Which blender is better to buy

When choosing a blender, decide which dishes you will use to prepare it. For example, for the preparation of cocktails suitable option with a large bowl and a sharp cross knife at the bottom. The device will blow bananas to dust with sufficient power. Compare - Vitamix, consuming 1.2 kW, grinds a brick. The spectacle is impressive! A typical Philips during the experiment will blow the cup. Our review will help you choose a blender and manufacturer that meets your needs.

Choosing a blender for home

Types of blenders

Types of blenders offered by retail chains:

  1. Stationary. Evolutionary appeared first in the period of Prohibition( USA).Known to the public for movies. It is a deep bowl, knives rotate at the bottom.
  2. Immersion blenders. They are an elongated handle, ending with a leg for attaching nozzles. The rotating motor is protected by a steel or plastic case. Using a set of nozzles, the cook prepares a variety of dishes.
  3. Hybrid Blender - the best solution for household tasks. It serves as the first two types plus slices vegetables for salad. The hybrid is more functional than the first two; its capabilities are determined by a set of nozzles.
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Why blender

is needed If you need a top model, do not worry about choosing a Vitamix blender. Brand expensive, from 40,000 rubles, but cheerfully grind any products, at the same time carefully mixed. Trouble-free machine for cocktails, mashed potatoes, legume soups, baby food and non-standard dishes.

Blender lovers are divided into three categories: raw food fans, drink lovers and those who cook. Which blender of which manufacturer is suitable for representatives of these categories?

The price and design of the blender depends on the purpose of the purchase. For example, prepare homemade mayonnaise. Beat yolk, butter, mustard, other ingredients. Blender Saturn submersible type with a capacity of 600 watts will cost 550 rubles. The device will perfectly cope with the preparation of homemade sauces.

Another thing is mixing cocktails. Athletes love to drink a mixture of bananas and strawberries before training and between meals. Constantly pounding fruit in a mortar is irrational. A stationary blender will make a cocktail in 2 minutes. Wash the bowl after cooking - the procedure is simple. Positive result. The power and classiness of the stationary blender will determine the products being turned into porridge. Mentioned Vitamix grind boiled legumes, useful for bodybuilders, inexpensive Supra 150 W will cope with soft bananas, strawberries. Athletes will prefer to pay 1000 dollars to save time, a fitness fan will have enough bananas.

A separate category are thick consistency dishes - pies, tartar. The result determines the shape of the corolla, knives, degree of sharpening. Selection criteria - a set of nozzles. For example, Bamix is ​​completed with a special meat knife. The cook prefers it, preparing fish tartare, which is demonstrated by the training video on the official website of the product manufacturer. The nozzle, developed by the company's technical staff, is designed as a cross - the flag of Switzerland; similarly, Kenwood made one of the mixer oars in the form of a capital letter of the name. Cooking thick consistency is not determined by the power or cost, and nozzles, technology and recipe. Then the acquired blender guarantees a decent result.

Blender Chopper

Let's return to the hybrid blenders. Today not only food processors cut and chop. The combined or hybrid blender performs the functions of cutting and shredding as well as the Philips multifunctional unit. Moreover, the bowl and the chopper head often complete the combine.

Hybrid blenders differ in bowl configuration:

  1. sickle-shaped knife for shredding carrots, cabbage;
  2. cover with knives of various shapes, cut into cubes, circles;
  3. unpretentious, like a mixer, beaters.

Combined blender chefs are operating in the manner of manual, however, cocktails are difficult to interfere. The operating manual Saturn speaks about the volume of up to 2 liters, but in practice 200 grams of pate wrapped in sea food. For cocktails buy cheap stationary blender, the same Saturn.

Blender for berries, fruits and vegetables

We turn to raw food. Christianity prescribes on some fasting days to eat raw food( the so-called malnutrition).Invented environmental direction - veganism, which excludes the heat treatment of products using grinding. Legumes, containing a record amount of protein and complex carbohydrates, help the bodybuilders build muscle. Unground beans or wheat grains are absorbed by the body hard. Shredded liquid food is much easier. The powerful Vitamix Blender provides low-cost nutrition.

Submersible blenders

Pate using the submersible blender

Pay attention to how professional chefs prepare pate. They use not cocktail, but submersible or hybrid with crescent knives. Classic pate is prepared according to the algorithm:

  1. Onions and carrots are roasted over low heat until golden brown.
  2. Liver is added, together the ingredients are stewed for a while on the fire.
  3. To taste, the dish is seasoned with salt and pepper.

    Liver paste with a blender

  4. Then the product is crushed.
  5. At the end add the butter to taste.

If the cook fears that the liver remains damp, he slightly extinguishes it separately. Fries onions, carrots, throws meat into pieces, pours into a suitable container for grinding. The submersible blender with a 500 W engine gets stuck in the mass, like in a swamp. The reason - a cross-shaped knife throws out the pieces to the periphery. Steel( plastic) whisk is provided with holes for mass to exit. But the centrifugal force drops to zero when the liver and winding onions quench the motion of the cross-shaped knives of the immersion blender.

