How to wash suede shoes: 6 methods

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Shoes made of suede is very beautiful and looks very attractive, but this stuff is quite capricious and difficult to clean. Nevertheless suede shoes can be worn for a long time, if properly care for them. How to do it - I'll tell you.

Suede shoes needs careful and proper care
Suede shoes needs careful and proper care

care Features

As you know, natural suede afraid of water: getting wet, the material loses its softness, form, form stains, faded and hard areas. By purchasing a new product of such a delicate material, it would be superfluous to take into account the important tips to ensure a long service life of shoes.

Materials and tools

What do you need:

  1. Special rubber brush Care suede material will help freshen appearance whip pile, it is possible to dust with it.
Brush suede deal with pollution in the most remote places
Brush suede deal with pollution in the most remote places
  1. repellent spray or a special cosmetics for the care of suede - a mandatory attribute of your home, especially if you are wearing demi-season shoes made of this material. Waterproof spray protects against the destructive impact of road reagents and slush. The price of such care cosmetics fully justifies its protective properties.
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Water repellent material protects from moisture
Water repellent material protects from moisture
  1. Proper drying. Before you wash your suede shoes at home, dry it thoroughly, and then after treatment drive in the paper and let it dry naturally.

Do not use a hair dryer or heater to dry the suede, not dry shoes on batteries and boilers - it will inevitably lead to deformation and damage of the material. Exposure to high temperatures is unacceptable!

To speed up the drying process can be put into the shoes of crumpled paper
To speed up the drying process can be put into the shoes of crumpled paper

Methods for cleaning contaminants from a suede shoe

It does not always guess the weather and, as luck would have loved boots fall under the rain and dirty in the nearest puddle. How to wash suede boots and keep them attractive?

Table I described in detail the effective ways to bring your own hands dirty suede shoes in perfect condition, using the materials at hand:

Photo Method and instruction
table_pic_att15027355194 Method 1. Ammonia

To clean dirt from suede, you must:

  • portion of liquid ammonia mixed with part of the water in equal proportions;
  • Dip a clean sponge and blotted movements try to remove contamination from dry shoes;
  • not worth much rubbing or pressure on the spot - it can lead to the formation of grouts and highlights;
  • wet a clean towel to remove excess dirt and leave to dry, stuffed with newspapers.
table_pic_att15027355205 Method 2. Vinegar

Normal household vinegar can get rid of dirt - repeat as with ammonia.

table_pic_att15027355316 Method 3. suds

Get rid of dirt and stains as possible and with a conventional soap solution:

  • to add a small amount of water or soap scouring powder;
  • stir until completely dissolved;
  • blotted rag or sponge and applied to the pollution;
  • clean sponge remove excess solution;
  • dry towel dry it faded place;
  • dry them in a natural way.

In no case do not wash or soak shoes in soapy water, allowed only lightly moisten the material in the vehicle, and then carefully remove it and dry the shoes!

table_pic_att15027355347 Method 4. Talc or starch

Put grease on your favorite shoes? It does not matter if the hand is potato starch or talc;

  • pour sufficient quantity of powder on the stain so that it has closed ponostyu pollution;
  • leave for 3-4 hours, and then remove the talc;
  • whisk residues footwear special eraser or brush.
table_pic_att15027355348 Method 5. Salt

To get rid of grease stains can be and with the help of regular table salt coarse.

It's enough as soon as possible, until the stain is strongly absorbed, pour sparing no salt on the contaminated site, wipe and leave for several hours.

Then brush away grains and blot dry with a paper towel suede.

table_pic_att15027355369 Method 6. Soda
  • teaspoon baking soda were dissolved in 200 grams of milk. It is possible to make a paste, adding a little milk to soda weight and stir until slurry;
  • Spray onto the dirt and walk with a sponge or brush;
  • clean, dry sponge to remove the remnants of the cleaning agent and leave to dry.

Do not use any chemical stain removers and aggressive liquids such as gasoline, they adversely affect the quality of the material, leaving spots, stains, cracks and rough making shoes.

Water is detrimental to the suede products, so wash or rinse under pressure inadmissible
Water is detrimental to the suede products, so wash or rinse under pressure inadmissible

Can I clean suede shoes with water? As you know, doing this is not recommended, the same applies for hand and machine washing of articles from this delicate material. Water affects suede destructive way, destroying its softness, form and color. Moreover, twist, and should not be squeezing and otherwise deform the products made of suede - the reasons, I think you understand.


Suede shoes are very attractive and can be worn for many years. But for the material care should be correct and regular, we found it today.

Video in this article demonstrates all the features of the care of such a shoe at home. Questions and suggestions in the comments.

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