How to wash clothes with grass - 3 main rules of cleaning and 8 popular recipes


  • 1 Recommendations Stain
  • 2 We derive spots folk remedies: 8 recipes
    • 2.1 For fresh stains: 2 options
    • 2.2 Withdrawal of dead spots: 6 recipes
  • 3 Summarizing
To remove the stains of grass and earth with clothing, you need to use proven toolsTo remove the stains of grass and earth with clothing, you need to use proven tools

I have repeatedly faced with patches of grass on things. Through trial and error I have set for itself than to wash clothes with grass, and now I want to share with you the most effective recipes.

Recommendations Stain

To successfully launch a grassy spot and it does not harm the fabric, it is necessary to follow a few simple guidelines:

Photo recommendations
table_pic_att15037022751 Rule 1. act quickly

The sooner you start the wash cycle, the easier it will be to remove the contamination.

table_pic_att15037022752 Rule 2. No low temperature

Wash clothes with dried stains of grass is best in warm or hot water.

table_pic_att15037022763 Rule 3. No need to rub

Do not get too hard to rub the stain, because this colorant can only penetrate deeper into the fabric fibers.

We derive spots folk remedies: 8 recipes

To remove stains from grass with your favorite T-shirts and jeans, it is not necessary to resort to expensive everyday chemistry, the price of which is growing by leaps and bounds. In addition, not all the purchased substances suitable for delicate fabrics.

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With complex contamination can be fought successfully through popular recipesWith complex contamination can be fought successfully through popular recipes

For fresh stains: 2 options

If contamination is still fresh, then deal with it quite easily. I suggest you employ one of two ways:

Picture instruction
table_pic_att15037022785 Method 1. Boiling water

Herbal juice dissolves well under the influence of boiling water:

  • Pull the damaged tissue over a basin.
  • Pour a thin stream of boiling water pollution.
  • Send the product in the washing machine, select the highest possible temperature.
table_pic_att15037022796 Soak powder
  • Warm water wet spot on the grass.
  • Sprinkle it with powder and gently rub.
  • After dip product into the bowl with hot water.
  • After 2 hours load the item in the washing machine or wash by hand.

Withdrawal of dead spots: 6 recipes

Do not worry, if the time to remove the stain does not work, and it has had time to dry out. There are many recipes that I enjoyed more our grandmothers, and have proven effective in dealing with complex pollution.

I offer the most popular ones:

Picture Type of cleaning
table_pic_att15037022807 Recipe 1. Brine
  • The first thing you need to prepare a solution. A glass of water, you will need a tablespoon of salt.
  • Pour the solution into the basin or pan.
  • Soak it only areas contaminated clothing.
  • Wait 20 minutes.
  • Wash the item convenient for you.
table_pic_att15037022818 Recipe 2. Ammonia
  • Teaspoon of ammonia dissolve in a glass of warm water.
  • The prepared solution moisten a cotton pad and treat them the following herbs.
  • Rub the cloth on top of soap.
  • Leave it for 2 hours, then wash.

This recipe is suitable for removing grass stains with only white things.

table_pic_att15037022829 Recipe 3. Vinegar
  • Tablespoon vinegar, dilute in 100 ml of water.
  • Apply only solution to pollution.
  • Leave it for half an hour.
  • Rub a little hands the treated area, and then wash the thing.
table_pic_att150370228210 Recipe 4. Lemon juice or acid

To wash the pants or shirt will lemon juice:

  • Pour the juice of a whole lemon spot. If you are using citric acid, the first wet the stain, and then pour its contents of one sachet.
  • Wait half an hour.
  • Gently rub the treated area, and then wash it.
table_pic_att150370228311 Recipe 5. Glycerol and egg
  • Mix one egg to 2 hours. l. glycerol.
  • The resulting mixture was put on damaged matter.
  • Leave the product otkisat for an hour and then rinse.
table_pic_att150370228412 Recipe 6. Toothpaste

You can only use plain white toothpaste, without color additives.

Apply it on the stain and wait for the money dry. After carefully remove it with a brush. From the traces of grass there is nothing left.

This method is suitable only for cleaning denim.


Now that you know how to wash stains from grass, so you can go without fear of a picnic. If you want to know more about how removing challenging soils, watch the video in this article. Be sure to share your positive experiences in the comments, there you can ask me the question.

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