The range of vegetable crops grown on its plot is expanding every year. This is due to the growing tendency to replenish the diet with healthy and nutritious meals, has properties that have a positive effect on health. Among the new varieties of plants, cultivation of which are beginning to actively develop gardeners, not the last place is occupied by daikon. Planting in the country is not difficult, the main thing is to observe the terms of planting and the rules of care.
Homeland perspective culture is Japan. There, a variety of radish is incredibly popular due to its rich vitamin composition and delicate flavor, so a sweet vegetable is included in the daily diet.
Daikon belongs to the family of cruciferous crops with a one-year cycle. The shape of the vegetable is similar to radish and can be different from conical to serpentine .The differences are explained by the belonging of a vegetable to one or another variety.
Root crop weight depends not only on the varietal factor, but also on weather conditions, compliance with agricultural practices, therefore the range of averages has such a large run-up - from 500 gr.up to 3 kg .The length of the vegetable reaches 10-60 cm with a diameter 4-8 cm .
Depending on the variety, daikon fruits can be of different shapes and weights.
In the process of ripening, the fruit can be completely submerged in the soil or protrude almost half of its length on its surface.
Features of daikon:
cold resistance( shoots tolerate frosts to minus 4 degrees, adult plants - to minus 6 degrees);
good lighting and a long day are required for normal growing season;
unpretentiousness to the type of soil;
precocity( 50-70 days).
Features of different varieties
Those gardeners who are going to plant daikon on their plot for the first time are advised to opt for the following popular varieties.
Daikon Sasha belongs to the early ripening varieties with the growing season 35-45 days .The shape of the root is round white, the weight is 200-400 grams.with a diameter of 10-11 cm. When growing a plant, half of the fruit rises on the soil surface, this facilitates harvesting.
The taste and nutritional value of daikon make it possible to include it in the diet of dietary and baby food.
Daikon Sasha
Dubinushka - culture middle-aged aging period with vegetation 43-54 days .The elongated cylindrical fruits up to 50 cm long look like a club, from which the name of the variety came. The average vegetable mass is 500-2000 gr ., Its pulp has a sweet and delicate taste without bitterness, dense structure.
Harvest perfectly retains valuable vitamin composition during long-term storage.
Daikon root vegetables ripen through 60-70 bottom after the emergence of shoots. The shape of the vegetable is cylindrical with a conical tip, the mass is 900 gr. with a diameter of 6-8 cm. The taste of the fruit is very gentle, refreshing with a hint of sweetness, the sharpness is not felt in it. The structure of the pulp is dense.
Dragon is suitable for long-term storage, even in winter the radish is filled with vitamins and minerals valuable for the body. This allows the use of daikon for diet food, as well as sports and children.
Elephant Fang
Mid-season daikon variety with vegetation 80-84 days .Cylindrical fruits protrude when grown above the ground surface by 2/3 of their length, which facilitates the harvesting process. The length of the vegetable - 18-25 cm, weight - 500-600 gr. with a diameter of 7-8 cm.
Feature of the variety: it easily tolerates dry summer, high stable yield.
Elephant's Fang
Is it possible to grow daikon in the garden plot
Gardeners from different regions of Russia have long mastered the cultivation of daikon. In the south of the country and in the middle lane seeding is done in early spring and sometimes in the fall. With this planting, you can get the crop in June or early July .
In Siberia and the Urals, radishes are more likely to grow in greenhouses in order to keep the young shoots from freezing. In addition, the climatic conditions of these regions are far from ideal. Torrential rains, eroding the beds along with the crops, create many problems, as indeed the strong wind. To reduce the risks of crop loss, gardeners have grown a good place to grow vegetables under cover.
According to the characteristics, daikon belongs to cold-resistant plants, but this does not mean that the plant will develop at low temperatures. For normal growing season, should not fall below 10 degrees .With a long stay in the cold culture slows growth and poorly rooted, which significantly reduces the yield.
When planting on open ground in regions with a harsh climate, it is recommended to consider the following factors:
variety of daikon( early-ripening and medium-ripening varieties of radish must be used in order to ripen);
compliance with the timing of sowing seeds into the ground;
creation of film cover after disembarkation.
Timing for planting
Daikon seeds
Daikon can be planted using the seed method and using seedlings. The variant is chosen taking into account the peculiarities of the variety: fruits of a rounded and shortened oblong shape are more suitable for the seedling method, and elongated ones - seed, since there is a risk of damage to the root system during transplantation.
