How to connect a washing machine to the sewer

Installing a new washing machine in his apartment or private house, each owner is experiencing: how to connect it to communications. And if we have already written about how to connect the machine to the water supply system and the electrical network, now it's time to consider connecting the washing machine to the sewage system.

The surest technology is to connect the drain hose directly to the sewer. The process requires effort and time, but we will describe in detail how to properly connect the drain hose of the washing machine.

content Material:

  • 1 Connecting a washing machine: preparing
  • 2 Options for connecting the machine to sewage systems
    • 2.1 Through siphon
    • 2.2 Through siphon with non-return valve
    • 2.3 Without siphon
  • 3 if we need to usework associated with the technique, require serious and thorough preparation. And connecting the washing machine to the sewage system is no exception.

    If the washer is old, and you just reinstall it after the move, you will have to buy something. For new machines, some components are attached.

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    Preparation includes three stages:

    1. Decide on a place. It can be a bathroom - agree, it is convenient, since the drain is very close. The kitchen is also suitable, as the sink and sewage are within reach. In rare cases, it is the entrance hall when there is very little space in the kitchen or bathroom.
    2. Prepare the tools. You may need all or part of the list listed below:
    • Screwdrivers - slotted and cross, of different sizes( it is better to take a universal with nozzles).
    • If you have to crash into a pipe, then a special pipe cutter will not interfere.
    • Welding for metal pipes.
    • Siphon to connect the washing machine to the sewer. Suitable as usual, and with a check valve.
    • Plastic tee.
    • Sealant.
    • Elastic bands.
    • A corrugated hose of the required length to drain the water( buy a new one or lengthen it, if what the manufacturer has provided is not enough).

    Important! The drain hose should not exceed three meters in length so as not to create an extra load on the drainage pump.

    Remove the shipping bolts holding the tank in a real position. Unscrew them from the back panel and close them with plugs.

    After completing all three stages, you can begin to connect the drain hose of the washing machine.

    Variants of connecting the machine to the sewer

    There are three most common options, consider them.

    Through the siphon

    Before you connect the washing machine to the sewer, you need to install a siphon on the sink. If the siphon does not have another outlet for the equipment, then you will need a tee.

    But there is one drawback! If you connect the washer in this way, the drum may get from the sewer pipe if it is not too pleasant.

    To avoid this, your task is to take care of creating a so-called “air barrier” in the siphon.

    Examine the siphon - there you will find a small hole for the corrugated pipe. This pipe is curved so that when a water stagnates in a bend, a “plug” appears. It is this cork and does not let the sewer odors in your machine.

    Drainage of water such a scheme does not complicate, and the plug is “updated” during each discharge of waste water into the sewer system.

    Through siphon with check valve

    If you purchased a siphon with check valve, you can be sure that the washing machine is protected not only from odors, but also from polluted water. With it, the drain will be much more effective.

    During a blockage in a normal siphon, the wastewater returns to the machine itself - the so-called “self-draining” process takes place. To protect the machine from this, it is necessary to choose a siphon with a valve.

    Caution! After installing the siphon, connect the hose to the appropriate branch using a hose clamp.

    Without a siphon

    It happens that the connection occurs without a siphon - directly to the sewer pipe. For such a case, you will need to buy an adapter ring-seal. It allows you to insert a thin hose into a rather wide opening. The method is more complicated, but will be relevant in two cases:

    • There is no sink in the room.
    • The machine is farther than a two-meter distance from the sink siphon.

    In the photo you can see a clear demonstration of how to properly connect the washing machine to the sewer system, without using a siphon tube. It also shows how to connect the SMA through a siphon.

    In any case, no matter how you organize the discharge of the washing machine - through a siphon or straight to the pipe, consider the distance between the drain point and the floor. The point where the end of the hose is supposed to be located must be from the floor at a height of at least 50 cm and no more than 1 m..

    Considered methods of withdrawal are considered one of the most reliable. They will protect your home from leaks, and the aesthetic issue is resolved - the hose is neatly hidden behind a typewriter or in a kitchen. Simple, harmonious, reliable.

    Other ways to connect a washing machine to the sewer

    But there are not quite traditional ways to connect a washer - they are extremely simple.

    You can flip the hose through:

    • sink;
    • toilet bowl rim.
    • bath.

    All you need in this case is a small plastic hook with snaps to hold the hose.

    The method, though simple, is not reliable. Here are a number of shortcomings that you may encounter by choosing it:

    • With a strong pressure of water, the hose may come off and the water will flow to the floor. The hose is fastened so loosely that it can be thrown off with a careless movement. Also “help” children or pets may fall.
    • After each wash cycle, the bathroom, toilet or sink need to be cleaned and cleaned.
    • About aesthetics and speech does not go. Washing the dishes where the water that had just merged after washing is at least not very hygienic.

    Note! If such a drain is suitable for you, do not buy a hose longer than 4 meters. If the hose is too long, the water will not drain all, and remain in the tube, losing not too pleasant smells.

    Now that you know all the schemes for connecting the machine to the sewer pipe, all that remains is to choose a suitable method and easily arrange a drain. If you go the traditional way, do not save on components, and then your washing machine will thank you for years of flawless and smooth operation.

    A video will help you do everything correctly:

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