plot, the main thing here is to adhere to all agrotechnical recommendations on cultivation and not deprive the greenhouse with tomatoes. So the result in August will please the gardener with his harvest.

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