To avoid a similar situation, oil is added at the frying stage - everything provided for by the recipe. The ingredients are ground by immersion blender until cold. Products are processed, without emphasizing how deeply the knives are immersed. It turns out a relatively homogeneous mass.

Therefore, when choosing a blender, pay attention to the parameters:

  • The design should correspond to the prepared dishes. If you experience difficulties, consult the Internet.
  • A whisk of an immersion blender is selected to be steel, in order to work with temperatures of 60-100 ° C.Plastic at elevated temperature or melts, or emits harmful substances, stained with juice of beets, carrots, etc.
  • Engine power choose the maximum, eliminating the linkage of knives. Pay attention to the duration of the operating cycle.

Preparation of mayonnaise

How to prepare mayonnaise using a submersible blender

Blender is used to grind, whisk and mix products, including egg whites. Having carefully studied the technology of cooking, make sure that the cross-shaped knives are not always suitable. More precisely, with them more hassle. Check out this postulate by visiting the official Bamix website. Check out the promotional and educational videos about cooking this or that dish.

Further, Bamix costs 10,000 rubles, standard Saturn is 20 times less. Power blender to do with it. For expensive models, power is often lower. Given the laws of motion of liquid and dense masses, the Swiss manufacturers have achieved the best results.
Pay attention to the rim: not solid with oblong holes, but cross-shaped. Four cloves, equidistant from each other, are located at an angle of 90 degrees. Meals literally prepare themselves. With a nozzle-mixer, the chef processes the 20-liter container with products at a time.

So, power is not the determining factor. The quality of the blender depends on the intellectual developments of the manufacturer. Notice, Bamix has a steel whisk and stem. Material guarantees compliance with hygienic requirements when cooking. The video leads the consumer to the conclusion that the nozzles also play a crucial role. Bamix is ​​equipped with accessories that help beat, chop meat.

Finally, a conscientious manufacturer accompanies the product with a well-written recipe book. The consumer will not have to wrestle with how to prepare pate as an immersion blender, he will take the device in his hands and follow the advice step by step.

Cleaning submersible blender after cooking

Diligent blender manufacturers include a manual blender cleaning guide. The culinary device soiled with the device clears the adhered food until it is frozen. The simplest immersion blenders are cleaned in containers with water, turning on the operating mode for 3-5 minutes. Detailed instructions for cleaning blenders download from the Internet.

Blender and Healthy FoodNot all his life he ate raw food, excluding meat consumption. When the world was shaken by wars — above all World War II — Vegan adapted to raw food. Otherwise, the style of eating raw food is called veganism.

A professional athlete who observes a special diet, knows that fruits and vegetables restore strength faster. Kale cabbage, chopped with a blender, additionally delivers 3 g of easily digestible protein for every 100 g of the head of cabbage. In addition, the product contains a lot of carbohydrates. When processing a blender protein molecules are broken into micropart, easily absorbed by the body.

Centrifugal juicer and blender

  1. The use of juicers for grinding kale cabbage is not appropriate. Centrifugal give coarse cake, which can not be mixed with juice and get a homogeneous mass.
  2. Shnekovym can not grind foods rich in fiber.

It turns out that the blender solves the problem faster, simultaneously grinding and mixing products. The output is a mass similar to the soup, not stratified, easy to drink. It remains to choose a blender for a “soup” uniform consistency. Two options are recommended: the

  • Vitamix, known for high power models. Specifically, for the case in question, 5200 is recommended. The estimated cost is $ 1000.
  • Blendtec Designer 725 is much more expensive, but is given a warranty of 8 years. An additional bonus is to set the required speed on the ergonomic control panel. But the domestic market of this manufacturer is not.

Tabletop Blender Vitamix 5200

5-kg device develops a power of 1 kW.The usual Vitamix indicators cover the characteristics of other blenders sold in Russia. Smooth adjustment of speed from 1 to 24 thousand revolutions per minute. Turbo mode is available, accelerating knives to 37 thousand revolutions. Let's compare: the best centrifugal juicers produce a maximum of 20 thousand.

When grinding and mixing the ingredients, the walls of the bowl are squeezed out by vortex flows. Products reach the airtight lid, fall back. Vitamix 5200 turns seeds and nuts into butter, which is similar to butter in consistency.

Blender mashed soups are not very popular in Russia, but turning potatoes into mashed potatoes is a nice thing!

Outcome: The Vitamix 5200 blender helps in a matter of seconds to grind and mix products to a uniform consistency.

Desk Blender Vitamix 5200

Desk Blender Blendtec Designer 725

Blender Blendtec Designer 725 is equipped with a discrete speed control, the value is set by the corresponding button. For convenience, the keys are set in a row. The device works relatively quietly. In some embodiments, a slider at 100 fixed speeds is used. Power device 1725 watts. There are six preset modes:

  • smoothies;
  • ice cream;
  • whole fruits;
  • soup;
  • salsa;
  • cleaning.

Smoothie mode turns ingredients into crumb. Salsa is designed to make tomato pastes. Soup mode at the exit gives a mash of legumes, pre-cooked or extracted from a tin can.

