Use of ammonium nitrate or ammonium nitrate

Ammonium Nitrate( other names: ammonium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium nitrate) is a chemical that is used in industry and agriculture. For farmers, this mineral nitrogen fertilizer. Many gardeners also began to apply this fertilizer in their garden. And to understand what it is, let's look at the composition of the substance and find out its benefits.


  • Types nitrate in horticulture
  • Types of ammonium nitrate
  • Application
  • fertilizer How much can you make ammonium nitrate
  • potential harm to garden
  • positive qualities of ammonium nitrate
  • Mixing with other fertilizers
  • shelf life
    • Precautions

Types nitrate in horticulture

nitrate - specialnitrogen compounds with different fertilizing properties. The best known are:

  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Sodium
  • Calcium Ammonium
  • Ammonium
Among all the varieties, only ammonium nitrate is a pure nitrogenous fertilizer, with the highest nitrogen content( 264.34), with a maximum nitrogen content of 294, 294, 294, 294 ам, ammonium nitrate is pure nitrogen fertilizer, with the highest nitrogen content( 26% -334).According to this indicator, it is second only to urea( 46%).
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Ammonium nitrate in granules close-up

Types of ammonium nitrate

X imimate produced with the marking "A" for industry, "B" - for agriculture .It is a bright crystals. In unsealed packaging, they quickly absorb moisture from the air and are sealed. To preserve the quality of the drug supply with special additives and form in the form of small spherical granules( white or yellowish).

Many companies offer fertilizer granulated ammonium nitrate to gardeners: Bui fertilizers, Fusco, Fertika, Vika, BioMaster, etc. By weight, the packaging can be different.

Sometimes the preparation is enriched with nutritional supplements: sulfur( Nitrosulfate), microelements( from Fertica).

Special porous nitrate used to make explosives;it is prohibited for free sale.

Application of

fertilizer Ammonium nitrate is used as a nitrogen source for many cultivated plants: vegetable, fruit, berry, ornamental( including pot plants), as well as siderates and on the lawn. Bring in the spring and in the first half of summer. The drug contributes to the active growth of young shoots, the development of a powerful sheet apparatus. Strong plants then bloom profusely and bear fruit.
A glass( 200 ml) contains 240 g, a matchbox - 25 g, a tablespoon - 20 g, a teaspoon - 6 g.

  • Pour 0.5 kg per 10 square meters under continuous spring plowing or digging.meters( depth seeding 10-20 cm).On fertile lands, the dose is halved. Under the autumn digging is not suitable.
  • Immediately before planting, the granules are added to the wells and rows, mixing well with the ground. Dosage: 1 tsp.per well for seedlings, 2 tsp.- per running meter of row( onion, strawberry). When planting bushes and trees in spring, from 20 to 200 g are laid on the planting pit( depending on the size of the seedling).
  • In the spring or early summer, dry nitrate of nitrogen can be scattered over the surface of the earth - in a fruit garden. Dosage: 300 grams per 10 square meters.metersDo it once a season, just before a very heavy rain or abundant watering.
  • Fertilizer irrigation is produced with ammonium nitrate solution( 20-50 g per 10 l of water - distributed over 10 sq. Meters).The lowest concentration is given to vegetables and flowers, medium - to bushes, high - to trees. The solution is applied 1-2 times during the first half of the season( for indoor, greenhouse and greenhouse plants, the terms may be different).After irrigation with fertilizer, it is imperative to re-spill the ground with water.
Foliar nutrition with nitrogen nitrate and sprinkler irrigation is not recommended.
Packaging of ammonium nitrate for fertilizing vegetables

How much can you make ammonium nitrate

  • The seedling( of any crops) reacts well to a single fertilizer irrigation( 15-20 g per 10 l of water).
  • Potatoes: 1) before planting 3 kg per hundred or 1 tsp per well;2) in bulk before hilling( at the rate of 100 g per 10 sq. Meters) or watering in the budding phase( 20 g per bucket - per 1 sq. Meter).
  • Root crops, onions on a turnip, corn, grain beans: 1) 25-50 g per square meter for digging;2) one liquid top dressing at the end of May or June( 20 g per 10 l of water).
  • Cabbage( except for early ripening): 1) per well 1 teaspoon;2) 1-2 liquid supplements in June-July( 30 g per 10 liters).
  • Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants: 1) 1 well per teaspoon;2) 1 fertilizer watering before flowering( 15-30 g per 10 l).
  • Strawberries: 1) 1 tbsp.spoon per linear meter when disembarking;2) watering earlier in the spring( 30 g per 10 liters);3) watering in early August( the dose is the same).
  • Raspberry: 1) when planting 1 tbsp.spoon in the hole;2) watering in the spring( 30 g per 10 l - per 1 adult bush).
  • Fruit trees: two fertilizer irrigations( 50 g per 10 l): immediately after flowering and then a month later( 1 liter of solution per 1 sq. Meter of tree trunks).
  • Flowers: 1) in the wells during spring planting( 3-9 g each);2) 1-2 watering before flowering( 25 g per 10 l).
  • Lawn: 3 irrigations from late April to mid-July( 25 g per 10 liters per 1 square meter).
  • Siderates: preseeding and 1 fertilizer irrigation.
  • Cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, melons: once watering only at the stage before the flowering( 30 g per 10 l).