In the open ground, seeds can be planted during the period from the 20th of April to May 10th .When growing seedlings sowing is planned from March 15 to April 10 .Seedlings are planted in open ground in about a month when 2 pairs of true leaves are formed.
Daikon prone to release arrows. This is facilitated by warm and sunny weather.
Experienced gardeners come up with various tricks to protect the crop from bolting, because the development of root crops in this case we are not talking. Some planted seeds in early spring, others manage to sow them in the fall.
Agrotechnics of sowing seeds for growing vegetables
Preparation of seeds
Before sowing seeds, warm the in a thermos filled with water at 50 degrees. Selected disinfected grains are immersed in it for 20 minutes, after which they are immediately placed in ice water. After such stress, the seed must be sent to the fridge for a day( on the door or in the vegetable compartment).
Soil Preparation
Daikon is considered very convenient for vegetable cultivation, as it adapts to any type of soil. However, experienced gardeners recommend the use of fertile soil loose structure. Also you need to pay attention to the environment, it should be neutral or weakly acid .
Daikon grows well in neutral or slightly acidic medium.
To enrich the soil, it is necessary to add the following nutrients to it in the fall:
humus or compost - 1-2 kg / m2;
superphosphate - 40 g / m2;
potassium sulphate - 20 g / m2.
If lime is used to reduce acidity, it should be used separately from fertilizers at intervals of 2 weeks.
When choosing a place for daikon, one should take into account that after cabbage, radish, turnip and garlic it is not worth sowing a vegetable. It is better to give preference to the site on which were previously grown: potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes, carrots, beets.
Sowing seeds on seedlings of
Daikon seedlings sow 2-3 seeds in peat tablets or peaty-humus pots .When using containers, it is necessary to take into account the required depth - not less than 10 cm.
In the moist fertile soil of the loose structure, lay the seeds to a depth of 1.5-2 cm .The surface of the container is covered with glass or film and put in a warm place.
After 5-7 days after the emergence of shoots shelter is removed, and the seedlings are exposed to a well-lit place. After the formation of the first pair of leaves, weaker shoots are removed.
The daylight for seedlings should not be too long , as this contributes to the growth of greenery, and not the formation of the root part.
Seedlings of daikon from seeds
How to plant in open ground
In open ground, seedlings of daikon are planted according to the scheme: 30x60 cm .The seeds are put into the hole in 2-3 pieces, the depth of embedding should not exceed 2 cm. To plant seeds or seedlings you need in the wetted ground , so that they adapt quickly and begin to develop.
After landing works, watering by spraying should be carried out, and the ground should be mulched with peat. When the temperature decreases, it is recommended to cover the bed with plastic film or agrofibre.
The rules of care
Unpretentious plant still needs basic care, which includes the following activities.
During the entire growing season of daikon, the soil should be moist. The first watering is carried out after emergence of shoots. The lack of water provokes release of arrows, so the procedures should be performed regularly - 2 times a week , and in hot weather daily .
Irregular watering causes cracking of root crops.
Tillage and weedingCombine the aeration procedure rationally with weeding.
Top dressing
In the case of growing vegetables on well-cultivated soils, the need for top dressing is no longer necessary. For other cases, it is recommended to apply mineral fertilizers with irrigation :
10 liters of water;
10 liters of slurry;
4 gr.potassium sulfate.
Disease Prevention
Humidity, combined with high temperature, provokes the development of fungal infections. disinfects the soil and seeds before planting , as well as weed control .Humidity of the soil is regulated so that the water does not stagnate in the upper layers.
When detecting the first signs of a fungus, it is worthwhile to treat with biopreparations: Binoram, Planriz. If the reason for the formation of spots lies in mosaic infection, then the plants must be immediately removed from the bed and burned.
Harvesting and storing the crop
Harvest time depends on the variety, in particular the growing season. Mid-season varieties matured for one and a half - two months after planting.
At harvest, root crops are extracted from the soil with
haulm. root crop is extracted from the soil with haulm. This should be done in dry weather so that moisture does not affect the shelf life. If the vegetable is stuck on the ground, you need to let it dry, it will disappear. When removing the soil mechanically, there is a high probability of damaging the delicate skin.
For long term storage, whole fruits are selected without signs of damage. When used as a cellar storage facility, it is recommended to place vegetables in wooden boxes and pour each layer with sand. Stocks should be checked periodically. If any damage is noticed, the damaged daikons are removed from the box.
The agrotechnology of growing Japanese radish is simple, so you should try growing an incredibly healthy and tasty vegetable on your site. And at the end of the season, boast a record harvest in front of the neighbors or treat them to some goodies from a refreshing vegetable.
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