How to wash shirts in a washing machine

Understanding how to properly wash shirts in a washing machine is not common to everyone. If you want to learn this, you should learn some simple rules. We will help to understand the issue and give useful tips with which you will succeed.

Material content:

  • 1 Which areas of the shirt get the most dirty
  • 2 Process of preparing
  • 3 Removing stains at home
  • 4 Washing the shirts with the CMA
    • 4.1 cotton items are in demand. This material is particularly suitable for lovers of light natural fabrics. Flax is a little rougher.

      Cotton and viscose shirts can be easily washed and ironed is a pleasure. In addition, they keep their shape longer, so washing does not greatly affect the quality. Silk and satin products attract buyers with ease and elegance. But all shirts have problem areas: collar, cuffs, underarm area. Due to street dust and auto exhaust, collars become dirty. Due to the strong sweating, traces are formed in the axillary region. These areas are difficult to wash. Friction leads not only to wear and dirt, but also to the fact that it is impossible to remove stains. Therefore, washing shirts requires a special approach.

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      The process of preparing

      Before you send an item to the washer, you must carefully prepare it: all buttons, including cuffs, should be fastened. Such preparation is necessary so that the clothes do not crumple when washed.

      Let us tell you how to wash white shirts: only on a delicate wash program, while setting the minimum speed. It is necessary to wring out the shirt manually and weakly. Drying in a typewriter under a categorical prohibition, if you want to iron the shirt without problems later. Are there heavily corrosive stains on clothes? Use special products that contain bleach( in the case of washing white shirts).Stain remover will be able to remove "fresh" stains, but old contaminants cannot do it.

      Important! If the clothes have heavily soiled areas, then you should not rub them with your hands, as this threatens to weaken the fabrics that fix the cuffs and collar. The shirt will be damaged and will be unsuitable for socks!

      You should have no problems using a chemical agent, as there should be clear instructions for use on the reverse side.

      Removing stains at home

      We will share the secrets of removing strong stains from white clothes. To get rid of problem areas on the collar, you can use soap. But the complex stains that remain from food require more effort.

      If your shirt is soiled with tea or coffee, then solutions from glycerin and ammonia or peroxide and ammonia will help against such stains.

      You can remove fat stains using toothpaste, soda with lemon juice or dish detergent. Before the automatic washing machine starts washing the shirt, you should first rub the stain with the solution.

      After smearing your clothes with ink paints, rub the stain with alcohol.

      Washing shirts in the CMA

      In order to always keep things clean in your wardrobe, you need to spend a lot of effort. Most people whose status requires wearing business clothes, eventually wonder how to wash a shirt in a washing machine. We will tell you a few secrets that will help wash clothes correctly, easily and quickly. At the same time you do not damage the thing and for a long time can enjoy its purity and freshness.


      mode. In order for the thing to remain as neat and not sat down when washing, you should select the appropriate parameters. First, we decide at what temperature to wash shirts. It is optimal to wash the thing at a temperature of 40 degrees and spin 900 rev / min. If your washing machine has a delicate wash function, then this is the most suitable mode for a shirt. You can also install a hand wash program or select the “Quick 30” mode.

      Do not forget about the buttons - they must be buttoned to prevent unwanted damage and to keep a uniform. Do not use the drying mode, as the shirt will be much dented, and it will be possible to iron it with great difficulty.

      Some useful tips

      To preserve the whiteness of a thing, wash it better by hand. If you prefer machine wash, be sure to choose the mode with pre-soaking. Use fabric softeners. And, most importantly, do not wash white things with other colored things.

      Important! In order not to adversely affect the material, do not unscrew the shirt after removing it from the drum. Hang it on a hanger for natural drying.

      2 tablespoons of vinegar, added to the powder receptacle along with a detergent, will help to add shine to a silk shirt.

      If you follow these recommendations, you will get an effective and high-quality result. Have a good wash!

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