Characteristics and description of tomato Big Beef F1

To date, thousands, if not tens of thousands of varieties and hybrids of tomato have been bred for any size, taste and even color. How to choose from this abundance what will bring a high yield and satisfaction with your work. To begin with, they determine the color and size of the fruit, then the taste and commodity qualities, the type of bush, the characteristics and resistance of the plant. If you need a red and very large tomato, then no doubt you need to pay attention to the already well-known hybrid of the first generation Big Beef F1, which will be discussed here.

Table of contents

  • Description and characteristics of tomato Big Beef F1
  • Growing seedlings
  • Agricultural technology of growing tomato varieties

Description and characteristics of tomato Big Beef F1

Big Beef F1 is a hybrid form of the indeterminant red beefsteak tomato. Launched and produced by the Dutch company Seminis.

Fruits as described round shape, flat and slightly ribbed with a mass of

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300 - 500 grams .With the right agricultural technology, it is possible to achieve tomato ripening up to 2 kg. The fruit is multi-chamber - contains from 6 cameras.

High concentration of dry substances, sucrose, lycopene, due to which has a pronounced tomato flavor and aroma. is sweet and slightly sour. Fully ripened bright red.

The average weight of a variety of fruits is 300-500 grams.
Perfectly suited for salads, as well as for canning, cooking tomatoes and sauces. Possesses excellent commodity qualities, high transportability.

Maturing term - medium-level , from germination to harvesting the first crop 100 - 110 days .Productivity to 5 kg from a bush.

Indeterminate plant type - bushes require the formation of a single trunk and garters. To obtain an optimal mass and volume of the crop, remove the excess ovary. On the first two hands leave 4 -5 flowers, on the next 5-6.

feels great both in open and closed ground .In heated greenhouses can be cultivated in all regions of Russia.

Self-pollinating, however, in closed ground, with a temperature rise above 25 degrees, the use of preparations of artificial pollination is necessary.

One of the features of the hybrid is its excellent health. The Big Biff is resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, cladosporia, nematode, stem stem cancer, verticillus, gray leaf spot, fusarium wilt.

The disadvantages of the hybrid include the difficulty of growing Big Beef. Requires at least a minimum experience in vegetable production. It will be difficult for beginners to properly form a bush and provide the necessary care, which will affect the quality and volume of the crop.

Cultivation of seedlings

Tomato seeds Big Beef F1
Seeds of hybrids of Dutch companies, as a rule, are supplied already processed with a fungicide and do not require additional preparation for planting.

Sowing time depends on the climatic zone, growing conditions - open or closed ground, heated or unheated greenhouse. Tomatoes are sowed, approximately, two months before the intended planting of the seedlings.

Sowing is done in boxes with prepared soil mixture. This can be either a purchased soil or a self-prepared mixture based on peat.

Seeds spread in even rows over the surface. Evenly sprinkle on top of the same soil to a thickness of no more than 3-5mm and pour warm water. Then the boxes are covered with plastic wrap and put in a warm place.

Seed germination temperature 20-25 degrees .After 5-6 days, with the advent of the first shoots the film is removed. Drying the ground is unacceptable, but excessive watering is destructive.

The pickling of seedlings into separate containers is carried out in the phase of 2-3 true leaves of , 2-3 weeks after germination. After picking, it doesn’t hurt to irrigate with the use of root formation stimulants for better rooting and root development.

Pickling seedlings is carried out in the phase of 2-3 true leaves

The duration of daylight hours for tomatoes should be at least 12 hours, therefore, in order to avoid pulling out seedlings, artificial lighting up of fluorescent lamps is necessary.

A couple of weeks before planting, plants begin to harden, lowering the temperature from 20 to 14-15 degrees, by periodically airing for 1-2 hours a day, gradually increasing the sessions.

Planting seedlings in the ground is made with the advent of the first flower brushes, in the phase 9-10 leaves .If the ground is open, and warm weather conditions have not yet been established, seedlings should be treated with a growth regulator, in order to avoid overgrowth.

Planting scheme Big Beef 50x40cm , no more than four plants per square meter. More frequent location, affecting the quality of the crop, will contribute to the development of fungal diseases, complicate care and the formation of the bush.

Agrotechnical cultivation of tomato variety

. Watering should be regular and frequent, but with small doses of .Drying of the ground is unacceptable. The ground should be wet but not wet. During the period of fruiting, violation of the frequency of irrigation will lead to cracking of the fruit. The best solution is drip irrigation.

Feedings should be combined with irrigation with .Interval 5-7 days .Complex fertilizers for tomatoes are mixtures of potassium phosphorus and nitrogenous compounds. Depending on the phase of plant development, the proportions of these substances vary.

During the rooting of , fertilizing is carried out twice, with a mixture with a high content of N-P-K-1-5-1 phosphorus. During growth, the proportion of phosphorus is significantly reduced - N-P-K – 1-0.8-1.During mass flowering, a higher phosphorus content of N-P-K – 1-5-1 is required.

With the appearance and bulk of fruits of N-P-K – 1-0,5-1.In order to avoid the development of the apical rot of the fruit, once every 2 weeks, calcium nitrate should be fed. Calcium nitrate does not mix with other substances.

With the beginning of the ripening of fruits, the plant needs more potassium N-Р-K – 1-0,5-2.A lack of potassium will increase the coloring time, reduce the commercial quality of the tomato.

For a successful growth of a tomato, it is necessary to add supplements corresponding to the growth period of

. Also, several additional feedings should be carried out on the leaf with complex preparations in chelate form. For the prevention of late blight, process copper oxychloride.

Formation of bushes begin after their garters. Aspiration is done at least once a week , while the side shoots are small. The plant is formed in one stalk and is regularly tied up to a twine or trellis.

Harvesting is carried out before irrigation, in order to avoid cracking ripened fruit. Brown tomatoes should also be plucked for the same reason.

In conclusion, it should be said that the Big Beef is becoming more and more popular in Russia every year. The Internet is full of positive reviews about this hybrid from both gardeners and tomato growers to the market.

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