What is delicious yosta berry?

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Selection has given the world many new types of hybrid plants, not an exception and the yoshta. What is it, interests every gardener and owner of the infield. Varieties of the hybrid differ in yield, size of fruit and resistance to disease.

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Joshta: what is it?

Creation of an amphibian plant with large berries, resistant to temperature changes and frosts was carried out by I.V. Michurin. In 1970, a fruit bearing shrub appeared in Germany, which was adapted for agricultural production.

Joshta is a hybrid of currant and gooseberry. The adult bush reaches, m in height. Powerful woody shoots do not have thorns. Gray-brown branches intertwine. Crown diameter -2 m. Strand formation weak.

The branched root system extends 35-45 cm deep into the soil. Large openwork leaves are located on thick cuttings. On the inner side of the leaf plate, light feeding strands are expressed.

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Large yellow or white-pink flowers are collected in the inflorescence. Petals smooth, smooth. Flowering joshta in mid-June.

Black with a purple tint of berries are located on the hands of 4-6 pieces. Smooth skin is dense and durable. The pulp is juicy, aromatic with a spicy muscat taste. The ripened berries are sweet, without jelly and bitter. Weight of one fruit

Ripe berries do not crumble and do not rot. Transportable, after collection they are stored in special containers up to 5-7 days. Do not lose taste and presentation.

The description of yoshty would be incomplete without the characteristics of the plant:

  1. The bush is resistant to frosts and temperature changes. Grown in regions with a changing climate.
  2. Not amazed by the ordinary aphid and the chervets.
  3. Carries the effect of direct sunlight.
  4. Berries are universal in application, is used in cooking for preparation of stewed fruit, juices, jams, jams and desserts.
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Life expectancy yoshty: 25-35 years. The plant is widespread in Western Europe, central and southern regions of Russia.

Varieties of yoshty

The description of varieties and photos of yoshty will help the grower to choose a plant suitable for the specific climatic conditions of the region. All varieties are distinguished by the lack of bearing and uneven ripening of berries.

British EMB

The variety was bred by British breeders in the early 1980s. The average size of the plant reaches, m in height. Dark green leaves with a diameter of 5-8 cm expand to the base. The flowering period starts at the end of April and lasts 2, 3 weeks.

Large oval berries weighing up to, g, blue, black. Fruits are sweet, fragrant, with small bones inside. Ripen berries, months.

Swiss Crohn

The variety is bred in Switzerland. A low bush grows to, m in length. The sprouting shoots are woody, thickened at the base. Round berries are small or medium. Fetal weight: -2 g. In a brush 3-6 berries ripen.

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The yield is average, from one bush is collected up to, kg of fruit. The variety is frost-resistant, does not suffer from nocturnal frosts and cold dew.

Joshta Rekst

The height of thin erect shoots m. Large black berries weighing up to, oval. The flesh is sugary, with a pronounced currant aroma. The oblong seeds are small.

Productivity is high: from each bush gather up to 1, kg of fruit. The mature berries dry and fall off the pedicels. Fruits are resistant to gray rot and blotchiness.

Hybrid variety of Yohini

The first hybrid variety of yoshty. The plant is tall, reaching 2 m in height. Wide sheet plates are cut with wrinkles. White flowers are collected in the inflorescence. Round dark blue berries are sweet and fragrant. From the bush they remove up to 9 kg of fruit.

Joshta Moreau

The plant grows to 2 m long. Dark berries are large, the skin is covered with a waxy coating. Pulp is sour-sweet with a distinct muscat flavor. Fruits do not crumble when ripe, they are attached to long, sturdy pedicels.

The variety is resistant to frost and disease. In the shade, the leaves darken, and the number of flowers and ovaries decreases. With a shortage of moisture, berries stop growing and dry up.

Description of varieties and photos of yoshty can be found in the directory of plant breeding. Scientists annually deduce new grades, improving technical characteristics of a bush and flavoring qualities of fruits.

Useful properties and contraindications yoshty

The fruits of yoshty absorbed all the useful properties of gooseberries and currants. Caloric content of 100 g of berries: 45 kcal. The pulp contains fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

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Beneficial features:

  1. Restores hemoglobin, in combination with drugs treats anemia.
  2. Contains vitamin C, strengthens immunity. He treats colds and SARS.
  3. Normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates diarrhea and swelling.
  4. Mixed berries with honey help with hypertension and arrhythmia.
  5. The phytoncides contained in the fruits eliminate inflammations and fungal infections.
  6. The pulp is rich in vitamin P, normalizes blood flow, strengthens blood vessels and veins.

Regular use of yosta berries promotes the removal of toxins and toxins from the body. Fruits are recommended for people with diabetes. Help reduce body weight and restore muscle tissue.

Contraindications yoshty:

  1. Do not use with individual intolerance components of the composition and allergic reactions to the product.
  2. Contraindicated in people with a risk of thrombosis.
  3. Use with caution in ulcers, gastritis, Crohn's disease and colitis.

If a person is allergic to currants or gooseberries, then it is recommended to give up using yoshty.

Useful properties and contraindications of yoshty decrease with conservation. When cooking, the concentration of vitamin C in the fruit decreases, causing allergy. The phytoncides that act in fresh berries are not preserved in jams and compotes.

Knowing what Jost, every gardener wants to put on the site, this berry bush with tasty and healthy fruit. The unpretentiousness, yield and versatility of fruit use made the plant popular on the territory of Russia.

Video about yoshte


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