Full description and characterization of pepper cowhide

Sweet pepper The ox-ear is one of the most popular and popular varieties grown by Russian gardeners on their land plots. Designed for film greenhouses and open ground, it gives good yields in a temperate climate of our country. Not surprisingly, farmers grow this variety for sale, and amateur gardeners give it the best places on the plot. Today we will talk about the description, technical characteristics of the variety of sweet pepper, ox-ear, the characteristics of its cultivation and storage, as well as the advantages and disadvantages.

Table of ContentsThe approximate period of ripening is 112-130 days from the appearance of the very first shoots, or about 70 days from the moment the seedlings are planted in open ground. A strong bush can grow up to 75-80 centimeters, forming a sprawling crown and an abundance of leaves. With proper care from one bush you can get a crop of up to 2.5-3 kilograms. Harvest can be harvested until mid-September under favorable weather conditions.

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Fruits are dark green in technical maturity and deep red when fully mature. oblong-shaped peppers with a pointed tip can reach a length of 15 cm, and a weight of 170-200 grams. The wall thickness is on average 6-8 millimeters, the flesh is dense and juicy. The taste of the fruit is sweetish, rich, but without the bitterness inherent in many varieties of pepper. Well suited for eating raw( preparing salads and vegetable smoothies) and in canned( various dressings, tote, vegetable blanks).

Red pepper on a varietal bush ox ear

Advantages and disadvantages of

Among the advantages of sweet pepper of this variety are:

  • excellent taste;
  • good transportability;
  • possibility of long-term storage;
  • resistance to most diseases of the pepper;
  • high yield;
  • early ripening;
  • can be eaten raw and processed into canned food.

The disadvantages include:

  • low resistance to cold and frost( in spring, young plants die during freezing in the air and on the surface of the ground);
  • need of sunlight( the plant must be grown in solar or partially shaded areas);
  • intolerance to heat( at temperatures above 30-32 degrees in the greenhouse, the flowers and the young ovary begin to fall off);
  • need watering in the absence of rain( before flowering by sprinkling, after - at the root).
Green peppers on a bush ox-ear close-up

Features of growing

Like most peppers, Cow's ear is grown with seedlings. The main feature of this variety is that sprouts do not tolerate frequent replanting, and therefore diving.

When growing plants in a greenhouse, they need to provide fresh air and protect them from overheating( temperature rises in the room above 27-28 degrees).

And after disembarking the bushes, it is necessary to regularly water the , loosen the ground around them, destroy the weeds and periodically apply fertilizers( preferably organic).

Selection and planting of seed material

Before planting the seeds in the boxes for seedlings they need to be calibrated and prepared. You can start all the work on growing seedlings in the 10-20th of March. Calibration is an important step in the cultivation of seedlings, as it allows you to significantly increase germination( in pepper it is only 50%). Seed preparation consists of the following stages:

  1. Sorting seeds .Planting material is lowered into water at room temperature for several minutes. For planting are used only those seeds that fall to the bottom of the tank with water. The rest are not suitable for germination - they are either overdried or underdeveloped.
  2. Soak. For 3-4 days, seeds should be soaked in warm water( 26-28 degrees).You can put gauze on a flat dish in 2-4 layers, pour a little warm water to get wet gauze. Place the seeds on top and leave for a few days( it is important to add warm water in time so that the gauze and seeds do not dry out).Instead of water, you can use a very weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Soil preparation. For seedlings, you can use the store mix as well, but it is better to take the soil from the area where the pepper will be grown. It is necessary to add to the ground sand in the ratio of 5: 1 and 2-3 handfuls of wood ash. It is necessary to moisten the earth well and leave it for a couple of days in a warm place so that it warms up.
  4. Planting seeds. Seeds are best planted immediately, given that they do not have to dive later. After planting seed, boxes can be closed on top of the film and put in a relatively warm place( the temperature should not be below 20-18 degrees).
  5. Thinning. If the seedlings have risen very thick - it should be thinned, removing weak sprouts. After the appearance of 4-6 leaves, it is desirable to add earth to the box so that the shoots are strong. It is necessary for the seedlings to also provide sufficient lighting, otherwise it will grow thin and high( or will simply die stretching towards the light).
Seedling varieties of oxen ear, ready for planting

Features of the care of the bushes in the greenhouse and open ground

Planted seedlings in the beginning - in the middle of the month of May only after the frost stops. At the same time, the temperature of the air at night should not be lower than 18 degrees, otherwise gentle young leaves may freeze. If the ground is not warm enough, young pepper bushes can get sick, and therefore the harvest will not be as abundant.

Considering that the bush is sprawling with a lot of branches and leaves, plants should be planted with a width of 60 cm between rows and a distance of 50 cm from each other.method( spraying water through the bushes and between the rows);
  • at flowering and until the end of fruiting - at the root.
  • For irrigation, you can take water with a temperature not lower than 25-27 degrees.

    It is possible to feed pepper with both superphosphate and “organic” - slurry or bird droppings. During flowering, it is desirable to make complex fertilizers to get a good harvest.

    Pepper seeds are a cowhide ear with a description on the back of the packaging

    Diseases and pests

    The variety is excellent against most diseases that can affect as fruit. So is the stem of the plant or its root.

    Variety has a good resistance to diseases such as verticillis and phytoplasmosis.

    However, plants cannot effectively resist such pests as:

    • aphid - it can only be destroyed by using insecticides;
    • spider mite disappears after spraying with a soap solution with the addition of garlic juice and onions;
    • bare slugs do not like tobacco dust and mustard;
    • Colorado potato beetle - it can be sprayed with celandine tincture.

    Many amateur farmers and growers grow bell pepper Bovine ear every year. In their reviews, they note not only the excellent taste and versatility of the variety. Large yields, disease resistance, short maturity, good keeping quality and transportability - these are the main qualities that are valued by simple gardeners and respectable farms.

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