2 process as clean leather jacket at home


  • 1 Caring for leather clothes
  • 2 Getting rid of stains
    • 2.1 Method 1. eliminate greasiness
    • 2.2 Method 2. Remove stubborn stains
  • 3 erase lining
  • 4 How to make the coat shine?
  • 5 conclusion
To leather product look attractive even after several years, you should regularly take care of himTo leather product look attractive even after several years, you should regularly take care of him

I love my leather jacket - this thing is durable, beautiful and expensive. But it requires careful maintenance, otherwise the material will quickly lose solid appearance. So far I have been able to maintain its attractiveness - was in fact just one year from date of purchase. But now I'm wondering how to clean a leather jacket at home to extend her life after years of wear. Let's deal with this issue.

Caring for leather clothes

It turns out, cleaning leather jacket should be a regular exercise, it will help keep the material in the same dense and beautiful as when buying.

Care for your skin, you can not only use the purchased assetsCare for your skin, you can not only use the purchased assets

But exactly how to clean the skin - depends directly on the density of the material:

instagram viewer
  • For thick fabric. Maintain leather jacket at home to help the proper form soap solution with the addition of a small amount of ammonia. soft cloth in the solution is sufficient to moisten and walk it on the product. Then simply rinse with clean water and wipe the skin dry. At the end of the jacket must be lubricated with a special cream or castor oil.
Soapy water and ammonia - an excellent means for the dense skin careSoapy water and ammonia - an excellent means for the dense skin care

Rubbing soap solution suitable only for surface cleaning, for more complex spots worth considering other ways.

  • For thin skin. When cleaning a soft and thin skin may be used flannel cloth or sponge dry. Wipe clean with a thin skin is too often not worth it, it will change its color.
Soapy water and ammonia - an excellent means for the dense skin careSoapy water and ammonia - an excellent means for the dense skin care

Unfortunately, apart from the small dirt spray and dust, and are sometimes found more stubborn dirt. They are clean leather jacket a little more complicated.

Getting rid of stains

Usually, contamination susceptible areas on the clothes, which are often in contact with the body or rub against surrounding objects. Most affected jacket collar, sleeves and pockets around the region.

Method 1. eliminate greasiness

Due to the discharge of fat in the neck are often dirty collar clothes. The process leather jacket, to save her from a greasy? If a normal shirt in such a case, you can simply wash in the washing machine, the skin so will not work.

You can send your favorite item to the dry cleaners or alcohol to clean the skin. For this:

  • Spread collar and wipe it off with a cotton pad, pre-moistened with alcohol.
  • Next comes in lemon juice. Wipe them contaminated sites.
  • Grease surface glycerine solution.

In the same way, remove grease stains in the pockets and cuffs.

Lemon juice will allow the skin to remain brilliantLemon juice will allow the skin to remain brilliant

Method 2. Remove stubborn stains

Cope with stains from sebum - half the battle, but it is necessary in any case to know how to clean a leather jacket from the more stubborn dirt.

Turpentine help to cope with spots on a leather jacket from the mold and paintTurpentine help to cope with spots on a leather jacket from the mold and paint

Instructions to remove long-standing spots:

View spot removing method
Paint, mold:

Get rid of mildew stains and paint will help solvent. You can use gasoline (only net) or turpentine.

Carefully remove the dirt, then be sure to soften the surface of castor oil, glycerin or a special cream for leather garments. To remove an unpleasant smell, hang out on the balcony of his jacket and grease it with lemon juice.

Ball pen:

Print the spot with a leather jacket, left ink, alcohol will help. Moisten a cotton ball in it and walk on contaminated sites.

salt stains:

Clean the jacket at home from the salt of divorces can be vinegar. This is a very effective tool, whose price - a penny.

Wipe soaked in vinegar with a cotton swab the area with - skin will be clean and shiny.


Bloodstains necessary zastiryvat immediately after the appearance. For this use lather and cold water. Removing the need to carry out, moving from the edge of the stain towards the center, otherwise land pollution will increase.

Hydrogen peroxide - is also an effective means of blood. However, you must first check its impact on inconspicuous area.

Another way to get rid of blood stains - aspirin tablet dissolved in water. Moistened with a brush treat the damaged area, and then clean it with a dry cloth.

The lead spot on the jacket? White spots on the skin helps remove vinegar solutionThe lead spot on the jacket? White spots on the skin helps remove vinegar solution

If you do not trust the people's recipes, you can always use a special stain remover. But I think I'll try the means at hand, if the spots discovered on his leather jacket.

erase lining

Some complications may occur with washing lining. On the one hand, leather much better not to wet the other - does not clear this without lining. This should be done as follows:

  • Remove the jacket. After that, the fingers separate the gasket from the base.
  • moisten the pad. Careful not to touch the leather part of the product, gently wet the cloth and rub it with soap. Better yet, use a powder solution.
  • faded spot. Remove the stain and rinse with water. To cleaning their hands went quickly and conveniently, in the process you can use a sponge or a brush for clothes.
  • rinse the cloth. Dampen the cloth in a weak solution of acetic, after it remove detergent residue.

After cleaning jacket hang on a hanger and leave it dry.

Pad should be washed very carefully so as not very wet skinPad should be washed very carefully so as not very wet skin

How to wash the lining of a leather product without any harm to the material we discussed. Now let's see what to do, so that the jacket was like new.

How to make the coat shine?

To coat looked like a sample of the photo-directory, try:

  • Lemon juice. Cut the lemon in half and rub the surface of the halves. Jackets for big size need more lemon.
  • Egg white. Separate it from the yolks, whisk well. Lubricate the skin protein and, without waiting for it dries, wipe with a soft cloth remnants. After that you will notice right away - Jacket will get a radiant shine.
Beat the egg white to make leather shiny and smoothBeat the egg white to make leather shiny and smooth
  • Onion. Cut the onion in half and slice walk around the jacket. Then wipe it with a flannel cloth.
  • orange peel. If the spots on a leather jacket removed to shine it can be treated with orange peel. Keep in mind that this method is only suitable for dark skin color.


Now we all know not only how to get the stains on the jacket, but also how to make it smooth and shiny. Properly caring for your favorite leather thing you can wear it for a long time. Additional recipes you'll find in the video in this article. And if you know of other ways to care for leather clothing - share in the comments.

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