Samsung refrigeration equipment company differs high quality assembly and rarely gives problems owners. But if you still fails to work, it is necessary to perform the repair of refrigerators Samsung by the specialists of the service center or on their own.
Many problems can be identified and eliminated himself.
The content of the article:
- Features of Samsung refrigerators
- Typical types of faults
- 1. Refrigerator Samsung is not included
- 2. High temperatures in branches
- 3. The problem of ice formation
- 4. Clogging of the drainage system
- Repairs at home
- #1. Complex tasks for self-repair
- #2. Problems with the door and the seal
- #3. Fault temperature sensors
- #4. Eliminating blockages of drainage system
- Useful videos on the topic
Features of Samsung refrigerators
Samsung is positioning his company as members of refrigerators household appliances medium and high price category. For successful sales, in addition to the various functions of multiple settings and exclusive design solutions, such equipment must have high reliability.
Components for refrigerators such as compressors, sensors, relays, well-known companies produce targeted by Samsung order.

They are expensive and are of good quality. Electronics, such as the control and the inverter board, produced at the company-owned plants, and she, too, rarely fails.
Contract warranty repair for Samsung fridges sold in Russia, small - 1 year. Some vendors provide paid services to increase it, or provide for some time shareware repair service.

All equipment installed long warranty period - 7 years. During this time, the manufacturer is obliged to provide support and ensure the maintenance of the product. This means including the availability of original spare parts.
Therefore, in case of failure, we must first carefully examine the warranty service contract. If, however, Samsung refrigerator repair will be made at the expense of the consumer, then there are three options:
- Contact an authorized service center. This is usually the most expensive option, but the repairs will be performed by the manufacturer's standards.
- For repair. It is possible to save on the cost of works and established parts.
- Self-diagnose the problem and try to fix it.
With error reporting system, you can narrow down the sites, which should be checked for serviceability.

Typical types of faults
Failure of one of the nodes leads to a specific external display that the user equipment sees. Any part of the refrigerator may be broken, but each manufacturer prevailing malfunction different.
1. Refrigerator Samsung is not included
If one or all of the chamber of the refrigerator warm, but the inclusion of the compressor does not occur, then there are four main reasons for this failure:
- When there is no any manifestation of work of the motor and sensors are off, there is a problem with the electrics. First we need to check the power outlet and cable integrity. Then you need to call an electrician or to ring out the wiring.
- The same symptoms can be observed in case of failure of the refrigerator electronics. Although the technology Samsung to pay very high quality and there is a high-quality surge protection, while poor electricity supply is still the possibility of their failure.
- If the display, controls and internal lighting work, but the inclusion of the unit does not occur, the most likely cause of the fault is a compressor.
- Similarly behaves temperature sensor failure. In this case, the control unit receives the signal of not exceeding the allowable temperature, and does not give the command to start the compressor.
For Samsung refrigerators there is a way to determine the temperature sensor operation if a long time is not included cooling - it is necessary to activate the forced cooling or accelerated freezing. If the compressor comes into operation, it is a problem in the sensor.

2. High temperatures in branches
If the temperature is high in the cells, but the compressor operates in normal mode, it is likely that the problem is the following:
- Depressurization of capillaries and leakage of Freon. Reducing the pressure in the system and change the conditions of the air entering the phase transition of the refrigerant. In this case, the evaporator cooling capacity is reduced or ceases to function.
- The loss of integrity of the door, resulting in uncontrolled flow of warm air from the kitchen space.
Leakage problems can also be detected by a small layer of frost formation (freezer) or condensate (refrigerating compartment) at the site where adhesion is to be sealing to the body elastics refrigerator.

3. The problem of ice formation
As a result of depressurization of the doors there is another problem - slowly flowing warm air is cooled near the door and there is condensation.
In a freezer, where the temperature is well below zero degrees, there is an increase of dense snow formations admixture with ice particles. The refrigerator compartment condensate leaks through the seal or goes out when the door is opened. In this case, on the front side of the refrigerator will be visible stains.

4. Clogging of the drainage system
Formed on the rear wall of the refrigerator condensate discharged to the outside through a special drain opening. Its diameter is small, since otherwise leakage will be cold. Water is by gravity, therefore the impurity is gradually deposited inside the hole.
The resulting narrowing gradually transformed into a tube, which prevents the drainage of water. Below the refrigerator compartment puddle formed, whereby there is an increase moisture distribution odors and create a favorable environment for growth of microorganisms. Thus, deteriorating conditions of storage products.

