Having a self-contained power source at home is very profitable: such a device will help out if they turn off the power supply. Its power, though small, but sufficient to serve as a backup source of energy.
Buying a new generator is expensive, but making it yourself is possible. In the article you will learn how to make a generator from the engine of a washing machine.
Material content:
- 1 How to select and convert a washing machine engine to a generator
- 1.1 Tools and parts
- 1.2
- 1.2.1 Installation of magnets and step-by-step assembly of the
- 2 generator How to work on a project How to check a generator;washing machine generator
How to make a generator with an electric motor? Not so easy. It will take patience, as well as the ability to make some parts on a lathe.
It is possible to create a generator with a capacity of 1.5 kW from a conventional asynchronous motor of a washing machine with a power of 170-180 W.It is better to use the engine from the Vyatka washing machine and other Soviet-made models, since they are more powerful.
Tools and parts
Also for work you will need:
- neodymium magnets of 20, 10 and 5 mm each - only 32 pieces;
- rectifier;
- adhesive;
- turning machine;
- sandpaper;
- cold welding;
- scissors;
- pliers, screwdrivers.
Order of execution of work
Magnets can be purchased either in specialized stores or on the Internet. If you have no lathe at home, you can order the manufacture of parts from a familiar wizard.
- It is necessary to remake the rotor of the induction motor, so that you can install the magnets. To do this, remove the cores, their part is cut on a lathe to a depth of 2 mm.
- To install the magnets, you need to make slots in the core to a depth of 5 mm.
Core preparation completed. Now you need to put the magnets in place. To do this, from a piece of tin make a coating for the core. This template must exactly fit the holes. Therefore, cut a piece of exactly the diameter of the core, with holes in the right places.
Pay attention! Magnets must be installed at equal distances from each other. Otherwise, in the process of work, they will begin to stick together, because of which the electric generator will lose power.
Installation of magnets and step-by-step assembly of the generator
Consider how to convert an engine into a self-made generator.
- Place the magnets on the strip of glued sheet - at equal distance. Magnets are also mounted on superglue. It is important that they are located exactly, without tilting. Since the magnets are strong enough and can jump off during work, wear safety glasses.
- After the template with the magnets is located on the rotor, fill all the gaps between them with cold welding. To do this, knead well the composition and cover the whole space. You can also fill the distance between the magnets with epoxy resin.
- Using sandpaper, smooth the surface of the rotor to full smoothness. For convenience, you can hold it in a vice.
- Check the housing bolts and bearing, they may need to be replaced with new ones.
Work on the alteration is completed. You have made a generator from a direct drive engine. You can start checking a homemade device.
How to check the generator
What you need to check:
- controller;
- tester;
- rectifier;
- battery.
Using a multimeter, find the two wires leading to the working winding, they should show the same resistance. The rest of the wires cut off as unnecessary.
Now connect the wires of the working winding to the rectifier. The latter is connected to the controller, which in turn is connected to the battery. To check how much power the generator produces, connect the probes of the multimeter( configured in voltmeter mode) to the battery.
Using a drill or screwdriver, spin the generator at a speed of 800-1000 revolutions per minute. If the multimeter showed from 200 to 300 volts - this is an excellent result. If the voltage is low, most likely the magnets are unevenly mounted.
Usage options
Now you have a generator, what's next?
- Installing a generator to a chainsaw, you can get a small power plant. Her energy is enough for lighting 2 small rooms, computer and TV.
- Connect to the water turbine, which can be installed in a home waterfall or a quick stream.
And you can install a wind generator to generate mechanical energy that can be converted into electrical energy. You can use a generator from an asynchronous or collector motor. This is a safe alternative power source that starts with a wind of 2-3 m / s. Maximum efficiency can be obtained at 9-10 m / s.
However, wind power of 4 m / s will be enough for home consumption, then you will get:
- At 0.15-0.20 kW you can light the rooms and watch TV.
- At 1-5 kW connect a computer, washer, refrigerator.
- At 20 kW, even start the heating.
It is recommended to install a wind turbine on three blades, it is considered the most effective. For installation, you need a durable iron rod - it will serve as a support. A generator, a rotor and blades are installed on it. You also need to provide a protective cover for the generator from the weather.
The movable part of the windmill is hinged. Then the mast is attached so that the whole structure is stable. A wire is laid along the mast to the generator, the other end is attached to the shield. Then connects the controller, battery and inverter.
For more information on how to make a wind generator from a washing machine, read the following article.