Charming flowering and uneasy azalea character

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Video Azalea Blossoms Wild-growing azalea bushes have been noticed by people for thousands of yearsThe unusually lush flowering of azaleas, which has recently transformed a bare, almost lifeless bush into a cloud of hundreds of graceful flowers, made the great poet of the East and West to devote inspired poems to it. And still known ancient oral and preserved in the chronicle sources of the legends, where, one way or another, this amazing plant is mentioned.

The history of the plant begins long before the appearance of intelligent beings on the planet. As studies of paleobotanists showed, the ancestors of azaleas or rhododendrons bloomed on the earth 50 million years ago, and were extremely common. But one of the ice ages has seriously reduced the range of heat-loving flowering plants.

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As a result, the modern diversity of rhododendron species, including azalea, grows in southern China, the Asian part of Russia, in Japan and on the Korean Peninsula, in India and in the Caucasus. Some species are found even in northern Australia and in Europe.

The second center after Asia for azaleas and rhododendrons is North America.

Still, such a well-known azalea plant still presents many surprises and makes scientists make interesting discoveries.

The history of the study, improvement and classification of azaleas

The beginning of the study and classification of species laid Carl Linnaeus. It was from his light hands that the plant received the name known to all, translated from Greek meaning “dry”.The choice of such a name was not accidental, because only at the time of flowering the shrub acquires its unforgettable decorative appearance, remaining for the most part of the year covered only with a rather stiff foliage.

The introduction of azaleas into culture began in the second half of the 18th century or at the beginning of the 19th century in Great Britain. The infusion of "fresh blood" from the second homeland of azaleas, from America, has caused a surge of interest in culture. Old World Gardeners had the opportunity to get acquainted not only with evergreen plants, suitable only for indoor or greenhouse content, but also with deciduous species of azaleas or rhododendrons. As a result, numerous hybrids and varieties unprecedented in nature, adapted not only to greenhouse content, but also to cultivation in the open field, even in a rather severe climate, began to appear in large quantities.

Read also: How to propagate azalea at home?

The azalea plant turned out to be so supple and grateful in the breeding work that by the middle of the XIX century the number of hybrids obtained approached five hundred.

Today, according to scientists, there may be more than 12,000 “man-made” varieties in the world, many times more than the number of wild-growing species.

So no matter how respected K. Linney is in the scientific world, his classification of azaleas today is undergoing a serious reappraisal. The pre-existing genus lost its independence and, along with some varieties of the wild rosemary, was included in the genus of rhododendrons.

Azalea in signs, dreams and folk traditions

In the tradition of many peoples familiar with azalea, the plant is associated with certain natural and even supernatural powers. So in Europe they believe that the azalea in the garden or in the house will help to find happiness, to become more tolerant, persistent and diligent for its owner. A pot of azaleas at the desktop of a creative person will draw inspiration and give you the strength to bring what you have started to a successful conclusion.

There is an opinion that a flowering shrub in a dream symbolizes intimate well-being, but the meaning of azalea, which has already bloomed, is the opposite. Such a bush in a dream is a sign of a long wait for a change in the life situation for the better.

The popularity of azaleas in European countries and in Russia has increased dramatically with the onset of the modern era.

Amazing forms of azalea flowers, shoots and leaves were admired by poets, jewelers and artists. We've got dozens of drawings and canvases, poems and prose, where the authors depict exquisite flowers. Among those who were inspired by azalea plants: N. Gumilyov and A. Fet, A. Kuprin, K. Paustovsky and D. Mamin-Sibiryak.

But long before them, the beauty of azaleas was sung by the great Basho, who compared the flowering of this shrub with a rainbow in the laconic lines of a haiku.

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Hill by the road.

To replace the melted rainbow -

Azalea in the rays of sunset.

For the Japanese, anxiously and respectful of all living things, azalea is no less significant than one of the symbols of the nation - the Sakura. Shrub flowers are dedicated to the sensual beauty of women, and also believe in their ability to enlighten thoughts.

Delicate flowers and poisonous azalea leaves

If you believe an old English fairy tale, azalea plants have a lush flowering due to the fairytale people - elves.

Fleeing from the merciless flame of a fire that destroyed native bushes and trees, forest dwellers were forced to leave their homes and seek refuge in a foreign land. But the majestic forest behind the hills did not want to accept a noisy company of new settlers. Only in dry thickets, among the small rough leaves of azaleas, did elves find a modest shelter and overnight stay.

What a general surprise was when, with the first rays of the sun, azaleas were covered with thousands of white, pink and purple flowers. In one instant, the shrub changed and remained so forever.

So elves thanked the plant for their help. But beauty was not the only gift! In addition to her, almost all rhododendrons got a way to protect themselves and scare off enemies.

The leaves of azaleas and other parts of plants contain toxic compounds, the successive stimulating and inhibiting effects of which on the nervous system lead to the most unpleasant consequences, even death.

The biochemical composition of plant materials has been studied quite recently, but the first evidence of such poisoning is, oddly enough, in the 5th century of the new era. From the story about the campaign of the Greeks in Colchis, left to descendants by the warlord Xenophon, it became known that the cohorts of warriors marching triumphantly along the new lands were defeated not by a formidable opponent, but by azalea plants.

Read also: Growing garden azalea or how to plant and care for street rhododendron

Located on rest at the thickets of flowering flowering bushes, the Hellenes discovered an apiary of local residents and a deck full of fragrant, sticky honey. Of course, it was impossible to refuse such delicacy in the face of all the camp life, and the conquerors enthusiastically surrendered to the meal.

What was the surprise of Xenophon, when his soldiers one after another began to fall powerlessly to the ground. In a state of oblivion, the Hellenes were unconscious until the next morning. When they came to themselves, they rose, but they felt weak, pain in the eyes, suffered from headache and nausea. Only a few days later the detachment was able to move on, and thanks to the story of Xenophon, the opinion about the poisonousness of honey collected from azalea flowers has been preserved for centuries.

Only in the last century, biochemists and biologists have proved that it is impossible to poison oneself with a tart, specific taste of honey rhododendron.

But all the symptoms of Greek malaise are exactly the same as the signs of the effect on the body of the neurotoxins contained in all parts of the bushes, which Hellenic warriors once settled on. Today it is well known that a long stay near many types of rhododendron negatively affects one’s well-being. The rhododendron yellow or Pontic azalea growing in the Caucasus and Crimea is no exception.

Especially dangerous azalea thickets become in hot weather when essential oils and toxins actively evaporate from azalea leaves. In Crimea, tourists are warned that careless handling of fire near a bush threatens with an instantaneous flashing of branches, around which an invisible cloud of ethers spreads.

But with proper handling of azaleas will not do harm, but only decorate the garden or the house. In addition, many wild species are valuable plants used in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, leather industry. So, for example, tannins are concentrated in azalea roots and leaves, except for essential oils. Plant materials derived from rhododendrons, is used in the production of anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic drugs.

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