Pests of cucumbers in the greenhouse and in the open field and the fight against them

When choosing cucumber varieties, preference is given to crops with good immunity. However, it is impossible to fully protect the crop from diseases and pests, and even more so from the invasion of insects. To know an enemy means to be armed - a novice gardener should take note of this motto.

  • . Contents:How to spray against thrips shoots
  • Cucumber mosquitoes
  • Protection of the roots from the wireworm
  • Seedlings and land treatment preparations in the greenhouse against pests
  • Pests of cucumbers: environmentsanti-pest control, prevention of

    To get rid of pests of cucumbers, it is important to know who exactly is encroaching on the crop. Signs of their settlement should be well known to ensure timely processing. Sometimes when figuring out the reasons for weakening a plant, it takes a long time, during which insects or their larvae can completely destroy a shrub, or even a large part of the bed. Therefore, time is the main factor in the fight against "uninvited guests."

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    How to deal with aphids on cucumbers

    Insect size is only 1-1.5 mm, but irreparable can cause harm to cucumbers. A whole population of aphids is settled on a plant, eats seedlings feeding on their juice. It is easy to find it, on the reverse side of the leaf and along the stem is a whole colony of parasites.

    If you do not take action in a timely manner, the bush begins to literally smolder before our eyes die from exhaustion.

    There are several ways to prevent and control:

    • in the spring to collect ladybirds from the grass of the field and transfer them to cucumber beds( they are afraid of aphids);
    • spray bushes with infusion of wood ash or tobacco( 1-2 cups of ash, ¼ bar of soap for a bucket of water; 1-2 cups of crushed tobacco leaves, ¼ of bar of soap) per 10 l of water;
    • processing of cucumbers with infusion of onion, garlic( per 10 l of water 60-90 g of chopped aromatic root vegetables).

      Aphids on the leaves of cucumber

    How to get rid of the invasion of ants

    Black ants are a useful insect, but they can become real enemies for cucumbers and tomatoes. If ants are found, it is recommended to place traps( containers with a sweet composition).It is important to destroy the nests so that the population migrates to another part of the garden. This can be done by simply loosening the soil or watering boiling water. Effectively sprinkle the beds with wood ash or crushed lime.

    Ants on the cucumber bush

    Than to treat seedlings from spider mites

    Another lover to eat the sap of the plant - spider mites. It is attached to the bottom of the sheet and covered with cobwebs. As the cucumber juice is exhausted, the leaf changes color, becomes marble, then turns brown and falls. The insect spreads on the beds in the greenhouse quickly, so you need to act instantly.

    Methods of prevention and control:

    • regular inspection of plants and maintaining the necessary moisture by spraying;
    • timely destruction of weeds;
    • treatment of plants with special preparations Aktellik, Fitoverm.
    Spider mite on the leaves of the plant

    Folk way of dealing with the whitefly

    Insects are a particular hazard to greenhouse crops, but there are often cases of cucumber beds in open ground. Small parasites( about 1 mm long) have white wings and gray legs. The main diet is plant sap. In one bush there are insects in different stages of development, which complicates the fight against them.

    Among the effective ways to combat:

    • installation of traps;
    • proper care;
    • soil loosening and weeding.
    It is undesirable to resort to the use of chemicals, because toxic substances are transferred to the fruits and the soil.

    It is better to plant tobacco bushes near cucumbers, which also attract the whitefly. They already can be processed by chemical means.

    Whitefly on a leaf of cucumber

    Sprouting fly

    Laid eggs in plant debris successfully survive the winter and begin to actively develop in early May - during the growing season. The fly causes great damage to germinating seeds and young shoots. The insect attracts the stem of the plant, where the females pupate. This period lasts about 2 weeks. During this time, the pest feeds on the sap of the plant, which leads to exhaustion and death of the seedling.

    Prevention will help solve the problem, which includes autumn harvesting of beds and digging the soil. In the spring before sowing, the soil is decontaminated( watering with boiling water, spraying with potassium permanganate solution).

    Sprout fly close up

    Gallic nematode

    Small parasites reach a length of only 1.5 mm, live in whole colonies. The female in the warm season lays up to 2000 eggs, which leads to an intensive growth of the population. Favorable habitat is considered to be hot weather and low humidity. Pests attack the root system, which subsequently weakens and even dies.

    To combat the nematode, it is necessary to do prevention:

    • disinfection of soil and equipment after autumn and spring processing;
    • annual landing site change;
    • plentiful watering the soil with boiling water, followed by covering the area with film for 2-3 hours;
    • treatment of beds by Fitoverm.
    Gallic nematode on the roots of the bush


    In appearance, the slow-moving insects have a wonderful appetite. In the course goes not only greens, but also the peel of the fruit. Ugly fruits will only throw. Pests are allowed to detect themselves by silver traces on foliage and characteristic holes.

