How to buy a washing machine in installments

When the washing machine is out of order, and the budget does not include the cost of a new technique, there is a way out. It is about installment - a popular way to pay for goods of high price category. How to draw up a contract, you will learn from our article.

Material content:

  • 1 The concept of “installments”
  • 2 What are the benefits of installments
  • 3 Design rules for a washing machine by installments
  • 4 What conditions offer online stores

The concept of “installments”

This is an opportunity to pay the cost of a washing machine in equal parts. Such payment does not imply interest, unlike a loan. The loan agreement is drawn up by a bank employee, and by installments - by the outlet manager. A visit to a credit institution and a full package of documents are not required, as installments are a simplified procedure.

The interest for the transaction is paid by the store or customer. Please note that the goods under this scheme may be more expensive than for cash. This is due to the fact that the allegedly missing interest is embedded in the price of the goods.

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Important! In installments, the shortened payment period is the main difference from the loan. The entire amount will have to be repaid in time 3-6 months.

In the Russian Federation, you can buy a washing machine-machine by installment payment method for a period of 2-10 months, and the amount may be about 150,000 rubles. Some stores offer goods on similar conditions as part of a temporary promotion.

Is there a down payment? It all depends on the conditions of a particular store - the first payment is not always provided. At some points, they ask for up to half the value of the goods.

Convenience for the buyer in the speed of the procedure and the minimum package of documents. The store does not require a certificate of income or confirmation of a favorable credit history.

What are the benefits of installments

The advantages of partial payment of washing machine:

  • The machine is yours now, and payment is required later.
  • It is necessary to make payments at regular intervals in equal parts( for example, 5000 rubles each month if the AGR costs 50,000 rubles, and the period is 10 months).
  • There is no overpayment for the goods due to the lack of bank charges.
  • The transaction is completed quickly.
  • Often there is no down payment.
  • Online purchase, online store.
  • Do not need documents and sureties.

Obstacles that await buyers of washing machines:

  • A shop may not issue a contract and not explain the reasons for such a decision.
  • Expensive goods are not always sold according to this scheme.
  • A shop does not allow partial payment of the entire range - it can be a narrow model range or a limited amount.
  • You need to deposit money on certain numbers to avoid penalty.

Pay attention! To store approved payment in parts, please contact there at the beginning of the month. Explanation: if the store has an installment plan, then the bulk of transactions will be conducted during this period.

Rules for the design of a washing machine by installments

To use this method, grab a passport or a pensioner certificate.

Warning! Installment payments are available to citizens of the Russian Federation from 23 years to 70 years of age. It is desirable that the borrower had a permanent job, income, housing and official registration.

The rules for concluding a transaction are specified in the contract. Also in this document are the data of both parties - the buyer and the seller: from the name to the list.

When signing a contract without interest and overpayment, read everything that is in the document. Especially it concerns the text in italics, small and translucent type. Pay attention to footnotes. In the information that the seller tries to hide in this way, additional amounts and fees may be stated.

Check at the point of sale, through which bank to make payments, in order not to spend money on a commission. Find out also about online payment or early payment of debt.

Important! When making a deal, do not settle for insurance before the bank agrees to the request. In case of refusal of insurance earlier, the application may be rejected. If you are not interested in SMS sending, refuse this service by ticking the necessary item.

Upon completion of the transaction, the seller is obliged to issue documentation:

  • a copy of the contract providing for the sale and purchase of a washing machine on an installment plan;
  • warranty service coupon;
  • check.

When making a car in an online store with home delivery, the courier must bring a full package of papers. On the terms of pickup, get the documents in the store after the certification by a credit expert. Do not forget about the documents in the confusion, so that the joy of buying is not overshadowed by the lack of a coupon or contract.

What conditions offer online stores

Before you decide where to buy a washing machine through the Internet, find out how to do this in popular online stores.

  • Eldorado .Such conditions are valid within the framework of the shares. Feature: modest assortment. The term of the contract is for 10 months, 1-2 years. Plus: you can buy a product without a down payment and interest. In fact, there are percentages, but they are spelled out in the price of a washing machine.

Important! If you offer to take out insurance, you have the right to refuse it.

  • M-Video .Having read the details of the transaction in the “M-Video”, you will understand that partial payment within 10, 12, 24 or 36 months is a loan with a discount from the banks “Renaissance Credit”, “Alfa-Bank” and so on.
  • RBT. Online store RBT offers to take installments up to 2 years. As in the previous case, this is a loan, the interest on which is already provided for in the price of the washer and under the contract the overpayment will be 0%.

Installment plan - carefully disguised loan with benefits and disadvantages. So think before you make such a contract. If you are satisfied with the amount of payment and its term, feel free to make a purchase, because without a washing machine you can live, but it is difficult.

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