Nitrate is highly soluble, and therefore suitable for liquid application through drip irrigation system.

ammonium nitrate granules close-ups

Potential harm to the garden

There are a number of hazards with the fertilizer application of ammonium nitrate.

  1. Burn leaves. It is not recommended to scatter the granules on the leaf and green grass, to make foliar dressings, to make a solution by sprinkling. It is better to pour under the root or overlap.
  2. Burn Root. Do not exceed dosages. After fertilizer irrigation, it is imperative to shed the planting again - with ordinary water( or to time the event with rainy weather).
  3. Acidification of the soil. On acidic lands, immediately after application, the acidity rises a little( research has shown that not for long).
  4. The accumulation of nitrates in the crop. It is forbidden to fertilize green cultures( lettuce, onions on a feather, etc.), early cabbage, and early peas with ammonium nitrate. Squashes, pumpkins, cucumbers, watermelons and melons are allowed to feed once a solution in the seedling period, not later.

Positive qualities of ammonium nitrate

  1. Low price.
  2. Excellent solubility.
  3. Acidification of alkaline soils.
  4. Ability to work in cold earth( spring).
  5. The nitrogen losses in the soil are minimal; no deep termination is required( in comparison with urea).
  6. Double action : both fast and long.
  7. The substance contains two nitrogen compounds: one penetrates the plants immediately, the other gradually. The remaining nitrogen fertilizers( urea, calcium nitrate, etc.) are absorbed more slowly. Only foliar urea absorption is also operative.
Bags with ammonium nitrate for large scale use.
Urea is considered more useful for foliar recharge, and ammonium nitrate for liquid root dressings.

Alternative use in agriculture

  • Strong solution is poured into stumps, and they quickly rot( no grubbing is required).
  • Concentrated solution moisten sawdust. So they perepryvat rather.

Mixing with other fertilizers

With what you can:

  • potassium chloride and sulphate
  • phosphate flour

With what you cannot:

  • lime substances
  • ash
  • superphosphate


The guaranteed storage period is six months. After opening the factory package, it is advisable to use the drug during the season, for example in the fall ;then its fertilizing properties are reduced. In a sealed container( polyethylene) the chemical remains unchanged for many years. Well preserved also in glass jars with tight capron lids. It is very important to protect from moisture.


Ammonium nitrate has a hazard class III, it is not poison. But you need to work with him fully clothed, with rubber gloves.

  • In case of contact with wounds( itching pain), mucous membranes, eyes - the chemical is washed off for 15 minutes with running water.
  • With( accidental) ingestion, vomiting and dizziness may occur. You should drink plenty of water, take activated charcoal, seek medical help.
Ammonium nitrate has a potential hazard to the body!
Fertilizer seedlings of pepper with ammonium nitrate

Under certain conditions, dry matter can ignite and explode:

  1. from a sharp blow
  2. from fire, sparks, ashes
  3. in case of fire
  4. in contact with organic matter( sawdust, dry ashes, and ashes in case of fire
  5. when in contact with organic matter( sawdust, dry ashes, grease,
  6. when in contact with organic matter( sawdust, dry ashes, grease,
  7. in case of contact with organic material( sawdust, dry ashes, and when the fire breaks out
  8. when in contact with organic matter( sawdust, dry ashes, and when you start burning
  9. )Humus, etc.)
  10. in contact with sugar, acids, metal powder and chips

Safety regulations:

  • The chemical must be stored separately from any other substances.
  • Do not allow contamination.
  • Keep away from impact. Clustered lumps do not break, but dissolved in water.
  • Storage should not be hot in the sun. Any sources of fire have no closer than 50 meters.
  • Packaging is placed on a concrete, glass or polyethylene base( not on boards or metal).

In many countries, ammonium nitrate is banned for free sale. However, this drug is a cheap and effective nitrogen fertilizer. If you follow the simple rules of danger in gardening, he is not.

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