How to wash a duvet

It is impossible to imagine a comfortable sleep without a clean and soft bed. Those who have ever slept under a duvet will never exchange it for an artificial counterpart. But what to do when it comes time to wash?

We will tell you how to wash a duvet in a washing machine so as not to harm it and overload the AGR.

Material content:

  • 1 Can the duvet be washed in the washing machine
  • 2 The wash process
  • 3 How to dry things with downy stuff

Can you wash the duvet in the washing machine

The down is reliably protected by a cover, but it’s all right for you to pack the blanket

The duvet is reliably protected by a cover, but you have to take care of packing the blanket

The duvet is reliably protected by a cover, but you have to take care of packing the blanket

The duvet is reliably protected by a cover, but you have to take care of packing the blanket

The duvet is reliably protected by a cover, but you still have to “pack” the cover in your apparel

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.And even these measures do not protect the blanket from down from dust and stains. Do not forget about dust mites and bacteria that can cause skin reactions and disrupt sleep.

Even if you dry such a blanket in the sun in the old-fashioned way, it does not disinfect the filler, therefore washing is not a whim, but a necessity.

The question is, can I wash the product in a typewriter machine? Housewives are advised to take it to the dry cleaning, where they wash and thoroughly dry the blanket, sort out and disinfect the "stuffing".But this concerns blankets that have been in operation for a long time.

If the item is relatively new and you would like to refresh it or wash off the stain, machine wash is the simplest solution.

It all depends on the size of the product - whether it relates to the capacity of the drum. If you have a one-and-a-half bed( or even a two), it will not fit into a washer with a load of up to 7 kg. The blanket will get wet, burdened and become an unbearable burden for moving parts CM.

Important! If the drum is full, be prepared for a bad spin. Wash will go in a small amount of water, so the quality of the process will be low.

Automatic washing is not prohibited, but should be a deliberate and balanced decision. If the blanket is large, and the drum is less than 7 kg, then do not risk - wash the thing manually.

Caution! Take a look at the tag - it will indicate which washable product is suitable. Inspect the fabric for damage - if there is even a small hole, the fluff will be poured into the drum, from there it will go into the drainage system and clog the filter, pipe or pump. Disassembly of the SMA case is inevitable in this case.

The process of washing

If you decide to wash the blanket in the car, buy a special tool. Down items are washed with special shampoos for natural fillers. Check how well the gel is washed out of the fabric. If the product is perfectly rinsed, the washing quality will be higher.

Wash the blanket, acting sequentially:

  • Soak. Fill the bath with water( temperature of 40 degrees) by half, dissolve in it a little shampoo for downy items and table vinegar. Lay the blanket for a quarter of an hour, do not hold for longer: the swan and any other down does not tolerate a long stay in the water.
  • Flush the water and wait for the excess to drain to make it easier to move the item to the washer.
  • Carefully shift into the pelvis and from there into the drum.
  • Straighten the blanket so that it evenly takes up the entire drum - this way you will protect the car from imbalance.
  • Throw several balls for washing with the laundry. Balls can be replaced with tennis balls. They will not allow natural filler to stray.
  • Close the hatch.
  • Open the cuvette and pour detergent into the compartment for the main wash in the dosage indicated on the bottle.
  • Do not use rinse - in professional fluff shampoos this component is already provided.
  • Select the appropriate mode. If you are the owner of the LG brand LG, then wash on the "duvet".In other brands press "Delicate" or "Hand wash".
  • Adjust the temperature regime, if the program is higher than 40 degrees.
  • Limit drum speed during spinning to 800-1000 per 1 minute.
  • Wait for the machine to complete the cycle.
  • Remove the blanket, check the success of the wash and the degree of spin( repeat if necessary).
  • Proceed to drying.

How to dry things with down filling

Everything that is filled with natural down must be properly dried. When drying a blanket, follow these rules:

  • Avoid direct sunlight, so as not to spoil the "stuffing".Hang the product in the shade by choosing a ventilated place.
  • Do not dry in the yard with strong wind, otherwise you will have to wash it - a damp cloth will collect dust and dust.
  • If you have an apartment with a balcony on the north or west side, you can dry it. The main thing is that nothing smokes under the windows. Residents of industrial areas is better to abandon this venture.
  • At home, you can stretch the blanket on the dryer or ironing board.
  • Do not hang the product on ropes to avoid churning down.
  • Move the dryer 1.5 meters away from the radiators.
  • Beat filler once every 60-90 minutes to avoid lumps.
  • Turn the blanket over - at least 1-2 times.

Have you found out whether it is possible to wash a blanket filled with down in an automatic machine? You have detailed instructions for washing and drying.

Follow the guidelines and your bed will always be clean, fresh and soft.

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