Repairs at home
Some problems of the refrigerator can be identified and correct yourself. Modern devices have a high-quality self-diagnosis, which allows to identify the problem without the involvement of a specialist. However, not every repair can be done by hand.

#1. Complex tasks for self-repair
Samsung refrigerators have, there are several faults that are difficult to remove without the experience of repair and special equipment.
Upon detection of refrigerant leaks is necessary not only to eliminate the tube defect or their compounds, but also to compensate for the lost volume. This is a complicated procedure that requires stock isobutane and special equipment to measure its weight.
Determine the amount of refrigerant injected "by eye" can not, because in the best case will not be observed displayed temperature, and at worst there will be problems with the phase transition and the complete absence cooling.

If not running compressor with inverter system, it is necessary to connect the working electronic unit and repeat the start attempt. In case of a successful start-up can establish the fact that the problem is on the side of the control board. If the launch does not happen - the cause of the compressor, which needs to be changed.
Compressor Replacement - a sister procedure for all types of refrigerators and freezers. For its implementation requires a special tool (burner, precise scale for filling of freon filling valve, etc.), coolant supply and the availability of experience of such work. Therefore it is better to call the masters of the service center, which will perform all the work at home.
electronics repair is possible in the presence of obvious signs of damage to the board components, such as capacitors (Symptom - swelling) contacts or traces of oxidation. Proring and restoration of conductive circuits, as well as replacement of capacitor or chip requires special equipment (heat gun, Desoldering, soldering with a wide tip, etc.) and some training.

If the high cost of purchasing a new motherboard or a lengthy term of its delivery, you can contact the company for repair of computer equipment. Produced by Samsung Electronics are of good quality and the simultaneous failure of a large number of components is unlikely. Therefore, time and cost of repairs will most likely negligible.

#2. Problems with the door and the seal
The problem of air passes through the door may occur due to improper position. It is possible to detect with the help of a plumb line. Before deskewing must align with application level the refrigerator. Changing the position of the door is carried out by means of adjusting screws.

If the door is mounted vertically, but there are signs of the air passage, the problem in the seal. If the defect is the presence of folds, it is possible to eliminate them, rubber softened by heating using hot water or hot air gun.
The seal of the PVC is attached to the adhesive for its dismantling is necessary flathead screwdriver. With the blade and the soft sponge must be removed from the groove rubber remnants and glue door.
When installing a new seal, its corner parts can chill a hair dryer to make them more elastic. You can use glue "Moment 88" or silicone sealant for fixing in the door. For new models in the product integrate tape, so the use of adhesives for fixing to the door is not necessary.

#3. Fault temperature sensors
Function test of temperature sensors can perform a resistance measurement method for reciprocal portion of the connector main board of the electronic module. Their location depends on the board, but there is an established color differentiation circuits:
- a freezer compartment sensor - dark blue;
- Sensor cooling chamber - blue;
- yellow - the defrost sensor.
If the temperature change resistance remains at one level, this indicates that the sensor is not working. To change it is necessary to remove the back cover protecting the evaporator and the defrost heater elements of the system.

Sometimes sensors frosted and covered with frost. Since snow is a poor conductor of heat, the fixing temperature changes in the refrigerator compartments occurs. In this case, it helps to complete defrosting. However, you must check the work «No Frost» fan to prevent recurrence of the problem.
#4. Eliminating blockages of drainage system
The drainage port is disposed on the rear wall of the chamber at the bottom of a special chute for collecting water from the evaporator. In order to clean it is necessary to use a thin, flexible plastic needle or wire braided impaled on them a brush.
The second method of cleaning is to use a syringe with a suitable diameter nozzle. Pressure hot water penetrates the stopper. Use solvents or any cleaning products at the same time you can not - they do not act on the plastic.

Cleaning drainage holes can be made for 20-30 seconds, so turn off and, especially, to defrost the refrigerator is not necessary. However, most likely, you will have to remove one of the shelves.
Useful videos on the topic
The inclusion of Samsung refrigerator test mode. Verifying temperature sensors using resistance measurements:
Movie about the diagnosis of breakdowns and repairs of two cooling units Samung:
Continuation of the previous informative material:
Samsung refrigerators are of good quality components and assemblies. Their frequency of repairs is lower than the low-end models. If there was a failure, then identify the problematic node can own. repair, but sometimes still have to call the professionals can spend the most in some cases.