The production technology of the Blendtec Designer 725 blender incorporates operational errors: overheating, incorrect assembly, etc. The impulse mode adjusts the grinding. It is possible to add 10 seconds to the duration of the preset cycle.

Desktop Blender Blendtec Designer 725

Which bowl material is preferable? Glass bowl blenders belong to the upper price segment, but the glass has a significant drawback - it beats. It is preferable to stop the choice on polycarbonate, it is stronger than glass.

Omniblend desktop blenders

The Omniblend series is both low cost and professional blenders. For home needs, the optimal model Omniblend TM-788 - two speeds, Lexan glass, smooth adjustment. A power of 950 watts is quite enough. There is a built-in turbo mode, which develops 38 thousand revolutions per minute. The warranty is 3 years, the price is three times lower than Vitamix. Model TM-788 costs about 12 thousand rubles.

Taiwanese-designed blender assembled in China. The functionality is similar to the models described above. However, there is no protection against operational errors, the ability to set speed is limited, there are no pre-installed programs. In general, the Omniblend TM-788 is a thoughtful device with a set of steel knives that can perform any task. The power consumption of Omniblend blenders is lower, the technical characteristics correspond to the segment they occupy. Among the models of Omniblend there are those where the speed is regulated smoothly, as in Vitamix. The only difficulty may be buying knives. For expensive models produced curved blades. Knife profile and power blender - the main arguments for which the money is charged.

Stationary blenders

Stationary blenders are designed for cocktails. Choose a model based on financial capabilities. Not everyone will give 60,000 rubles for the pleasure of drinking a cocktail with apple seeds, although in this case Vitamix will supplement apple juice with the daily iodine rate for an adult.

Stationary Vitamix will be mastered by a small amount of pate. If you put a lot of initial products, they stick to the walls, the finished paste will be difficult to remove.

Stationary blender

The higher the power, the better the device works. Vitamix easily grinds the ice, i.e.ice cream preparation will take less time than with Bamix.

Submersible and Combined

Blenders Consider what nozzles and whips are used when preparing the pate. The purpose of the knife( corolla) is more important than its configuration. Traditionally used for meat sickle attachment with two blades. The corolla is not made tightly tight. In Bamix, for example, a couple of teeth, not giving knives to scratch the bowl.

Immersion Bamixer Bamix

Bamixers Bamix are expensive. Inexpensive modifications cost 6-7 thousand rubles. They select a budget model in two ways:

  • a sharp knife;
  • rare corolla.

Halo will be discussed separately, often buyers do not understand what it is and what are the criteria for its selection. The working knife rotates at high speed. On a tangent to the circle pieces of ingredients fly. To reduce the effect is a whisk, reflecting the pieces of food down. When the hostess treats the liver, the knife quickly wedges. The reason - in the thick consistency of the resulting mass, pieces of food do not pass through narrow wavy holes. Therefore, the rim for pate has a rare design: there are more openings, less partitions.

Keep in mind that for each dish a highly specialized nozzle is used. The Polaris Blender with one cross-shaped knife is by definition unsuitable for a wide range of dishes. Mixtures are heterogeneous. Keep in mind: a blender does not make stuffing, although stationary Vitamix copes with the task. This is due to the consistency. Stuffing - crumbly substance of coarse grinding, blender produces more pate. Cutlets taste so-so.

Stationary Blender Vitamix

Keep in mind that processing products with a blender significantly changes the cooking technology. Let's go back to the pate. Traditionally prepared as follows:

  • Fry onions and carrots.
  • Add the liver.
  • Mince through.
  • Add butter.
  • Knead.

The simplest blender Witek converts technology:

  1. Fry onions and carrots.
  2. Add liver.
  3. Throw oil there.
  4. Grind the blender.

Melted butter thins mass, it becomes easier to work with a blender. A purchased blender makes it necessary to adapt each recipe for themselves, changes the cooking technology. Choosing a blender, it is logical to pre-read the recommendations for use.

Hybrid Blenders

Submersible blenders are not suitable for cutting salads and shredders. These issues solve hybrid models. They are completed with a bowl, the drive is mounted in the cover. Curved blades choppers are attached to the central axis.

Knives are located near the bottom, products are placed in the bowl in advance.

Frosted knives in the kit cut fruits and vegetables into slices and cubes. Load the components through the neck, figured or mesh blade cuts the products into appropriate pieces.

Hybrid Blender makes cooking salad as easy as possible. Pick up model on demand "grinder" or "grater", "a disk for cutting slices".You can purchase a quality chopper by paying 2000 p.

Some models are equipped with a grinder for grinding coffee beans. Whisk at low speed replaces the mixer.

What to look for when choosing the

blender Some models of blenders are equipped with a speed controller. Additional options increase the price. More speeds increase the likelihood of a breakdown, but at the same time expands the functionality. Advantages of hybrid blenders are determined by the number of nozzles. Pay attention to the instructions: the ability to operate the blender in a pulsed mode allows you to prepare a viscous mass.

Wireless submersible blenders operate on battery, the weight of the device exceeds the average.

The use of attachments in a blender

The use of attachments in a blenderBlenders

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