How to feed cucumbers when grown on the windowsill at home

Cucumbers are a very demanded crop, which can be grown regardless of the season, and not only in greenhouses. We are all accustomed to the fact that cucumbers can be grown either in open ground or in greenhouses. Miracles of selection made possible any varietal varieties of various sizes of vegetables and their qualities. But not everyone knows that crispy juicy cucumbers can be grown even in your own apartment or house on a windowsill at home.

To collect the fruits right in your home, you need such indoor plants to provide additional care and care. This kind of indoor room variety in the first place you need to feed. After all, unlike plants that grow in the open field and take all the necessary nutrients from it, our room cucumbers simply don’t have such substances and our main task is to help them with this.


  • Signs of plants, indicating a need for fertilizing
  • Terms fertilizing of cucumber on the windowsill
    • first stage
    • second stage
    • Further stages
  • instagram viewer
  • Varieties dressings for indoor cucumber
    • Organic fertilizers
    • Foliar dressing
    • Folk remedies
  • Fertilizers at mass formation of ovaries at home

Signs of plants indicating the need for fertilizing

One of the signs of a lack of fertilizer is a hook shapegurtsov

Room cucumber culture itself will tell you when it is necessary to feed. These symptoms include:

  1. Drying of leaves.
  2. Yellowing and the dying off of small fruits.
  3. Hook-shaped fruit shape.

Timing fertilizing cucumbers on the sill

First stage

It is necessary to start fertilizing the soil before planting in a container. To do this, must first select the desired composition of the substrate .You can purchase ready-made substrate in specialized stores, and you can prepare it yourself. To do this, take in equal parts peat, turf soil, humus and sawdust. For 10 kg of this mixture, you need to add 30 grams of nitrophosphate, 15 grams of urea and 200 grams of wood ash.

For each individual cucumber bush, you need 5-7 liters of soil. You need to plant the seeds in separate pots so that they do not oppress each other.

Second Stage

At the next stage, the cucumbers feed two weeks after the seeds grow.

Further steps

In the future, the bushes need to feed every 10 days .

Varieties of fertilizing for indoor cucumber

With the terms of fertilizer we figured out with you. Now find out exactly what fertilizer can and should be applied.

Nutritional substrates have already been discussed above.

Organic Fertilizers

The next common type of fertilizer is organic.

Wood Ash - the most popular organic fertilizer

Experienced vegetable growers include wood ash among the most popular organic products. This product contains potassium and phosphorus in large quantities. Without these microelements, not only fruiting, but also the growth of plants is simply not possible. Infusion of ash is processed not only the soil, but also the leaves. To prepare such an infusion on your own is very simple. One tablespoon of ash is poured with two liters of boiled water and infused during the day. Before use, infusion filter.

Ross Universal Organic Fertilizer

Ross fertilizing is one of the most popular organic products. Apply it to the secondary fertilizer of plants according to the instructions for the preparation.

Of course, in our section on organic fertilizers, we could mention such popular means for feeding cucumbers as chicken manure, slurry. These funds certainly have great efficiency, but in view of the fact that we grow cucumbers in the house, then the use of such organic products will be impractical and unethical .Yes, and it is unlikely that someone would think of fertilizing plants in the house with manure.

Foliar Processing

Foliar fertilizers are also quite effective, though not very popular. Such treatment is especially important during the formation of ovaries. It is at this stage that plants need such a trace element as boron. It is he who is responsible for the formation and development of the fruit. To provide yourself with an excellent harvest, as soon as our shoots bloom, you need to spray them with a solution of boric acid. Do this by dissolving 1 gram of the product in 1 liter of water. In the future, such spraying can be done every 10 days.

Foliar dressing of cucumbers play an important role during the formation of fruits

During the period of active formation of fruits, foliar dressing with manganese can be conducted. To do this, in one liter of water dissolve 10 crystals means. This procedure will consolidate a positive result from the treatment with boric acid and improve the taste of the fruit.

Instead of manganese, you can sprinkle the plant with urea( 5 grams per 3 liters of water).This tool will significantly improve the metabolic processes of the plant and rejuvenate it.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies also proved to be excellent as dressings for balcony seedlings and adult cucumber bushes.

The most popular among such funds can be identified:

  1. Eggshell is a reliable tool, because it contains a large amount of minerals and trace elements. To prepare a useful infusion, the shells of 3 eggs are dried, crushed and infused overnight in 3 liters of water. When the water becomes cloudy and it will be unpleasant to smell, you can water our plant with it daily.
  2. Banana Peel is also rich in minerals and vitamins. It is saturated with potassium, which is necessary for the normal growth of vegetables. It is enough to insist the peel in boiled water for 3-4 days.
  3. Coffee grounds, onion peel, potato peels will also feed and strengthen the plant. Such infusions can not only water our indoor culture, but also spray it with bushes.

Fertilizers when making masses of zazhya zaevyh people, they can use fertilizer for the production of plants, they will use the fertilizer when it comes to the formation of plants, it is an excellent fertilizer

fertilize. After all, at this moment the yield of our vegetable is laid. At this moment the plant can and should be watered and sprayed with wood ash, complex fertilizer Growth concentrate or azofoskoy .

Such dressing should be carried out every 10 days.

It is strictly forbidden to fertilize our plant with chlorine-containing preparations.

With proper and sufficient care, you can get an excellent harvest crispy sweet cucumbers directly on your window sill or balcony at home. It is only important to adhere to all the above tips and recommendations.

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