Description and characteristics of a grade of a tomato King early

Among the varietal assortment, the main part of large-fruited tomatoes belongs to the middle and late ripening periods. However, you can still get an early harvest of real giants by selecting the seeds or seedlings of the early King; you will learn the description and characteristics of this variety from the article.


  • Formation of the bush
  • Diseases and their prevention
  • Description and characterization of tomato King of the early

    Before the technical ripeness of the fruits, only 85-90 days pass from the time todetecting sprouts above the ground. The plant is of determinant type with a height of about 50-70 cm, the branches and the main stem are powerful, which ensures the resistance of the bush during the fruiting period. Weighty ripe tomatoes reach a weight of 300 grams, and some are up to 400 grams. The shape of the tomatoes is rounded flat. In general, the bush looks aesthetically pleasing: on a short sturdy lash, clusters of bright red color are placed. An average of 4.8-5.2 kg is removed from one bush. From meaty pulp, sauces and ketchups that are perfect to taste are obtained; the King of the Early Ones is used for fresh consumption.

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    The King of the Early - a hybrid variety of tomato, bred by Russian breeders( registration 2005), intended for cultivation in the open ground and under cover.
    Tomato Seeds King of the Early

    Shtambol type evidence of self-regulation of growth and branching. This simplifies the care of plants.

    King early does not require pollination by insects, the flower includes both male and female organs. But experienced gardeners still advise to shake the branches of bushes during heavy rainfall or low temperatures during the flowering period( once every 3-4 days).

    Other kings among tomatoes

    Among other large-fruited tomatoes, the following varieties are distinguished: King of Kings, King of Giants, King of Large. They differ from the Grade King early, first of all, by maturity( mid-season).And other parameters are difficult to confuse:

    • bush height is much higher( 1.6 m on average);
    • fruit weight reaches 500-800 grams and above;
    • plant needs a shrub and garter;
    • some varieties( for example, the King of large ones) are recommended for growing in a greenhouse or under a film cover.

    In order not to confuse the variety King Early with other large-fruited tomatoes, you need to be guided when choosing seeds for a short growing season( 85-90 days).

    Advantages and Disadvantages of

    In order to briefly characterize tomatoes, you can become familiar with the advantages of the variety:

    • gives you the opportunity to remove a short growing season from the fruit in June when you can remove the fruit from a short period from the age( ировании при лич при лич при ’, if you have enough ировании you have enough мая you have enough ировании you have enough ировании you have enough ировании you can remove the fruits from the past( June).
    • excellent taste does not limit the way vegetables are used;
    • simple agrotechnical;
    • strong plant immunity, ability to resist infections and viruses;
    • due to the dense skin, the fruit retains its presentation for a long time, which is valuable for transporting the crop;
    • high yield.

    The disadvantages include the need for regular preventive measures against diseases and pests, as well as the systematic introduction of supplements that are necessary for an intensively developing culture. On poor soil nutrients to collect a good harvest does not work.

    Peeling tomato can burst skin. Also around the stem is possible the formation of cracks due to lack of moisture.
    The fruits of the tomato King of the early

    Sowing seeds for seedlings

    Preparation of containers with ground

    Plastic cups, cassette containers, wooden boxes are used as tare. They must have drainage holes on the bottom so that the water does not stagnate in the ground when watering.

    Fill the container with light soil mixture, which includes:

    • fertile soil;
    • sand;
    • peat;
    • humus( compost).

    You can also use a universal substrate. The soil used must be heated in the oven or sprayed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.


    King King’s early sowing plan for the month of March( from the 15th).If the seedlings are subsequently planted in a greenhouse, then the dates are postponed to the second half of February. Purchased seeds from an unverified seller should be disinfected. To do this, they are immersed for 10 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

    It is necessary to process the seeds with potassium permanganate.

