Tomat Caspar rightly became the favorite of many gardeners. Farmers love for this variety is caused by fertility and unpretentiousness in cultivation. This variety is considered the best intended for canning. The description and characteristics of this tomato are presented below.
- Characteristics of a tomatoCaspar was bred by Dutch breeders. In the Russian registry was made in 2015.Caspar is a variety of early aging. It can grow both in the greenhouse and in the open beds. Aging period in greenhouses 85-90 days, in open beds - 120 days. Bush undersized.
Early ripe variety of tomato Caspar
The height of the bush does not exceed 90 centimeters. The leaves are large, light green, rolling in a darker tone. Fruits of the extended cylindrical form on the end with a spout. Fetal weight 85-140 grams, has 3 seed chambers. The color of the ripe fruit is orange-red. The taste is sour, the peel of the fruit is thick, a little rough. This variety has a high yield. From one bush can collect up to 2 kilograms of fruit.
Advantages and disadvantages
This variety of tomato has the following advantages:
- is unpretentious in cultivation;
- high yield ;
- bush compact, does not require cracking ;
- early ripening ;
- long fruiting period ;
- ripening ability ;
- ideal for canning ;
- does not crack ;
- good transportability ;
- excellent presentation ;
- resistance to diseases and pests;
- versatility cultivation( greenhouses, open beds);
- various growing regions ;
- long shelf life .
The main advantage of the Caspar tomato is the high yield
Along with the advantages Caspar has the disadvantages:
- rough skin .When used in salads, it must be removed;
- prone to vertex rot ;
- need tying .
Preparing seeds and soil for sowing
Before sowing, be sure to soak the seeds for 20 minutes in a 1% solution of manganese for disinfection. Then rinse thoroughly under running water and immerse for 5 hours in the ash solution prepared in this proportion:
- water — 1 liter;
- ash — 1 tablespoon.
For planting tomato seeds it is recommended to combine the substrate from the ground, loam, humus and compost, or simply use the peat soil
It is better to take the soil for this variety to grow from the bed, where cucumbers, onions and carrots were previously grown. Mix it in equal parts with peat and sifted river sand and add ash to normalize the level of acidity. Soil plentifully pour a strong solution of manganese for disinfection.
Sowing seeds and growing seedlings
Sowing should be carried out in the last days of March. Sow seeds in grooves, or wells to a depth of 0, 7 cm with a distance of 2 cm from each other. Moisten the soil with a spray bottle, cover with polyethylene and bring to a dark room with a temperature of + 24-25 . Polyethylene must be removed periodically to allow access to oxygen.
After sowing the seeds, cover the tray with
film. After 5-7 days, when the first sprouts appear, remove the polyethylene and transfer the seedlings to a well-lit room. The temperature is reduced to 15 degrees. The first days it is necessary to organize additional round-the-clock lighting using fluorescent lamps. In the future, make sure that the light day was at least 16 hours.
Watering is necessary to perform 1 once a day. using a spray bottle. Watering from a watering can is not recommended so as not to damage the still weak root system with a stream of water.
Watering should be moderate so that excess moisture does not cause fungal diseases.It is recommended to apply top dressing for the first time 14 days after germination. In the future, fertilizing should be done every week. For tomatoes, fermented mullein or chicken droppings are the best top dressing.
By the time 2 leaves appear on the seedlings, it is necessary to transplant the seedlings into separate 1 liter containers. Transplanting must be done carefully, with a lump of earth from the previous place of growth, so as not to damage the root system that has not yet become stronger. After transplanting, seedlings must be watered with an spray gun.
Diving tomato seedlings Caspar
Two weeks before planting on open beds, seedlings should be hardened. For this, the first 2 days open a window for 2-3 hours in the room. The next three days, pots with seedlings are carried out for 2-3 hours on the street. All subsequent days increase the residence time of seedlings in the open air. Two days before planting, seedlings on the street are left for a day.
Planting seedlings in open ground
Planted seedlings in open ground in late May, when the frosts are freezing. By this time the seedling age should be 70 days. The garden beds for tomatoes should be well lit by the sun, but there should be no drafts. Pour the soil before planting with a strong solution of manganese to prevent diseases.
Holes should be made at a distance of 50 cm from each other, and between rows should be at least 70 cm. After transplanting, seedlings should be watered from the watering can with warm settled water. Further watering is carried out with complete drying of the soil. After watering, the soil must be loosened so as not to form a crust, which prevents the penetration of oxygen to the root system.
Scheme of the tape-nested method of planting tomatoes
The bush has a large number of leaves, so recommended pasynkovanie and the formation of the bush in two stems. Since the stem can travel along the ground, the bush must be tied to a support in order to avoid contact of the fruit with the ground.
Feed must be made regularly. Fertilizing tomatoes Caspar is recommended potash phosphate fertilizers. The first feeding is necessary to make at the time of setting fruit. Each subsequent conduct with an equal period of time. During the fruiting period, it is necessary to perform a total of four dressings
When forming fruits, the lower ovary is recommended to be removed in order to give the bush an opportunity for full growth and development.Diseases and pests
Caspar is exposed to such diseases as:
- vertex rot;
- late blight.
In case of late blight , bushes are recommended to be treated with bardos fluid.
Vertex rot
Late blight
Very often this type of tomato is attacked by aphids .To combat this pest, spraying with a solution of ash or a solution of laundry soap is recommended.
Harvesting Tomatoes
Beginning to harvest:
- in the greenhouse - in 85–90 days;
- in open beds - in 110-120 days.
Tomato Caspar is great for canning
This type of tomato is used for canning in whole, vegetable assortment and cooking vegetables in its own juice.
Thanks to the high yield, the Caspar tomato won the love of farmers selling vegetables, and the simplicity in growing and caring can grow this variety even to a beginner gardener.