Full description of cabbage variety Kazachok

Cabbage is a popular and useful product. It is rich in vitamins. Early varieties allow you to get fresh fruit in July. A detailed description of all the features will help you easily make a decision where and when you can use this variety of kazachok cabbage.

Table of Contents

  • Characteristics and characteristics of the variety Kazachok F1
  • Features of the Growth Must-haves How to grow seedlings
  • Create good conditions for growth
  • Planting seedlings in open groundand peculiarities of the variety Kazachok F1

    Kazachok F1 is a hybrid of early ripening. The time from planting seedlings to full maturity is from 45 to 50 days. The head has a roundish greenish color. On the cut white or slightly yellowish tint. The density is average, usually weighing about 1.5 kg. Plant height 25-30 cm, head 20-25 cm in diameter.the stalk is small. Vegetable has a good fresh taste. Does not crack. Most often used fresh.

    Advantages and disadvantages of

    Among the advantages due to which the Cossack gained popularity among gardeners are the following:

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    • Early harvest.
    • Withstands frost temperatures up to -5 degrees.
    • Disease resistant black leg, mucous and vascular bacteriosis.
    • Harvest ripens at the same time, you can immediately release the whole bed.
    • Heading does not crack.

    The disadvantages include intolerance to extreme heat. In hot weather, growth slows down, and the head may not start at all.

    Kazachok should not be grown in the southern regions.

    Perhaps not everyone will like its fast simultaneous ripening. The disadvantage can be eliminated by planting the fruits of middle and late cabbage along with the variety Kazachok.

    Comparison of heads of early and late cabbage

    How to grow seedlings

    Planting and caring for a variety is similar to caring for cabbage varieties; only the timing of planting seeds for seedlings is different.

    Start sowing seeds in mid-March, 40-45 days before transplanting into the ground. To do this, use shallow containers. Pre-land well shed water. Seeds are sown in rows, after germination they need to thin out. Next, we maintain the temperature not higher than 6-7 degrees, otherwise the seedlings will begin to stretch and grow weak. After a week of quenching, we increase the temperature to 15 degrees during the day and 12 at night.

    Days after 10, when the seedlings have two true leaves, it dives. This will improve the lighting of the plant and strengthen its root. Seedlings need to be deepened to cotyledon leaves, shortened roots by a third.

    When growing seedlings, one should avoid excessive soil moisture and water after the surface is completely dry.

    Use water above 18-20 degrees. Observing these care rules will help prevent the appearance of black legs.

    It is also important to remember about good lighting. In April, a short day of light, so shine the seedlings with artificial lighting. Use special phyto-lamps or simple fluorescent lights.

    We create good conditions for growth.

    It all starts with a properly prepared garden bed. The plant needs a lot of light, it does not tolerate cold winds, planting shade from the northern streams. Good lighting it will get all day, if you have a ridge from north to south.

    It should be remembered about its predecessors. Cruciferous plants are not allowed. Good for this would be cucumbers, potatoes or onions.

    The soil should be fertile, enriched with peat and humus, not acidic. To do this, add dolomite flour, which also increases the magnesium content, which improves the taste of the fruit.

    Soil with dolomite flour

    The beds are best cooked in the fall. Remove crop residue, loosen the soil. We make organic and mineral fertilizers. In the autumn, you can make fresh manure, by the spring it will burn out and will be useful. Add potassium and superphosphate. Sand or peat is mixed into heavy soils. In low places make high ridges, so that the plants are not soaked.

    A good way to increase fertility and clean the soil is by planting siderats. For this crop it is good to use cereals and legumes, mustard.

    We transplant seedlings in open ground

    If you have been preparing beds from autumn, there will be much less work. Loosen the soil, remove the weeds, add nitrogen fertilizers. Starting from the 5th of May, we transplant seedlings to a garden bed. We apply the planting scheme - 45 cm by 45 cm. We plant only healthy, strong plants. We fill the wells with water, bury the plants to the cotyledonary leaves. Choosing cloudy days, planting plants, on sunny days, seedlings need to pritenyat the entire first week.

    Next, we water, loosen, feed. Hybrid Kazachok has resistance to various pests and rot, does not hurt the black leg. This makes care easier.

    Cabbage seedlings ready for grafting

    How to care for a plant in open ground

    Cabbage likes heat and humidity. In the heat need watering at least three times a week, do not let the soil dry. Watering should be in the evening, when less evaporation. Water should be warm. Abundant watering for early cabbage is important in July - during the formation of heads.

    We mulch with peat, humus or just soil. Together with hilling it allows you to retain moisture and nourishes the roots. Cabbage is fed with complete mineral fertilizer( in the composition of phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium), with the addition of trace elements. The first doses of fertilizers are applied three weeks after landing in the ground.

    Do not forget to remove weeds from cabbage beds in time. They shade planting, select food, serve as a breeding ground for pests and diseases.

    Diseases and pests

    The variety is highly resistant to black stem and mucous bacteriosis;quite resistant to vascular bacteriosis and keel.

    Diseases of cabbage: downy mildew, gray and white rot, fusarium wilt. There are many drugs to combat them. It is better to use tools that are safe for humans and the environment. The drug "Fitosporin-M" is such and gives a good effect. It is useful to treat the ridges with copper-based products: Bordeaux mixture, Bankol, Fosbecid.

    Cabbage pests include some butterflies and flea beetles. You can use "Fitoverm" or powdered plants with mustard, ground pepper, tobacco dust.

    Harvesting and its preservation

    Under good weather conditions, this hybrid is ready for harvest in early July. The appearance of a fresh vegetable, when others are not there, makes it popular. Rounded, dense, well transfers transportation, has a trade dress. Heads ripen at the same time, which is convenient for delivery to the market.

    Cabbage stored for three months, does not rot, does not lose its taste.

    Early varieties can not be salted and pickled. Used for making fresh salads.

    The choice of cultivars for growing in the garden is a very important point. With a large selection of seeds on the market, you can always find what is convenient and beneficial for you.

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