    . Seeding is done in moist soil. From above, the seeds are slightly sprinkled with earth( 0.8 mm).On top of the container is laid out glass or film. In this form, the container is placed in a warm room for germination( at least 18 °).On the 5-8th day shoots will appear, the capacities are rearranged to well-lit places where there are no drafts. After another 5 days, the soil is moistened by spraying, without touching the green part of the seedlings. After the formation of 2 leaves, the seedlings dive.

    Transplantation of tomatoes in open ground

    Planted to plant early seedlings of the early King in May( in the greenhouse, the term is shifted to the month of April).In this case, seedlings should reach the age of 60-65 days.
    Planting scheme used standard for plant determinant type. The spacing between the bushes in a row is 50-70 cm, the aisle is 0.7-1 m. If someone thinks this option is too wasteful, then the location of the holes can be planned at a distance of 45-55 cm with a 60 cm row spacing, but thisthe scheme will require more careful care: you need more often to take care of it, as you need to fertilize.

    Grade care after transplanting


    Watering should be abundant, but rare. Before the flowering period is enough 1 time per week.

    After the formation of inflorescences, the regularity increases to 2-3 times a week. Irrigation water is used at room temperature. Shrubs are best watered at the root in the evening.

    Proper watering of tomatoes


    Intensive growth of tomatoes requires regular dressings, at least 1 time in 10 days. The first procedure is carried out 2 weeks after the planting of seedlings( infusion of mullein or bird droppings).Repeated feeding include the use of both organic and mineral substances. Most often, nitrophosphate is chosen as food( 60 grams per bucket of water).

    Loosening and weeding

    10 days after planting, the first weeding is carried out, which is repeated at least twice more during the growing season. At the same time it is loosening. In order to slow the growth of weeds and reduce the number of weeds, it is recommended to mulch the beds. This layer will help prevent drying out of the soil.

    Formation of the bush

    Determinant cultures are more often not stepson, but this rule does not apply to the Early King. Emerging shoots of future branches need to be regulated, otherwise a spreading plant will not pull a heavy crop. And the fruits will not be large. As the first brushes mature, the lowermost leaflets partially break. If poor development of the bush is noticed, it is necessary to ration and ovary, removing excess flowers.

    Shrub with fruits of tomato

    While caring for tomatoes, do not repeat the mistakes of other gardeners. Among the frequently recurring:

    • failure to comply with the interval between the holes during the landing( thickened beds are more likely to invade pests and create a favorable environment for the development of fungi);
    • violation of the mode of watering( cracking of fruits is formed, yellowness appears on the leaves);
    • uneven color of fruits with greenish and pale spots( lack of potassium in the soil);
    • intensive development of foliage and poor formation of ovaries( an excess of nitrogen fertilizers).
    Although culture is considered to be undersized, but under the weight of heavy fruits, branches can bend and even break. Therefore, you should make a garter at the initial stage of fruiting.

    Diseases and their prevention

    The king of the earliest possesses strong immunity, but to protect against diseases and pests it is necessary to observe the regime of daylight, watering, the introduction of dressings. Also, do not forget about prophylactic treatments that increase plant resistance to the development of fungus.

    With increased soil moisture and air, the plant is exposed to various fungal and bacterial diseases: late blight, gray and white rot, root rot, etc. When identifying the first signs, it is necessary to process the culture using the following preparations:

    • Profit Gold;
    • Bordeaux mixture;
    • Abiga-Pic;
    • Fitoverm and other means.
    Considered important is the control of weeds, which increase moisture, create shading and attract insects.

    The most dangerous for tomatoes are: whitefly, spider mite and slugs. As a preventive measure, beds are sprinkled with wood ash, sprayed with infusions of wormwood or onion peel extract. However, such methods need to be changed when detecting parasites or their metabolic products. Among the most popular are:

    • Aktara;
    • Actellic;
    • Fitoverm;
    • Iskra-Bio and others.

    To grow a large-fruited tomato in your sector is realistic if you follow all the rules of agricultural technology. A huge role in agrotechnology is played by preventive measures preventing plant damage by diseases and pests.

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