How to transport a washing machine

When the transfer is about to mature, the rules for transporting household appliances are often violated. As a result, after the move, she may refuse to work.

We will tell you how to prepare the washing machine for transportation and whether it is possible to transport the washing machine lying on its side or upside down. Valuable recommendations and useful tips are listed below.

material Contents:

  • 1 Preparing the washing machine to the transport
    • 1.1 drum Fixing
    • 1.2 drum Fixing improvised means
    • 1.3 Packaging
  • 2 Transporting the washing machine
    • 2.1 Subtleties transportation
  • 3 What will happen if we neglect the proper carriage

Preparing the washing machine to the transport

Almost everyone knows: before transporting a washing machine, you need to pack it. It is great if the original packaging is preserved - then the machine is carefully placed in a box, sealing the walls with foam plastic or foam sheets.

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But when it passes 3, 5, 7, or even 10 years from the moment of purchase of the machine, the packaging is unlikely to live to that glorious moment - your move. Therefore, the transportation of the washing machine and the correctness of this process depends on your ability to improvise.

Before transporting the washing machine in the machine, it is worth taking the following measures:

  • Disconnect the appliance from all communications - electricity, sewage system and water supply. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, they often start packing the car without disconnecting the drain hose and the power cord - think for yourself what the consequences are.
  • Drain all remaining water from system .Water may remain in the hoses, pipes, pump. All this can interfere with transportation, therefore, having disconnected the hoses, drain the water from them, and also do not forget to unscrew the drain filter and free the drain system from the remaining water.
  • Fasten all the hoses and wires to the housing so that they do not interfere with the carrying and do not cling to anything that gets in your way.
  • All sharp parts of the machine - the corners or protruding parts - glue in several layers of ordinary tape. This way you protect yourself when carrying.

Fixing the drum

Next, consider how to secure the drum of the washing machine during transport. The ideal option provided by manufacturers of washing machines, is fixing the shipping bolts. If you have them, remove and screw into special holes located on the rear panel of the CM.

Fixing the drum with improvised means

Another question is how to transport the washing machine without shipping bolts.

If they are not preserved, you cannot leave everything as it is. Unscrew the rear panel of the machine and put in the distance between the tank and the wall all that is suitable for mitigating vibrations - foam, foam rubber, soft rags.

Panel attach in place.


An equally important question is how to pack the washing machine when moving, if the packaging has not been preserved. The case also needs protection, and we will show you what can be done. Just wrap the case with the material you have on hand:

  • cloth;
  • corrugated board;
  • stretch wrap and so on.

Then tie the case with a rope to securely secure the improvised packaging. Since the factory packaging is not very reliable, be careful while driving.

Important! If you are concerned about how to transport a washing machine to another city, do not worry - if you follow all the instructions correctly and stick to careful driving, the car can travel hundreds of kilometers without affecting it.

Transportation of the washing machine

Now you know how to pack a washing machine to transport it in a car or truck. The next stage is the carriage itself, preceded by carriage and loading.

Important! Do you think that you can turn the washing machine upside down while you lower it from your floor? In no case! If it is inconvenient to carry, keep only a slight tilt back, but do not overturn the AGR.

Then we decide whether it is possible to lay the washing machine on its side when loading into the car. Such transportation of a washing machine, although undesirable, is still admissible. If there are no other options, transport on the side, only carefully.

You can also transport the machine in the following positions:

  • standing;
  • laying on the back wall.

PERFECT transport, according to service center specialists, with a fixed tank. The machine turns sideways in the direction of the car. If there are other things, it is worth it to hold the machine. This will ensure the safety of shock absorbers, contacts and nozzles.

Transport details

Attention! Do not in any way turn the CM!

It is better to organize transportation on the side or lying, than upside down. In the machine, in any case, there will be moisture, which can flow to the control panel. Repair will be expensive, so either dry the car before transporting, or do not turn it over.

Before transporting the automatic washing machine on its side, if there are no transportation bolts, fix the tank with foam rubber.

And do not forget about the intake of detergents - it can remain water, which will be poured on the board. It is better to get a cuvette and carry it separately from the body. If this is not possible, wipe the part dry.

Carriage on the back wall is available for all models of the MCA, except for the "Zanussi".In machines of this brand, heavy counterweights are positioned in such a way that in the “on the back” position they can crush the filling valve.

Not knowing how to properly transport a washing machine, some owners manage to carry it to the front wall. It is strictly prohibited. To bring to the destination a whole hatch and cuff in this case is almost unreal.

What happens if we neglect the correct transportation of the

Not knowing how to transport the washing machine in a car, the owners of the styralok sacrifice the serviceability of their equipment. Just one short trip, even lasting 10-15 minutes, can turn into a complete breakdown of the SMA.

These problems await the worst violators of transportation rules:

  1. Break of the power cord.
  2. Breaking plastic housing parts.
  3. Rupture of the hatch cuff.
  4. Breakage of the mount or the hatch guide.
  5. Breakage of shock absorbers.
  6. Rupture of rubber parts: nozzles and hoses.
  7. Oxidation and closure of wiring, contacts.
  8. Breakdown of the program selector wheel on the control panel.
  9. Breakdown of the drain pump.
  10. Failure of a non-fixed powder tray.

As a result, it becomes clear that before transporting a washing machine, it is worth preparing it for this.

Carefully follow it in the process of the entire move - from the door of the old bathroom or kitchen to the new installation site CM.

Now you know whether it is possible to transport a washing machine on its side, how to do it correctly, and what can be handled by handicrafts without compliance with safety regulations.

P.S.Council to drivers. Driving on our roads, it is worth going around the bumps and slow down in time. The optimal speed will ensure the delivery of the machine safe and sound.

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