    Methods of prevention and control:

    • digging the earth in autumn and spring;
    • mechanical slug assembly;
    • cleaning plant waste and garbage;
    • use of molluscicides( for example, the drug Thunderstorm).
    Slug on a leaf of cucumber


    Cucumbers love a moist environment that also attracts Medvedka. Quite large insects can eat up the roots and cause irreparable damage to the crop. It is possible to recognize a pest by the characteristic burrows of the site and the eaten roots, stalks and even fruits.

    Of the existing methods of control, most gardeners prefer mechanical and folk methods. Special traps are made along the contour of the beds, from which insects are periodically extracted. As bait are used: manure, beer, humus. It is also effective to fill the holes with soapy water. After the appearance on the surface of pests produce their collection and subsequent destruction.

    The use of chemicals is not recommended, toxic substances will be deposited in the soil and plants, as a result of which the crop will be hazardous to health.
    Medvedka crawling out of the hole

    Than to spray the shoots against the thrips

    The insects sucking the juice reach the size of only 1.5-2 mm. You can detect pests by following their vital signs: silvery strokes on sheets, discolored areas on greenery, necrosis, deformations of different nature, sticky traces. Due to damage to the ovaries, the fruit forms an irregular shape. In addition, insects carry infectious diseases.

    Methods of prevention and control:

    • timely weeding and inspection of the bushes;
    • installation of sticky traps( preferably blue);
    • treatment of plants with infusion of garlic( per 10 liters of water 40-60 g of a fragrant ingredient, previously crushed);
    • spraying with insecticides( the solution is prepared from 5 liters of water and 4 g of the drug).
    It is difficult to fight thrips, because insects with different stages of development are often on the same plant. If it is possible to cope with the infusion of garlic with the young part of the population, it is possible to defeat adult pests through the use of special preparations.
    Thrips close-ups

    Cucumber mosquitoes

    It is not possible to detect parasites due to their grayish tinge, which merges with the soil, and its small size - 3-5 mm. Females lay eggs directly on the ground surface near the cucumber beds. Translucent developing larvae, reaching a length of 5 mm, easily move to the stems and roots from which they receive food. Mostly weak shoots become the victim of parasites.

    Methods of prevention and control:

    • after harvesting carefully remove plant residues from the site;
    • before sowing, decontaminate the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or other means;
    • , a few days before the beginning of planting, process the soil with Aktellik( 1-2 liters of solution per 10 m2);
    • provide proper care for immunity.
    Properly administered fertilizers and supplements will help to strengthen the protective function of the plant.
    Cucumber mosquito

    Protection of the roots from the wireworm

    Externally, the wireworm is very similar to the worm, in fact the pest is a two-year old larva of the click beetle. It is almost omnivorous, therefore it causes a lot of hassle to gardeners, damaging carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers and other crops. It is actively developing in the soil, easily finding food: root system, roots, seeds.

    At the end of the season, before the very frosts, you should dig up the ground so that during the winter the larvae and adults would freeze to death. At service of beds it is necessary to make the collection of the revealed larvae or beetles manually. Mechanical destruction of them is unlikely to happen because of the hard skin, so many gardeners drown collected pests in diesel or kerosene.

    It is important to monitor the level of soil acid. The acidic environment attracts the wireworm; therefore, if necessary, the soil is neutralized with dolomite flour, crushed eggshell or wood ash. Additional protection will be planting around the perimeter of a bed of legumes that scare the parasite.

    Wireworm near

    seedling stalks Preparations of seedling and ground treatment in the greenhouse against pests

    Even before the sowing period begins, you should consider preventive measures that will protect the beds from insect invasion, and if a pest is found, respond with quick treatment. Proper prevention consists of the following points.

    • For sowing, use only quality material that has undergone disinfection and preparation.
    • The soil for sowing seedlings and sowing seeds should also undergo a decontamination procedure so that harmful microorganisms do not switch to young shoots.
    • Insects choose habitats more often on weakened bushes, therefore, proper care should be taken of the seedlings so that their life potential helps to withstand the diseases and attacks of pests.
    • When harvesting at the end of the season, all plant residues are removed from the ground. It is on them that pathogens can remain, which after hibernation awaken for active development.
    • Weeds can attract insects. Besides the fact that they create a hindrance to the root system of cucumbers, weeds thicken the beds. And such a thicket is a good shelter for spider mites, onion flies, etc.
    • A good preventive measure is to change the place of sowing cucumbers.
    • Plants planted in close proximity to a cucumber bed( calendula, marigold flowers, radishes, etc.) can scare off pests.
    Spraying cucumbers against pests

    For a quick response to the problem that has arisen, it is necessary to conduct regular inspection of the beds in order to identify lesions. Signs of habitat on cucumbers, insects or larvae are not considered a verdict, they can and should be dealt with. But it is better to do with preventive measures, which at times reduce the risks of yield reduction or its complete destruction.

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