Description and characteristics of cucumber varieties Phoenix

Cucumbers are the most popular garden crop in the world. Fragrant and juicy cucumbers love everything from small to large. There are many varieties of such a vegetable. One of these varietal varieties is the variety of cucumber Phoenix .

Table of Contents

  • Phoenix Cucumber Cucumber and Its History
  • Description and Features
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Features of Planting and Growing Cucumber Care and Harvesting
  • Diseases and Prevention

Disposal and Crop
  • Diseases and Prevention
  • Disposal and Crop
  • Diseases and Prevention
  • Crop and Crop
  • Diseases and Prevention Disorders and Prevention
  • Diseases and Prevention Cares and Crop
  • Diseases and Prevention Cares and Crop
  • This type can not be called innovative, it was invented back in 1990 .But the leadership position of this species confidently holds in our days.
    Such a variety is provoked by the super-stability of such cucumbers to such a common disease as downy mildew.
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    Back in 1985, an epidemic of this cucumber disease was raging on the planet. The whole cucumber plantations of Hungary, Bulgaria, and the GDR suffered from it.

    The epidemic was confidently approaching the Soviet Union and was already advancing firmly in the southern regions of the USSR.The powdery mildew virus was constantly mutated and modified, and even the most resistant cucumber varieties gradually became susceptible to it.

    And in 1990, Soviet breeders made the seemingly impossible: invented a variety that could not overcome by powdery mildew.

    This kind of received a loud name Phoenix, because he also rose from the ashes of the epidemic. Since then, Phoenix has seriously and for a long time won the hearts of vegetable growers not only of our Motherland, but also beyond its borders.

    Variety was bred by Soviet breeders in 1990

    Description and characteristics

    The Phoenix variety is a powerful and tall plant that grows to 3 meters in height .Such a culture can not do without support.

    According to the description, in terms of ripening fruits late-ripening .Crop begin to collect 60 days after planting seeds in the soil. It is best to grow these vegetables in the open field.

    Fruits of the correct cylindrical shape of a saturated green color with longitudinal light green stripes. The tuberosity of vegetables is below average. Fruit size reaches 15 cm, and weight - 150 grams .

    The culture has been bearing fruit for a long time, when other relatives already gave up the entire harvest. Productivity is very high and with sufficient care reaches 3 kg per square meter.

    The plant requires pollination by insects. For this reason, it is not recommended to grow in a greenhouse, but in the open field the culture will not create any hassle in growing.

    The fruits are universal in use .They can be used both fresh and canned.

    The plant requires pollination from insects; cultivation in the greenhouse is not recommended

    Advantages and disadvantages of

    This varietal variety has many advantages :

    • high yield;
    • unpretentious care;
    • immunity to temperature extremes;
    • drought tolerance and cold tolerance;
    • long periods of fruiting;
    • long shelf life;
    • resistance to various diseases;
    • excellent transportable ability;
    • presentable appearance;
    • versatility in use;
    • excellent taste.

    But the Phoenix has its drawbacks .These include:

    • limited growing opportunities. Suitable for open ground, but not recommended to grow in greenhouses;
    • relatively large fruit sizes.
    Variety advantages: high yield, long-term fruiting and storage, versatility of fruits

    Features of planting and growing cucumbers

    Phoenix is ​​intended for cultivation in an open ground. You can grow both from seed and seedling method .

    Cucumber seeds are planted in open ground after the end of night frosts. The temperature of the soil should be at least 15 degrees.

    Usually seeds are planted in open soil in late May - early June .

    Seeds for planting are planted at the beginning of May. .Transfer to the open ground after 2 - 3 true leaflets form on the seedlings.

    Seeds are planted in seedlings at the beginning of May; when forming 2-3 true leaves, they are transferred to the open ground.

    The soil on the site is best prepared in autumn. Cucumbers love different feeding. Crop yield directly depends on them.

    The best way to prepare the soil since the fall is .To do this, the site is well removed from weeds, make organic fertilizer( manure, humus, chicken manure).And only after this they dig up.

    Seeds must also be prepared by .If you purchased glazed seeds, then no manipulations can be made with them. They are already fully prepared: disinfected and processed by growth promoters.

    If the seeds are regular, then you need to process them yourself. To do this, just hold them in a solution of potassium permanganate and germinate in a moist warm environment( gauze or cotton bags).Then they need to harden, bringing to the cold.

    Immediately before planting seeds, you can once again fertilize the soil with rotted manure. Soil for cucumbers should be airy and well pass air and moisture.

    The best predecessors of cucumbers are potatoes, legumes, and tomatoes.

    Planted in a pre-prepared moist hole. When planting seeds, a pattern of 50 by 40 cm is recommended. 2-4 seeds are planted in each well. If all are sprouting, they must be drained.

    When planting seeds, a 50 to 40 cm scheme is recommended, 2-4 seeds are planted in each well.

    . Care and Harvesting


    Cucumbers are 90% water and that is why they are very fond of moisture. Watering them is necessary according to weather conditions , if the sky is not happy with frequent rainfall in the form of rain, the plant needs daily watering with settled water at room temperature.

    But it is impossible to allow stagnation of moisture in the soil, it can provoke rotting of the root system.

    Feedings directly affect the yield of plants. To do this, feed the culture during the entire growing season. For this perfect any organic fertilizer.

    Harvesting is needed every day, or every other day by .Ripe fruits tear very carefully so as not to damage the rest of the ovary.

    Harvesting is needed every day, or every other day.

    . Diseases and Prevention.

    . This type of vegetables has positioned itself as very resistant to various diseases.

    But if any damage has happened, the plants must be treated in a timely manner with an appropriate product, which is sold in all specialized stores.

    Phoenix Cucumbers is a fruitful variety with excellent characteristics and taste qualities of , which will provide you with tasty fruits without any special troubles in growing.

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