How to poison the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes?

;)and pancakes - all this causes not only abundant salivation, but also pleasant emotions. Only in order that all these delicacies to prepare a vegetable must first be grown, but this is not very easy to do. Planting in the ground in the spring, and unfortunately, it is not possible to dig up ready potatoes in the fall, since not only humans but also insects love to eat tasty food. The main pest can rightly be considered the Colorado potato beetle. It is he who destroys whole potato plantations, which is why farmers and gardeners incur enormous losses. In this regard, you should know how to get rid of the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes.

Insect control will not only preserve plantings, but also help reduce the population of the species.

About pests in details

Naturally, the crop is affected by soil, temperature stability, timely weeding, and watering, but the invasion of a beetle is the greatest disaster of all. Swarms of insects literally in a matter of time destroy all human labors. No self-respecting farmer can allow this to happen. That's why you need to know your enemy by sight, before you start looking for a means to sprinkle potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle.

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The insect itself is small in size and has a characteristic striped color. These pests have easily adapted to the harsh winters and can survive this period, hiding under the ground. The larvae and eggs perish when the temperature drops, so only adults can live in the ground, but believe me, this is quite enough for reproduction, because the female can lay about five hundred eggs during one laying.

Adult insects for the entire summer period periodically descend into the ground again in order to survive the treatment of the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes. Thus, the crop can be saved thanks to numerous spraying.

Without chemistry

You can try to save your plantings without chemicals. Experienced gardeners for perennial insect wars have concluded that the beetle can sometimes be a little deceiving. To this end, the landing of so-called baits, namely germinated potatoes, is carried out in early spring. Sly farmers also scatter around the perimeter of the plot potato pruning, which lure beetles, and then simply collect pests. This option of getting rid of the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes cannot be called pleasant, but it is very effective if the site itself is not very large.

The larvae of the ladybug and the Colorado potato beetle are very similar, so you can easily confuse them, and in fact you mindlessly destroy the harmless insects is wrong, so try to distinguish them by color.

Farmers invented cunning

for years Over the years of struggle, gardeners invent rather original ways of exterminating the beetle harmful to the crop. Let's learn how to get rid of the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes without the use of poisons of chemical origin. Some excavators came to the conclusion that if the bushes of an adult plant are pollinated with birch wood ash, both larvae and adult insects, and those that hide in the ground, die. Not the last in the list of fighters with the beetle is listed and calendula. With its smell the flower deters the pest.

It is still worth trying all the techniques before using toxic chemicals.

The effect of chemistry when spraying potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle

How to spray potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle and each gardener decides independently, but there are some recommendations that are best followed in order not to harm themselves and others. First of all, you should pay attention to the instructions for chemicals. If the familiarization was successful, then you probably learned that:

  1. Pregnant, lactating women, persons who have not attained 18 years of age should in no way work with chemicals.
  2. During the spraying of potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle, you can not smoke, drink and eat, as the poison can get into the body with food and drink.
  3. Only treat the area with the designated fixtures.
  4. Begin spraying in the morning or in the evening, choosing the day when there is no wind.
  5. After processing the potatoes, we can not do weeding for a few days and generally touch the plants. All weeds after weeding must be burned.
  6. After dressing the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes, rinse the device for spraying with clean water, remove clothes and wash hands and face thoroughly with soap, and then wash in the shower.

If there is an apiary in the immediate area, then the bees should be isolated from chemicals for several days.

Fighting the Colorado potato beetle without chemistry - video

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