White cicada - fighting with it in the garden, garden - features, difficulties, preparations

For more than one year, the white cyclone( Metcalfa pruinosa Say) has been settling in the Kuban around the edge of all plants. This is a very dangerous pest of the garden and vegetable garden, which feeds on the sap of the plant, weakens them, destroying our crops. The cicadas are white, measures to combat which seem to be not difficult, but can take a lot of time from gardeners. It is imperative to fight it, because, among other things, it spreads diseases from plant to plant.

  • Types of Tsikadok
  • How plants can be damaged by a white cicada
  • Duration of treatments
  • Anti-white cicadas

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Types of tsikadok

These insects got their name because of their ability to be able to protect them because of their ability to

.I can not imagine a summer evening in the Kuban without the "singing" of cicadas. These loud "cicking" sounds emit singing cicadas - rather large insects, like flies with transparent wings stretched back. But this is only one type of cicada. And we will talk about the white cicca, a relatively new pest for our land. The exact number of species of cicadas is unknown, but there may be more than 100,000. So, cicadas of different sizes, colors can be found on all continents.
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For the first time, I saw an adult white cicada on the Black Sea coast, in Lazarevskoye. On the way to the sea, I saw a tall fig tree, at the foot of which there were many overgrown trees. My attention was caught by small white bumps on young green stems. One had the impression that someone purposely put white droplets of paint on all the branches. I touched one and… recoiled in surprise - a white oblong droplet suddenly either jumped or flew, sitting next to a sheet of fig.

But about two weeks before that, while still at home, at her summer house she noticed on various plants a white fluffy bloom on branches, raspberry leaves, and figs. I sent a photo to a gardener from Timashevsk - he enlightened that this was a metcalf - a white cicada. It turns out that in my garden I saw white-winged Tsikadki larvae, and a little to the south, I saw adult pests on the Black Sea coast.

Its invasion of the last 2-3 years threatens the entire Krasnodar Territory. From the information on the Internet I learned that for the first time in our country a white cicca( native to North America) was discovered in 2009 in Lazarevskoye, where it was delivered with seedlings probably through the sea ports of Yeisk and Novorossiysk.

I think that measures to combat the white cyclone, which gardeners can use, cannot drastically change the situation. And now you will understand why.

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What plants can be damaged by the white cicadas

If I now begin to list which plants are dangerous for this pest, the list will be very long - there are more than 300 of such plants. These are boxwood, linden, maple, dog rose, apples, plums, grapes, raspberries, gooseberries, figs, potatoes, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, corn, and many others.

Unless gardeners will be able to apply measures to combat white cicadas on all plants? Of course not!

The main damage to the garden and garden plants is caused by the larvae, piercing the leaves with the proboscis from the underside and sucking the juice. This leads to the appearance on the leaves of small white or yellow spots, which sometimes merge into large white spots. Immunity of plants falls, they become weak, their growth slows down, the fruits may fall from the tree, and have not ripened or formed at all.

On garden plants, so far( !) Have not seen a white Tsikadka, but raspberries and figs lose their attractive appearance after its appearance.

In one source I read that this is due to the sticky discharge of the cyclone, on which fungal diseases, so-called black fungi, develop. In the other - the cause of the appearance of sticky spots is considered the sap of plants, which begins to intensively drip onto the leaves as a result of active feeding of the Tsikadki. Like it or not - do not know yet.

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Dates of treatments

White cicada develops from May to August. But in more southern areas adult insects can be observed already in the middle of July. Here is the period from the moment of the appearance of the larvae to the formation of an adult individual preventive and protective measures are most effective.

In July-August, when the plants already have adult canopies on the branches, laying eggs ready for overwintering, no control measures will bring the desired result. It is best of all to carry out the processing of plants when you notice a white fluffy bloom on them - these are the pest larvae, it is with them that you must basically fight.

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Means and preparations against the white Tsikadki

Spraying raspberries( after harvesting) and figs with Aktara and Aktelik helped me well.

In order to destroy all the larvae, and they do not appear at the same time, the treatment and spraying should be carried out every 7-10 days until the end of July, not allowing the larvae to “mature” so that they cannot lay eggs under the bark of fruit trees, berry bushes.

Unfortunately, it is hardly possible now to completely get rid of the white Tsikadki, as it can feel excellent not only on vegetable and fruit crops, but also on weeds, for example, on nettles. It is unlikely that such treatment "in the teeth" or "afford" simple gardeners. And who will handle the weeds outside the garden?. . A rhetorical question!

Experts advise alternating preparations for treatment.

Effective Acarin( Agrovertin), Fitoverm. These are insecticoacaricides of biological origin of short waiting time, that is, they can process plants with fruits that are suitable for use within 2-3 days after processing.

Good results are visible after treatment with the Fufanon plant, but it is better for them to process the plants after harvesting( for example, raspberries), since the waiting time is 20 days( 20 days after spraying, you can eat the fruit).

The drug Aktara has a waiting period of 60 days. Aktelik - 30 days.

So the choice of drugs for the fight against white cicadas depends on the processing time, the ripening time of the fruit, the type of garden or garden plant. The proportions for the preparation of solutions are given in the instructions for each tool.

Not so long ago, in the Garden and Kitchen Garden in the Kuban group( in Odnoklassniki), participants asked each other how to deal with the white cicadas if they had any non-chemical means. It turns out that already tested with a positive result infusion of celandine.

I was very pleased with this information, because, alas, the cicadas in this( 2017) year occupied much more plants than in the past - tomatoes, eggplants, celery( the list can be added to infinity).I do not want to process vegetables or berry plants with chemistry, even if the waiting time for the decomposition of harmful components is small.

Infusion of celandine to fight the white cyclide is easy to prepare. Fill 1/4 bucket with freshly picked celandine, pour cold water over it. Withstand the day, filter and spray. The solution should be the color of light tea, not too dark, and then you can burn the plants. Some gardeners in this infusion add 1 tablespoon of liquid soap to enhance the adhesion of the solution to the leaves, branches. One addition: a single treatment will not help, since the plants may simultaneously have larvae( white down) and adults - white butterflies. Infusion of celandine acts only on the larvae, it does not act on adults. The second and subsequent treatments are needed to destroy newly emerging larvae. The interval between treatments is 5-7 days.

Another recipe. In the fall, after the foliage falls off, treat the whole garden with the DNOC preparation, it kills the eggs of the white Tsikadki, which it lays on the branches of the plants. Repeat the treatment in early spring before bud break. In a week, treat the trees with 30 drugs. The author of the recipe says that this is the only way to defeat the cicadas.

Updated on 07/24/2017

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